Posted July 8, 200420 yr Yep as stated in "the bar", I'm selling the YZF, I'm getting to auld n sore, I'm not giving up bike's, oh no!!!. But I'll go for a FJ1200 if I can find one, I know it wont be the balls out "head in the clocks, arse in the air" of the yzf, but thats life!. But it's all thanks to my bike smash from years ago, yep there's few thinks "showing up" now, bastard! :evil:
July 8, 200420 yr Author Y'know summit XT, my mate said that, I told him to behave himself!, no really, I think I'm gona try and go for another FJ12. I did really like it, but it's like the Cinderella song I heard years ago, "you dont know what youv'e got till it's gone". Yep!, a truer word couldn't be spoken in my case. And the same could be said for the BM I had this time a year ago too :evil:. By f*ck, Iv'e really made alot of big big mistakes in the last year :evil: :roll:
July 9, 200420 yr We all make buying errors axl...but take my advice....get a test ride on an XT, and then tell me that you didn't have the most fun on a bike in years.
July 9, 200420 yr Moderator It's all about learning from those mistakes Axl :wink: Take your time with getting a new 2-wheeler.......get the one that best fits your needs
July 9, 200420 yr Author Yea this time Iv'e made my mind up, I will go another FJ12, problem is finding one . XT.........I'll be "two up" alot if/when I can find another FJ, so I dont think the XT will be suitable, thats not saying it's not a good bike.
July 9, 200420 yr I'm 2 up on the XT 90% of the time. It's not a problem providing your pillion is someone you're intimate with!
July 9, 200420 yr Author Eh, well believe it or not, it'll my mom who'll be on the back :roll: :shock: :? It's a long story guy's, basically it's my mom who I just found after nearly 40 years, how about that!. And she like's bikes 8)
July 9, 200420 yr My mum used to commute on a Honda 90 every day, rain or shine. She was a star, seems like your's is as well axl
July 9, 200420 yr Author No not yet, I was going for the 04 R1, but nope!, sports bikes are nockin' the shit outa me, just an auld fart noo! . I'm looking through just about every bike web site for ads I can find, but as you'll know by now Iv'e decided to go for another FJ12. It's a bit weird having a mom who's into bike's, really fekin' weird! :roll: Eh, it's "Mom" Yammie, she's American!!, born in the Bonnie land quite a few years ago, but spent the last 40 yrs in the NJ.
July 9, 200420 yr Author Yep!, you could say that, it's turned both our live's upside down, and is a total mixture of emotions. I'm (and so is she prpbably) still getting used to it.
July 13, 200420 yr Author Nope!, not yet. I didnt put it in the bike trader, or do you mean the Ad trader (the blue n Yellow paper), it's in that, and a couple of other sites.
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