Posted June 25, 200420 yr My best friend is almost suicidal he got up this morning and his R6 is gone. Don't these people care about the effect this has on us? And all he got from the police was " There was quite a few bike thefts last night" Oh well thats alright then as long as he wasn't the only one!
June 25, 200420 yr Admin I know exactly how your mate feels, we had 3 bikes stolen in one night and the police didnt seem to give a shit about it, but i bet if it had been a car we would have had forensics and all sorts up our house :evil:
June 25, 200420 yr Moderator That SUCKS! :evil: .......I'd be going Ape-Shit Crazy if I woke up to find any of my bikes gone :x Thieving B****rds like that have absolutely NO clue as to who they're f**king with! :Po
June 25, 200420 yr Fuck sake, thats shite!!, these scum should be shot, the cops dont seem to care much at all, there all to busy doing motorists/biker's to do anything serious. I had a bike nicked a long time ago, but I still remember it as is it was yesterday, it's total gut wrenching, bastards that lot of them :evil: As Iv'e said for a long time, the law's an arse and has to be changed!!!
June 25, 200420 yr Sorry to hear about your mate's R6 being nicked!! Fookin' Bastards!! I know it sounds nasty but I hope these TWOCers really hurt themselves while riding other people's bikes!!! :evil: Just wondering if your mate locks his bike even though it's sitting in his garage? Cos' if I had a garage, I'd still be locking my bike to an anchor or something solid.
June 25, 200420 yr :evil: Theiving scum. I hope you find out who they are so you can pay them a visit to teach them the error of their ways. Amanda
June 25, 200420 yr Even more frightening today is the psychos who go round dumping Suzukis in your garage overnight! :shock: What sick freaks!
June 25, 200420 yr Even more frightening today is the psychos who go round dumping Suzukis in your garage overnight! :shock: What sick freaks! lol indeed they are yea police dont do shit when it comes to theft, i reckon they probly think, 'o thats 1 less biker on the road so its less work for us' but really its still on the road in probly someone else hu cant even ride hands. hell i was pissed off enough when my exhaust and k and n were nicked and ive only just got a new k and n, still missing the exhaust thing is its happend now, u cant do shit about it acept try and carry on as normal but be more cautious
June 25, 200420 yr a feeling of helplessness i would imagine hopefully the R6 will give them a lesson in tank slapping sorry to hear about it the scum dont deserve such treasures, a car being nicked? meh but a bike? Assholes...
June 25, 200420 yr Even more frightening today is the psychos who go round dumping Suzukis in your garage overnight! :shock: What sick freaks! :shock: :tsk :moon Amanda
June 25, 200420 yr Even more frightening today is the psychos who go round dumping Suzukis in your garage overnight! :shock: What sick freaks! i bet you'd love it if someone done that 8) :roll: :wink:
June 25, 200420 yr :shock: :tsk :moon Amanda You're still my centrefold Amanda....just make sure that the Shitzuki isn't in the picture!
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