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Anyone see Suzi Perry on a question of sport?...what a babe she is....schwwinnnnnggg :lol: tent pole :wink:

Yeah man! Sexy biker babes are always nice!! :lol: Suzi Baby..........

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if i was single i'd steam right in there :roll:

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axl you must gay if you are selling your YZF :wink: for a FJ1200 :shock:

Eh, it's the result of my bike smash I had years ago, my wrists & back ache like hell, even after a small journey.

Nope!, it's time to call it a day for sports bikes for me, oh well thats life I s'ppose!

Y'see the thing, unlike getting a test drive in a car, you cant really do that with bike's, unless (if you buy from a "stealer", which I didn't) you can get run on a "demo".

If I'd got a goos run on it before hand I dont think I'd bought it, but it's no fault of the bike, it's down to me.

Wise move to go and get a standard axl.

Damn sight easier to live with, especially as you get older.

I had an FJ12 this time last yr, and sold it :roll:, ok it wasn't the scratcher like the yzf but it was still pretty dam quick.

But I guess you have to give things a try at time's, oh well thats me, well Iv'e tried.

The FJ's a great bike....one of the best Yam motors of all time.

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good thinking Axl, no good punishing yourself with something that isnt comfortable 8)

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