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Fekin' ell' I couldnt handle all that :shock:

Well I dont think.

Then again, I suppose if you grew up with them it'd be diffirent.

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no, drinking is legal drugs aint i dont have any time for drugs wheter it be a little bit of cannabis or whole load of heroin or cocaine and we do come on here to talk about bikes etc not illegal activity

hey moz i didnt start that bloody topic just giving my opinion like the rest of us. and anyway i was talking about bikes and how weed affects your riding. :roll:

and shit me i came on here this morning and this topic had gone on by 5 pages...

This must be the longest thread EVER on this forum, and it started off about Assen! :lol:

dont worry about it dibey, opinions will clash about almost every topic on here, as long as we're all into yams that's the main thing 8)

This must be the longest thread EVER on this forum, and it started off about Assen!  :lol:

I didn't know that till I looked pg 1, oh well :lol:

Thats the longest Iv'e "spoke" on a site ever too, it was about 4ish hours last night :shock:

:wink: its the company ur keepin !!!

i like a good argument

it would be a bloody borin world if we all liked the same stuff and thought the same way

:lol: :lo:lol: :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: l: :lol::lol::lol::lol: :lol: :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: :lol: :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: :lol: :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Oh dont u worry bugger lugs, I will :twisted:

Yes I will cum if invited


Then again u'd need 2 be hard wouldn't u


Aye, I got u that time smarty arse :D/ :mrgreen:

U'd better check u'r spelling in future mss


well im off out to my bros soon

try to play nicely

i will be bac sun night i may still go to brands if i do i will take my camera and take some shots......hope they some sexy males around..............c ya soon guys

xx mmwwah

C ya Yammie, n like ye say get some good pics

Remember not to get to close to the marshals, or they might just cum all over u with their fire extinguisher's


Enjoy yersel :wink:

No offence mate....but you sound like my kids! :lol:

They've got TV, DVD, VCR, PS2, X-Box, Gamecube, Gameboy, PC.....then they say "they're bored". :roll:

I don't want to sound like a grumpy old man, but in my day we had none of those things.

There are better things to do to pass the time than take stuff to turn you into a giggling vegetable.

Join up to a decent bodybuilding gym and get training hard. You'll feel better mentally and physically, and you'll be more attractive to the ladies with a good body than if you're a creepy little junkie. 8)

i have a 14" tv in my room and thats it, im not keen on it. i do do kung fu on mondays and fridays tennis on tuedays and race radio control cars on thursday then work sats and sundays. gym bores me to, and as strange as this may sound, id rather ride a bike than a girl most times, simply because, i enjoy it more. so i have no need to tone up for the girlies tbh, cus im lazy, very lazy....

also when it comes down to money, i have non, im at school 7 days a week (well was untill a few weeks ago) and work at weekends. u wanna know what i spend it on, every last penny, my bike. and guess whats still wrong with it.

scratched plastics all round and rear left one snapped (not my fault theifs fault(fucker))

speedo doesnt work (new speedo drive needed)

exhaust blowing at join as its bodged from an 1988 old dt50 on the wrong side upside down (not my fault either, fucking theif again) and its extremly loud

engine does not preform as it isnt tuned as the air box does not fit correctly (theifs fault again)

no rear left indicator and front one just shorts the entire lights (due to shit stand which i cant afford to get rewelded....again)

no tail light cover (fucking thing snapped off a couple of nights ago)

dipped lights dont work (dunno what the hells wrong with it)

pads are worn almost right down

no stand spring, using a bungie cord atm >:|

just had to replace throttle cable

you know the anoying thing 3 weeks ago i got the bike up to perfect speck with absoulty nothing wrong so i could sell it, then 2 weeks ago i got insureance so i could ride it again for a bit...bad fucking move eh. 2 weeks and all that shit, im certrainly not made of money. but thats going a little of topic. you wanna know why your kids have all the stuff and there boared. they want something more fun which genrally costs alot of money. infact his a good example

ps2 - £180 (not sure if thats 100% right but im sure it was that much at some point)

lasts for about 3 months before it becomes boring

1/4 of weed every 2 weeks for 3 months £10 a 1/4 so £60, alot cheaper, and you still get thrills even after 3 months, hell its good for years even though its the same old shit, its the new experiances each time you get off it thats good.

id rather ride a bike than a girl most times

you have either been shagging the wrong girls or riding a VERY good bike mate. give it time, a good leg over will be the ultimate goal 8) :lol:

i have a 14" tv in my room and thats it, im not keen on it. i do do kung fu on mondays and fridays tennis on tuedays and race radio control cars on thursday then work sats and sundays. gym bores me to, and as strange as this may sound, id rather ride a bike than a girl most times, simply because, i enjoy it more. so i have no need to tone up for the girlies tbh, cus im lazy, very lazy....

are you feckin bent we already got rid of two nob jokeys dont u turn into one for fuck sake

also when it comes down to money, i have non, im at school 7 days a week (well was untill a few weeks ago) and work at weekends. u wanna know what i spend it on, every last penny, my bike. and guess whats still wrong with it.

scratched plastics all round and rear left one snapped (not my fault theifs fault(fucker))

speedo doesnt work (new speedo drive needed)

exhaust blowing at join as its bodged from an 1988 old dt50 on the wrong side upside down (not my fault either, fucking theif again) and its extremly loud

engine does not preform as it isnt tuned as the air box does not fit correctly (theifs fault again)

no rear left indicator and front one just shorts the entire lights (due to shit stand which i cant afford to get rewelded....again)

no tail light cover (fucking thing snapped off a couple of nights ago)

dipped lights dont work (dunno what the hells wrong with it)

pads are worn almost right down

no stand spring, using a bungie cord atm >:|

just had to replace throttle cable

you know the anoying thing 3 weeks ago i got the bike up to perfect speck with absoulty nothing wrong so i could sell it, then 2 weeks ago i got insureance so i could ride it again for a bit...bad fucking move eh. 2 weeks and all that shit, im certrainly not made of money. but thats going a little of topic. you wanna know why your kids have all the stuff and there boared. they want something more fun which genrally costs alot of money. infact his a good example

ps2 - £180 (not sure if thats 100% right but im sure it was that much at some point)

lasts for about 3 months before it becomes boring

1/4 of weed every 2 weeks for 3 months £10 a 1/4 so £60, alot cheaper, and you still get thrills even after 3 months, hell its good for years even though its the same old shit, its the new experiances each time you get off it thats good.

and drugs are nothing to be proud of

and drugs are nothing to be proud of

Once again, The Mozz has hit the nail on the head! 8)

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