June 18, 200420 yr Quote alot of english(no offence to anyone) are selling up their houses, coming here and buying something way better for half the price and bumping up prices for the locals, bit of a bummer really :roll: They've been doing that here for years Alan....and usually bringing their problems and attitudes with them. They've fucked this place up....now they're turning their attention to you lot. TBH all the Northerners I've met over the years have been great. And the few that do come here usually fit in well. It's the swanky lah de dah loudmothed arrogant Southerners who cause the problems.
June 18, 200420 yr Author Moderator what i find funny is how many southerners ask if i'm welsh :shock:
June 18, 200420 yr southerners ask if i'm if i'm irish! mind you my mum is so i maybe sound a bit irish
June 18, 200420 yr nobody asks what i am!! i have an accent that gives nothing away keep my self to my self
June 18, 200420 yr Quote what i find funny is how many southerners ask if i'm welsh :shock: You know the problem that Southerners have understanding Geordies? Well we can understand them completely. Very similar accents.
June 18, 200420 yr Yammie, You'll have a Norfolk accent, or you should depending on how long youv'e been there.
June 18, 200420 yr no i dont have an accent my mother had a scottish accent my father didnt really have an accent my paternal grandmother had a liverpool accent *forgot what u call it* my gradmother is still alive and kicking in eddyburgh i dont have an accecent except when im pissed and its a cross between norfolk n scot
June 18, 200420 yr i really have drunk to much gin nite all :puke and im goin to find rampent the rabbit :loved nite axl,lc,umand whoever
June 19, 200420 yr Quote yeah, Drinking is cool if your with mates and your celebrating or something, its good to have a laugh, after a while it makes you feel a bit shiete though... :? hmmm i do find that sweet mary jane does affect your riding a bit, makes you less aware-for me anyway, so cant do it too often... no, drinking is legal drugs aint i dont have any time for drugs wheter it be a little bit of cannabis or whole load of heroin or cocaine and we do come on here to talk about bikes etc not illegal activity
June 19, 200420 yr Quote no, drinking is legal drugs aint i dont have any time for drugs wheter it be a little bit of cannabis or whole load of heroin or cocaine and we do come on here to talk about bikes etc not illegal activity I never thought I'd ever say this....but I agree with Mozzy 100%. It's good to hear a youngster say that. Well done Moz!
June 19, 200420 yr Quote Just a personal opnion Dibey mate, thats all. But you know exactly "where I'm coming from", especially when you talk about the "sports gear wanker's", these pricks make my fuckin' blood boil :evil: :evil: :evil: I dont want to start about them, I wont stop! do i make your blood boil? because i used to be one of those wankers belive it or not, and so are most of my mates, but fortunatly we are the type they dont do that shit anymore cus we've grown out of it. Quote dont think u should put people into catorgries like that.....its like saying all bikers have noisey cans and ride like devils :twisted: true, but not so true, wearing sports gear is a statement (to 99% of people) its saying that your hard and shouldnt be messed with otherwise ull go and fuck someone over. Quote Drugs and booze are strictly a crutch for low self esteem people. You can do all the smack, crack, slack, snack, jack, or black that you want....you'll still never be the "Total Package" like me! 8) Discuss! 8) maby, but what else is there to do every night? i mean hell i got jack to do evert day now im waiting for collage in september, i have to put a tank of fuel in my bike every day because i ride it so much and now thats falling apart. when somebody gives us something better to do than 'watch tv' or 'go swimming' then maby stoping dope would be worth while, and its a hell of a lot easyer to get it that getting alcohol would be. what else do you expect us to do to have a good time which does cost £100's to do at night eh?
June 19, 200420 yr Quote maby, but what else is there to do every night? i mean hell i got jack to do evert day now im waiting for collage in september, i have to put a tank of fuel in my bike every day because i ride it so much and now thats falling apart. when somebody gives us something better to do than 'watch tv' or 'go swimming' then maby stoping dope would be worth while, and its a hell of a lot easyer to get it that getting alcohol would be. what else do you expect us to do to have a good time which does cost £100's to do at night eh? No offence mate....but you sound like my kids! They've got TV, DVD, VCR, PS2, X-Box, Gamecube, Gameboy, PC.....then they say "they're bored". :roll: I don't want to sound like a grumpy old man, but in my day we had none of those things. There are better things to do to pass the time than take stuff to turn you into a giggling vegetable. Join up to a decent bodybuilding gym and get training hard. You'll feel better mentally and physically, and you'll be more attractive to the ladies with a good body than if you're a creepy little junkie. 8)
June 19, 200420 yr The thing UM, your right!! 110 percent !, they have all those thing's my mates son is the same. Me, well I dont have any kids (well none that I know of :mrgreen:) so I dont what it's like to have them screeming in you ear every 5 mins wanting this n that.
June 19, 200420 yr SL :shock: if u cant afford to go to the gym go out for a run!! take up a course read a book join the library expand ur mind with knowledge u can do that for free
June 19, 200420 yr Quote so I dont what it's like to have them screeming in you ear every 5 mins wanting this n that. annoying
June 19, 200420 yr I've got 5 sons from 2 marriages (27,24,23,16,13), and it's fucking grief all the way!
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