March 8, 200916 yr Author Thats bad news then............... Best keep me hand in me pocket then ,, save myself a pound or two
March 9, 200916 yr Right this long walk that they did last week. It's getting on my goat, they gave up all this time to go and walk this mountain, yes they raised over £1million, £400,000 of that will be poured into Africa where there will be little return (I still remember Live Aid, and the corruption is still there, and we are still pumping our donations into Africa, with no sight of the country helping itself, except a 'special'few). The other £600,000 will get poured into projects here, and that in my mind is good, so some need it more than others ands it a bit of a lottery - nothing's perfect. Anyway, back to these celebrities who have given up thier time, to be flown (in the 'turn left' seats) to Africa, be given a load of state of the art equipment, to get loads and loads of publicity showing the world how magnanimous they are giving up this time, showing the world their humility bla bla bla. How many people are aware who paid for all this? Mostly it is one company, who donated the cash and funded the trip - all they ask in return is for these celbs to mention who done it, without them it would not have taken place. There is a reason why they donated, its called Corperate Responsibility, they want to give a bit back, but like all things in life they want people to know that they put a bit back. I work for this company, and the budget for charity is fukling huge, they have a whole department responsible for assisting it's employees to maximise fund raising, the girls in there are brilliant, the most dedicated people I have ever met - and they get no reward (other than thier monthly pay), no mention, no publicity - nothing. I've not given anything to the red nose cause, I gave £100 (extra) to ChildLine this month, this will pay for 3 children to have thier calls taken and receive full counselling. My missus is a teacher, thier school is raising money for a local Hospice. I say bugger the telly stuff, give your money to something that will help the Kids in your area. After all, you put your own oxygen mask on before helping others!
March 9, 200916 yr Oddly enough, I'm with Gas Up. I choose not to bother with 'human' charities very much. My personal ones are usually animal related, where I've seen and/or have knowledge of where the money is actually going. Two of them are small local wildlife recovery centres. Out of principle, I refuse to help Heart and Cancer charities - If it's a problem, people should exercise more and stop smoking. I smoke about 20 a day myself and I don't believe in scabbing off a charity due to a self-inflicted illness. Anything else has either been exposed as corrupt or failed to convince me of it's honesty.
March 9, 200916 yr I have never given to Red Nose Day simply because it goes out of this country (even if its not all of it) i would never in a million years give to animal rescues as i think humans are far more important and i would whole heartedly give to any childrens and cancer charities, this is because my hubby had cancer (non smoking ) and the kids who need help is usually because the adults have harmed them, but after saying all this each and every one of us gives to who and what we think is deserving and i think thats what makes giving to charity special you choose who to donate to for your own reasons and how much you want to donate but it really does p**s me off when you get it slammed in your face that these very over paid and over pampered people think they are special because they have done this one thing and done it with the a vast protective circle around them big deal get over yourselves its not about you rant over
March 9, 200916 yr Author Nice rant Yamigirl But good points,, I to give to the cancer reserch charity, cos that is where the money goes, I was told 3 years ago I had lung cancer, but luckely for me I was eventualy cleared, it was the worst 6 months of my life and not something I could wish on any one. Pity some of the billions of pounds being pumped into the banks and bankers pockets couldn`t have been used to help find cures for cancer and heart problems, instead it`s being used to prop up a load of fat cats who have never wanted in there lives. Funny how goverments can find money to look after there own ! Not all cancers are caused by smoking and not all heart problems are caused by being over weight, the mother inlaw had stomch cancer and she never smoked in her life ! A lot of the people I help in my job have never smoked or drank in there lives, but it`s not stopped them from having heart attacks or having strokes, nether has it stopped them from getting cancer or chest problems. I like to know where my moneys going when I give to charity, one place is not overseas and another, is to not make some jumped up over paid telly/football star look good
March 9, 200916 yr Moderator Right this long walk that they did last week. It's getting on my goat, they gave up all this time to go and walk this mountain, yes they raised over £1million, £400,000 of that will be poured into Africa where there will be little return (I still remember Live Aid, and the corruption is still there, and we are still pumping our donations into Africa, with no sight of the country helping itself, except a 'special'few). The other £600,000 will get poured into projects here, and that in my mind is good, so some need it more than others ands it a bit of a lottery - nothing's perfect. Anyway, back to these celebrities who have given up thier time, to be flown (in the 'turn left' seats) to Africa, be given a load of state of the art equipment, to get loads and loads of publicity showing the world how magnanimous they are giving up this time, showing the world their humility bla bla bla. How many people are aware who paid for all this? Mostly it is one company, who donated the cash and funded the trip - all they ask in return is for these celbs to mention who done it, without them it would not have taken place. There is a reason why they donated, its called Corperate Responsibility, they want to give a bit back, but like all things in life they want people to know that they put a bit back. I work for this company, and the budget for charity is fukling huge, they have a whole department responsible for assisting it's employees to maximise fund raising, the girls in there are brilliant, the most dedicated people I have ever met - and they get no reward (other than thier monthly pay), no mention, no publicity - nothing. I've not given anything to the red nose cause, I gave £100 (extra) to ChildLine this month, this will pay for 3 children to have thier calls taken and receive full counselling. My missus is a teacher, thier school is raising money for a local Hospice. I say bugger the telly stuff, give your money to something that will help the Kids in your area. After all, you put your own oxygen mask on before helping others! only watched one bit of it they were sitting in a tent along a table being served food, they should have had to raise the money to get here themselves, ok an experieced climber is needed, but given rations and a gas stove each and roughed it in tents, most likley took 300 staff to include 5 make up artists, 3 key grips WTF is a key grip, 5 producers, and numerous other people along for the paid ride. Merv
March 9, 200916 yr I to give to the cancer reserch charity, cos that is where the money goes, I don't care. They test on animals. It's done in a legal fashion now, but CR UK and GlaxoSmithKline were two of the biggest illegal testers going. Either way, they're off my love list. TBH, I find if you dig deep enough, most charities have huge admin costs that drain the cash away and leave precious little. Amnesty lost my vote when they tried to prevent the death penalty for a serial rapist and murderer in an arabic land where the punishment was pretty standard for the crime. 'Human Rights' really don't mean much in that kind of case. Oxfam too have been called on how 60p of every pound is used to cover their admin costs. Not all cancers are caused by smoking and not all heart problems are caused by being over weight, the mother inlaw had stomch cancer and she never smoked in her life ! True. But a great deal of it is down to our chosen lifestyles. If anyone who drives a vehicle complains about my smoking, they get blasted with the full force of my millitant wit - I find it very hypocritical when someone hassles me for smoking, yet spend their time blasting about in/on a machine that spews out carcinogenic chemicals that poison everybody who lives near a road. Sad as it may be for those who have lost, some of it is just misfortune and Nature doing it's indiscriminate thing. Some of it is people being stupid - Like my cousin who suffered an embolism due to smoking. 3 key grips WTF is a key grip Person on a film/TV set who carries stuff, moves it about between locations etc. In short, the person who carried the cameras up the mountain (not the camera operator) as well as any other stuff like tables, chairs, tents and all that gubbins.
March 9, 200916 yr Author only watched one bit of it they were sitting in a tent along a table being served food, they should have had to raise the money to get here themselves, ok an experieced climber is needed, but given rations and a gas stove each and roughed it in tents, most likley took 300 staff to include 5 make up artists, 3 key grips WTF is a key grip, 5 producers, and numerous other people along for the paid ride. Merv Just heard on BBC radio 2, that they got to the top of the hill,,,,,,,,,, and will be back in the studio by Wednesday,, GOD<<<<<<<<<<<< it must be hard for them..... It takes nearly that long to get from Skegness to London !!!!!!
March 9, 200916 yr Moderator I give to Cathod as most of the money gets to where its needed, none of this flying look at me stuff.
March 9, 200916 yr Moderator I give me money to the barman /maid in exchange for beer, it is so expensive now i cannot afford to give to street scroungers, cos the beer takes all my money merv :blink: :lol: :lol:
March 10, 200916 yr Author I give me money to the barman /maid in exchange for beer, it is so expensive now i cannot afford to give to street scroungers, cos the beer takes all my money merv :blink: :lol: :lol: You are a good man helping to keep 2 people in a job and keep the wheels of comerce turning.
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