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i think its silly and childish blocking people from using forums. yeah you might be a bitm ore respected than i am on here, but i dont really care. and tbh i aint a twat, the girl just wanted to get home as it was raining and it was quicker for her to get home, i been riding bikes for years, i have experience i wasnt going to fall off on an empty back road in the middle of the welsh valley at 1 oclock in the morning. yeah you can delete my account on here if you so wish. but that is just childish behavior, i know, you will probably say that it was childish behavior me bunking a girl without a helmet, yeah i know it was i aint done it before, but as i just explained it was raining and she wanted to get home.

Childish behaviour huh?

I think most of us on here would class taking a girl on the back of your bike with no helmet and no consideration to what could happen IN THE RAIN rather childish........

thanks guys, not really, haha, i wont be coming back here, you all a bunch of wankers, and tbh you saying "someone who knows about bikes" and ikm sitting here with a diploma in moter veichle mechanics and going on to study it in uni, thanks a lot guys, only wanted to feckin know your opinions on the brake pads, dont reli give a fuck, only crash as much in the rain as i do in the dry. and riding around with a back brake aint hard at all if you ask me, i used to ride a push bike around with no fuckin brakes for fuck sake. fuck u all

Shall i tell you where to shove your diploma? I think you can guess though pal.

I study at uni too - but it dont make me invincible, nor does it make me the all knowing oracle on motorcycles. However i do know that doing what you did makes you a prime candidate for twat of the year - a diploma well earned in my book.

You crash as much in the dry as you do in the rain? oooooh how many times have we heard that. :rolleyes:

No one knows whats gonna happen when you sling your leg over a bike - and you sir, are no fuckin exception.

You come on here wanting an opinion on your brakes, and think its big and clever to carry a girl on a bike that is unsafe with no helmet, in the rain at 1 in the morning, and you wonder why folk have a pop.

Go away, think abou twhat you did and fuckin grow up :angry:

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"Whats all this shouting" ? :huh:

........ as for i dont look after my bike, i have taken the whole thing apart and re built it since i bought it 4 weeks ago .......

maybe thats why the pad fell off, perhaps you forgot a bolt.

....... and ikm sitting here with a diploma in moter veichle mechanics and going on to study it in uni, .......

and yet even with that diploma in mechanics you don't know why your pads fell off.....

to me that explains why you would take a helmet-less passenger out in the rain.

and not that it is any safer, but what happened to chivalry? give the lady your helmet.

unless you weren't wearing one either.

give the lady your helmet.

unless you weren't wearing one either.

Give the lady your helmet?, ooh eer missus - titter yee not!

Give the lady your helmet?, ooh eer missus - titter yee not!

Lol (in the style of Syd James) :lol:

I work for a college that teaches the IMIA (Institute of Motor Industry Award) Motorcycle Maintenance up to level 2, and we're moving into Motor Vehicle and level 3 as of next year...

Reading and writing are covered and students can fail if their literary skills are as bad as niiick's - I don't see how he will cope at University.

Also - If he has replaced the pads two weeks ago, and now they're "shot" I would think that HE has done something wrong.


No wonder Richard Brunstrom has it in for moyorcyclists in Wales!!! Idiots like YOU make him right in all his campaigns against us.

But then again as a person who has a 'Diploma in motor VEHICLE mechanics' and not in MOTORCYCLE mechanics, you wouldn't know about the problem the dt125's have with the caliper carriers.


No wonder Richard Brunstrom has it in for moyorcyclists in Wales!!! Idiots like YOU make him right in all his campaigns against us.

But then again as a person who has a 'Diploma in motor VEHICLE mechanics' and not in MOTORCYCLE mechanics, you wouldn't know about the problem the dt125's have with the caliper carriers.

oh you forgot to add 'would you' !!! :lol:

Regards Jim

suck me off lads, it was 1 in the morning and i was taking her about a quater of a mile home

well I might know a young lady who would do that ... as long as ur clean and pay about £30 for the job to be done, other than that I guess ur passenger would be up for it ... as long as both of u r in one piece and dont have some form of head injury.

Regards Jim

  • Moderator

thanks guys, not really, haha, i wont be coming back here, you all a bunch of wankers, and tbh you saying "someone who knows about bikes" and ikm sitting here with a diploma in moter veichle mechanics and going on to study it in uni, thanks a lot guys, only wanted to feckin know your opinions on the brake pads, dont reli give a fuck, only crash as much in the rain as i do in the dry. and riding around with a back brake aint hard at all if you ask me, i used to ride a push bike around with no fuckin brakes for fuck sake. fuck u all

please tel me where you can study for this diploma and get a qualification like that and not know why your bloody brake pads flew out, cos i would like to go and get a diploma there as well, Stick around and tell us where you are working so we can avoid you and the premises, and the idiot that has the misfortune to employ you, my best suggestion is you steer clear of all motor vehicles because you obviously are danger to yourself and the rest of the planet when you are near one. find yourself a more suitable job flipping burgers etc and get mummy or daddy to drive you to work or take the bus bus because you obviously]y do not have the correct mentality too be in charge of any motorised vehicle, if you do decide to leave please do not slam the door on the way out, by the way the only qualification i have is common sense.of which you seem to be totally lacking, i will not go into the ins and outs of not have in a front brake but if you have this diploma you should have worked it out yourself, maybe just before you hit the poor unfortunate pedestrian or hopefully wall you will work it out


What a prick this guy is.

Guess that diploma came out of a Kinder egg.

Bye bye loser, don't let the door hit your arse on the way out...

What a twunt of mammoth proportions!

I cannot believe there are poeple like that lol!

My piss is boiling.


Im shur the girls on her would back me up on this but, Id have thought the girl would have liked the offer off his water prof bike jaket and been walked home safely while he pushed his bike.. but whot do i know . But my pads are where there meant to be :lol:

having read the whole thread, theres simply one word coming out of my mouth...


He can give it all the big talk, and call ppl w*nkers (mind you, he used a plural word, implying all of us) over the net, but be reassured, if i bump heads with him, it'll be more than bumps on his head!!!


Me thinks the girls on here would get on their own bikes and leave the little boy eating our dust actually :lol:

  • Moderator

Me thinks the girls on here would get on their own bikes and leave the little boy eating our dust actually :lol:

I reckon eating dust would be pleasure to what i would have him eating well and no doubt a few others


Aren't we going a little overboard here peeps?

During my 34 years of biking, i have done a lot worse than matey boy who started this has admitted to. Apart from the hurling insults thing obviously! But he responed to our (the sites) posts to his topic, which were not very welcoming to a (supposedly) young lad.

Not looking for a row, just commenting on reading the whole thread through.

Just my two penn'orth.

I'll get me coat! :lol::lol::lol:

what you on about i put new pads on there 2 weeks ago, and as for i dont look after my bike, i have taken the whole thing apart and re built it since i bought it 4 weeks ago, you might be a moderator but the only reason im hear is because i love bikes just as the next guy, i think its silly and childish blocking people from using forums. yeah you might be a bitm ore respected than i am on here, but i dont really care. and tbh i aint a twat, the girl just wanted to get home as it was raining and it was quicker for her to get home, i been riding bikes for years, i have experience i wasnt going to fall off on an empty back road in the middle of the welsh valley at 1 oclock in the morning. yeah you can delete my account on here if you so wish. but that is just childish behavior, i know, you will probably say that it was childish behavior me bunking a girl without a helmet, yeah i know it was i aint done it before, but as i just explained it was raining and she wanted to get home.

Frankly in that situation I would have had HER wear the helmet and went without myself. Never endanger the passenger more than yourself.

  • Moderator

Aren't we going a little overboard here peeps?

During my 34 years of biking, i have done a lot worse than matey boy who started this has admitted to. Apart from the hurling insults thing obviously! But he responed to our (the sites) posts to his topic, which were not very welcoming to a (supposedly) young lad.

Not looking for a row, just commenting on reading the whole thread through.

Just my two penn'orth.

Well when I read the thread it said

I was doing 40 into a nasty bend

On a wet road

With a girl on the back not wearing a helmet

with shot brake pads

is this not neglect in your book?...sorry you dont think I was welcoming but sometimes things just need saying.

Yes, thats near enough to what it says in the post. But then i read it again, i reckon this guy has an auto 50cc bike, supposedly tuned with a brand spanking new power band fitted, and was donig nearer 15 mph into a moderate bend and didnt crash, rather than the stated speed and derring do. He sounds young, wanting to impress and hasn't got a clue how to.

We get guys wanting to join the Bike Club with this attitude sometimes, they almost need to be taught how to operate in society, some are worth the effort, some arent. But the ones who obvioulsy benefit from being with us are worth the effort for everyone.

Maybe this guy was worth some guidance from us, maybe he wasnt, we will never get the chance to find out.

In hindsight (which is handy) maybe a moderator should have had a chat and "advised" a withdrawl of the post and had a bit of a chat with the guy and explained that putting stuff like that up was bound to wind people up, and maybe suggested a better and more honest post. But thats with hindsight so it doesnt count.

All due respect to the Mods on here, never had a problem, not saying that they are at fault or owt, oh bugger, i wish i hadn't started this, well, its been nice,

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