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so its gone midnight, i sit here at my computer, wide awake, sipping coffee and listening to my iPod...

its 3 minutes past midnight... so thought i should say good morning...

that is all... :mellow:

so its gone midnight, i sit here at my computer, wide awake, sipping coffee and listening to my iPod...

Errr - you really need to get out more Foamy!!


the night is only starting got another 2 hours until my normal bed time but bikes in at 8 in the moring to have new sprocet and hub and a full service.

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i have come tot hat point where my natural supplies of energy have depleted and im reliant on a combination of caffeine, sugar and Metallica to keep me awake.

its a wonderful night to contemplate the mysteries of the universe though... :huh:

i have come tot hat point where my natural supplies of energy have depleted and im reliant on a combination of caffeine, sugar and Metallica to keep me awake.

its a wonderful night to contemplate the mysteries of the universe though... :huh:

pfft to metallica

go COB(children of bodom) on the go hear <_<

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wanna rock and roll


yep, a bit of Kiss to get the funk poppin'

nowww youvvv got somting to die fooooorrrrrrrr(growl/scream)

lamb of god :)

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okay, heres a philosophical question for you all...

If a mouse goes outside, does it become a rat?, and if there's a rat in the house is it a mouse?

no because a mouse and a rat have a diforent DNA strain so bothe are classed as there own spicies as a mouse comes from the vowle family where as a rat comes from a family that i carnt remember the name off lol

had to do it in science befor we cut them apart :P

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alright then, what are hiccups EXACTLY?

solve that one smartass... :lol:

not sure on this one but will take a stab in the dark

hickups are a form of burp that is a reapeating buble in your chest/stomach made up of gasses that a obtaind when inhailed or are caused buy gasey drinks and the acid in your stomach reacting with the gas's of the drink and will repeat until the air/gas buble is gone or you stomach i lined with a good layer of food stoping the gas from escaping (then you get wind)

lol that was just from using my biology knolage :P

i did science a lot at 2 diforent schools so did 2 lots of diforent year 10 work and one lot of year 11 work got 3 GCSE's for science in total

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the correct answer is a spasm of the diaphragm resulting in a rapid, involuntary inhalation that is stopped by the sudden closure of the glottis and accompanied by a sharp, distinctive sound

yeh, and you all thought i was just the village idiot :lol:

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nah little buggers will be still tucked up with their teddies and snoring Drewps, bloody kids of today!!!! when i was their age i used to be in bed at 10 home by 3 and up to go too work again at 7


ahh but how wrong u are im up lol :P

bike service at 9

  • Author

i was out at that time! :lol:

waited around until about 4AM, watched a bit of Top Gear on TV then went out towards enborne and watched the sun rise over newbury whilst sitting on an old stone bridge overlooking the countryside, something i have never seen im my 16 years of life, was almost... poetic... :lol:

  • Moderator

i was out at that time! :lol:

waited around until about 4AM, watched a bit of Top Gear on TV then went out towards enborne and watched the sun rise over newbury whilst sitting on an old stone bridge overlooking the countryside, something i have never seen im my 16 years of life, was almost... poetic... :lol:

I thought you went to India on your Jawa

alright then, what are hiccups EXACTLY?

solve that one smartass... :lol:

involuntary diaphragm spasms.

waited around until about 4AM, watched a bit of Top Gear on TV then went out towards enborne and watched the sun rise over newbury whilst sitting on an old stone bridge overlooking the countryside, something i have never seen im my 16 years of life, was almost... poetic... :lol:

Seriously chum, you've gotta get a hobby, get a girlfriend or just stop drinking Red Bull!!!!

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