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well i was pulling out of sainsburys the other day and gave it some welly and the front came up (quite high) and then went down as fast as it came up

i have been trying to do it ever since on a bit of tarmack near where i live and for the life of me i carnt get it up i was in first when i did it and im prety sure all i did was wack the throttle back now when i try it only come up about a inch max

i know you can do it buy droping out the cluch but not confident doing this at the moment

all i want to know is it the bike thats the problem or me ??

lol and i know i shouldent be doing it but just find it fun and have been doing it on bikes(mountain bike) for years so im kinda used to the fealing

sell the MT-03 and get a jawa, much easier on them, just keep your foot pressed down on the gearlever to disengage the clutch, build up the revs and let go of the gear lever, the clutch engages and off you go :)

dont forget your MT is only a little single so dont expect it to go up easy (ooh er, missus), standing on the rear footpegs does make wheelieing easier as the majority of your weight is transferred to the back end.

oh, and make sure your mates are filming it on their camera phones so they can upload the videos onto youtube and we can all have a good laugh when you drop it :lol:

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  barwell1992 said:
well i was pulling out of sainsburys the other day and gave it some welly and the front came up (quite high) and then went down as fast as it came up

i have been trying to do it ever since on a bit of tarmack near where i live and for the life of me i carnt get it up i was in first when i did it and im prety sure all i did was wack the throttle back now when i try it only come up about a inch max

i know you can do it buy droping out the cluch but not confident doing this at the moment

all i want to know is it the bike thats the problem or me ??

lol and i know i shouldent be doing it but just find it fun and have been doing it on bikes(mountain bike) for years so im kinda used to the fealing

YOU are the problem, you can whelie anything. Its just a question of experience and balance coupled with enough money to fix it WHEN you get it wrong. When that happens on a pushbike you just get up but it can have some nasty concequences on a motorbike.

Its all about balance point which is quite high, the same as the sweet spot when you whelie a mountain bike. Its high enough to sort of float, needs very little effort to keep it there. When you have hoisted it you need to cover the rear brake to stop you going over the top.

I can't do it, well at least not with any style and i've bust enough taillights to know when to give up.

OH BTW it WILL kracker your steering head bearings and your headlight assy will fall to bits, have fun.

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haha ok well maybe i will wait till i paid for my own bike then give it a go :P

and i have never actuly falen off my push bike when on the back wheel allways have the back break coverd (i did when i was on the MT to)

could be somthing to do with me been verry heavy at 15stone lol :P

but dont think i will bother trying again unles i buy and crosser

cheers for the advice btw

ohh and foamy i never let my mates wach lol i allways get it wrong when they are there and i dident want to do it to show off any way just somthing that i have always wanted to try because it looks fun :)

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You could get a rotund (fat) person to sit on the back.

  • Author

haha or i could just sit on the back LOL

  Cynic said:
you can whelie anything.

I'd love to see someone manage it on my Dragstar!!!

Try this;

Find a long, wide stretch of straight, level, empty road to practice on.

Pull away in 1st and rev it up to speed.

At the point where you'd normally shift up, just pull in the clutch and let it coast. The speed will drop away slowly.

Then give it some serious revs on the throttle and let the clutch out.

Experiment with how far you let the clutch out. Start by letting it out and then pulling it in straight away.

Remember to make sure the bike is perfectly upright when you start fucking about on it, else you'll high and/or low side the thing.

Or, just go here;


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cheers for that i thoght that was the way you did it properly but wasent sure but will have to wait to try it when i have my crosser or a bike i paid for lol

cover the back brake (^^^), in first ride up to have of the available revs, tottle along at this speed (will no doubt sound revvy). When you are ready, just whip the throttle open. Be prepared for it to come up fast (this is prob what happened to you the other day). I find standing on the pegs makes this a lot easier.

go steady.

  • Moderator

  Ttaskmaster said:
I'd love to see someone manage it on my Dragstar!!!


At the first MCN Skeggy weekend Me and Sven got an electra glide up in the air 2 up, then spent the rest of the test ride seeing how much metal we could take off the running boards.

We were banned from the stand when we got back, wonder why :rolleyes:

  Cynic said:
you can whelie anything.

No you can't

Hi Good idea from wild and foamy get your mates to get it out there on U.TUBE and make sure your number plate is on full display then the police can call have a chat and get idiots like you of the road. People who behave like that on the public road get the rest of us a bad name.

Lew :angry:

  Lew said:
wild and foamy

... the same person, mate... :blink:

Barwell aint gonna be too happy with you :P

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  Lew said:
Hi Good idea from wild and foamy get your mates to get it out there on U.TUBE and make sure your number plate is on full display then the police can call have a chat and get idiots like you of the road. People who behave like that on the public road get the rest of us a bad name.

Lew :angry:

as far as im conserned you can go do ure self as i sead i did it buy acident when i was out side sainsburys and then when i was trying to do it i was on private land near my house so next time you should consider reading more carfuly as it does state i was on a random pice of tarmac nearmy house in my first post ....... :angry:

You know what I'm sick of this site, I honestly thought one could have sensible topics on here, not some muppets talking crap, how do I get the wheel up, maybe we should have a section for the children.

Thankfully not everyone on here is a total idiot.


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  Lew said:
You know what I'm sick of this site, I honestly thought one could have sensible topics on here, not some muppets talking crap, how do I get the wheel up, maybe we should have a section for the children.

Thankfully not everyone on here is a total idiot.


yes and this is a sensible topic...... i dont see any thing wrong with it .... i could if i was on the road trying but im not.

and as far as "im sick if this site" and "mupets talking crap" well all i can say is hello and good by if you dont like it/us then as far as im concerned you can walk on by...

and loved the way you back tracked in the last centence " not everyone on here is a total ideot" now thats what i call covering ure ass

  barwell1992 said:
as far as im conserned you can go do ure self as i sead i did it buy acident when i was out side sainsburys and then when i was trying to do it i was on private land near my house so next time you should consider reading more carfuly as it does state i was on a random pice of tarmac nearmy house in my first post ....... :angry:

Hi don't loose it sunshine, were exactly does it say you WERE ON PRIVATE LAND, a tip for you use spell check .

  • Author

no where i just sead a bit of tarmac i would have sead on the road if i ment the road.

and im dislexic thats why my spelling sucks

Now now, children.... No need for a pissing contest!!!

  Cynic said:
Me and Sven got an electra glide up in the air 2 up

Does that weigh 230kgs and have only 40bhp?

That's MASSIVE next to my Drag!!

If you can indeed wheelie anything, do it with a Tank!!!! :o:unsure::lol:

  Lew said:
People who behave like that on the public road get the rest of us a bad name.

Hence me directing him to a proper school, where he can go to safely learn this.

He never precisely said it was on private land.... but neither did he say it was public road, either...

  Lew said:
Hi don't loose it sunshine, were exactly does it say you WERE ON PRIVATE LAND, a tip for you use spell check .

So he ain't the only one, then? :lol:

Seriously though, let it go.

OK, so he's not exactly behaving himself, but he's having fun and not hurting anyone else. He's also taking steps to ensure he isn't going to hurt anyone else.

Let him get on with it, let him learn at a proper school and if he falls of and hurts himself, just smile sweetly and mercilessly take the piss out of him.

No worries, eh!!!

  • Author

^^^ lol exactly and im seriously thinking about going to that school but carnt yet stupid restricted license

sorry for going off on one lew u just hit a nerv :P no harm done

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