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I dont think there's anything wrong with taking a few "puff's" now n then, I dont touch it now myself, b ut I wouldn't condem anyone for doing it.

Now herion ect thats a diffirent story altogether, that does fuck up people life's as we've all seen, especially maybe you Yammie.

Y'see the way I see it, look at the damage and carnage that get cuased every weekend through young un's and drink, and "they" tell us that smoking dope is more harmfull, yea right :evil: .

I would rather (and Iv'e said this for years) walk past a few "kid's" "dope'd up" just having a doze of of the "giggle's" than fuel'd up young' un's full of drink any day.

But thats personal opinion, from Iv'e seen through the years.

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heroin addicts cant even help themselves.......i feel sorry for them and the ones who beg......i have been know to buy them a coffee and a burger but i would never give them money.......i do always tey to think that is someones son/daughter

Bloody well said :o nice one axl.

Hard drugs such as Coke and heroine-just dont go there...its not good...

but a bunch of stoners arnt the ones who will kick your head in at 10 pm when your walking your dog, a bunch of drunk footy fans wearing caps and addidas tracksuit bottoms would be more likely...

Just a personal opnion Dibey mate, thats all.

But you know exactly "where I'm coming from", especially when you talk about the "sports gear wanker's", these pricks make my fuckin' blood boil :evil: :evil: :evil:

I dont want to start about them, I wont stop!

dont think u should put people into catorgries like

that.....its like saying all bikers have noisey cans and ride like devils :twisted:

ooow axl i love it when u get all angry :lol:  :roll: 

u wanna try this uniform on  :roll:

Yea yea yea, it will fit I know it will, I'll make it if it doesn't =P~

dont think u should put people into catorgries like

that.....its like saying all bikers have noisey cans and ride like devils :twisted:

I suppose I'm tarring them all with the one brush, but thats what I see, every (and I mean every) young un with sports gear act the same way, well they do here.

It must be their trade mark to act like an arse, mind you thats a usefull thing, there not!

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oh no i've started a drugs war :lol:

I bet you drink mr total package! 


No I don't actually dibey...any alcohol brings on a blinding migraine.

yep same here i drink i get a migraine

stella is ok but wine is awfull

gin is ok but i tend to drink to much of it and end up with a hangover

Society is fucked up....priorities are all wrong.

So many people say that a bit of dope doesn't cause the problems booze does....and that's true. We're now in a culture where the use of mind altering substances is seen as an acceptable alternative to getting pissed and aggressive. Surely the logical viewpoint is to do neither?

Anyway...consider this...

1. You do dope which is illegal, and I don't care what people say but it most certainly can lead to more dangerous stuff. Yet it's viewed as acceptable! :roll:

2. You get pissed up, create trouble, crash your car, beat your wife etc. You tell people how much you drunk....and you're a hero.

3. But if someone lights a cigarette.....they're the AntiChrist!

Does that make any sense?

Im a nurse/midwife so

i dont care what you do cause i will accept u as u are

people make there own choices it is up to people like me to explain the damage that can be done and then let u make ur own decision

Unmutual, sorry about that didnt know and just having a laugh, i get migraine, they are bastards... but i also get serious cramps if i drink...so i dunno im still making my mind up on which one is the best...

it would be easier to not do anything, life would be so much simpler without intoxication...

i guess the moral is that everything has a downside.

The thing is I'm very anti-drugs....always have been.

Then when my eldest boy was 16 (he's now 27) we found out he'd been doing drugs for 2 years.

He continued to do various stuff over the following years. This all resulted in him lying, stealing, having no education, no work experience, living in squats and hovels all round the UK, dissappearing completely for 3 years so we didn't know if he was alive or dead, and eventually he ended up in hospital having an operation for a collapsed lung.

I think he's cleaned up his act now, and he's living and working in Bristol.

I see him every month or so and he looks a lot healthier now, so I hope he's wised up.

He realises how he fucked up his life and distressed his family and now says he wishes he'd never got into it. I only hope he's telling the truth, cos over the last 11 years it's been difficult to believe anything he says.

Sorry about the monologue and I do understand that not everybody who does a bit of dope ends up as a crack addict, in the same way that not everybody who has a pint will end up as an alcoholic. But there are a lot of people who can only do things to excess, and the more people who do drugs then the more victims there are going to be.

And I speak from experience when I say that it is the families of those people who suffer the most.

Just say NO! 8)

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