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Hi Guys ( sorry an' Dolls )

Been riding my 125 Dragstar for a while now, we've all discussed ways of beefing her up a little and I've come to the conclusion that because I'm 18 stone and as wide as a barn door we are only going to get a top cruising speed of around 60 out of her ( don't want to hurt her by wraggin' her engine so it's time to look for something a bit bigger). I can't afford to take my test at the momment and to replace the current bike I would have to use the cash from her sale to pay for the next one. So after talking to my friends we can't get a firm answer to one particulare question.

If a motorcycle is less than 33bhp can it be ridden on a learner leicence?

I know it's not the answer to "life, the universe and everything" but there is a 400 Dragstar waiting in the wings and it could have my name on it for a very reasonable price.

Does any one know the difinative answer? and if YES then is anyone looking for a 125 baby draggy or is it back to ebay again?

lokking forward to your witty replies as always. Cheers OGRi

  • Moderator

Quite simply no on l plates it has to be 125cc or less and 12,5 bhp . pas your A2 and then the 33 bhp applies, or go for direct access and ride what you like

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