February 17, 200916 yr I'm either a mod or an admin on three different forums for Flight Simulator enthusiasts (fanatics?), and I can tell you it's not always easy to catch everything that gets posted before things get out of hand. This board is mostly European with a few members from North America. As I post this around lunch time in North Carolina, the majority of the members here are probably getting off work or already driving home. If I post later tonight, most of you will already be sleeping. That's where the problem lies. It's impossible to police the site 24/7. If the post times are right, this thread was started at a quarter past eleven last night, Great Britain time. He's doing his best to post his trash when it will slide by and not get edited for as long as possible. The nice thing is that you can visit his profile and add him to your "Ignored Users" list and not have to worry with him. And I'm afraid I have to agree with Oldtimer, after something like this, I'd have already banned both the username and IP. With nearly 17,000 registered users, one less wouldn't be sorely missed.
February 17, 200916 yr i thought his response was rather amusing, i gotta say i dont like people insulting me via the internet, it seems a bit weak! maybe he has other stuff going on his life and this was his way of venting his spleen. onwards and upwards!
February 17, 200916 yr Wanna borrow mine?? right after I posted that your wee avatar flashed into my mind, an I thought "oh no", the voice in my head sounding remarkably like Churchill, no old git, I've went off trumpets thoughts like that can leave a bad taste ! lol
February 18, 200916 yr Hey Tom..... Nice sig, dude. "How much for de leetle girl? Your wife? Your daughters... sell dem to me... sell me your cheeldren!!!!!"
February 18, 200916 yr Hey Tom..... Nice sig, dude. "How much for de leetle girl? Your wife? Your daughters... sell dem to me... sell me your cheeldren!!!!!" My god I love you people!!! "BRING ON THE TRUMPETS!!!! " i will jsut spill my input here, that MoFo who was jsut out of primary school getting up peoples arses needs to wise up! I know i do my fair share of hassling round here but never to that extent!!! i hate the "C" word so vulgar!! There are a lot of people who i regard internet buddies on here who have helped me with my bike (a lot) and you know who you's are , if not i shall list lol!!! Ttasmaster, GOFF (beautiful as i liek to call her) Oldgit, and trumpet man which could be the same person!!! there is some1 else and i cant remember his name please forgive!!! so to the guy who was running his mouth "away n wash yer bollicks son! " get him banned talking shit liek that!!! LOVE YOU GUYS!!! XXXX
February 18, 200916 yr OLDTIMER!!!!! thats who it was !! my apologies and hes up there with them all for great people on this forum!! the reason i forgot the name is because they are so similar!!! oldgit and oldtimer!! "BRING ON THE TRUMPETS"
February 18, 200916 yr by the time you get to my age! pensioner as he referred too, you learn to treat people like him, with the contempt they deserve, as for his foul mouth, it shows a definite lack of vocabulary, they think they are stressing a point, instead showing themselves to be the moron we know they are..ted
February 19, 200916 yr you started it you cunt!!i wasnt even patronising,suddenly you poked your nose and slagged me off.youre the full of shit you sad cunt! If you've got a problem with the guy go sort it out in person, we don't need your ranting here! We are fine without you so why don't you sod off?
February 19, 200916 yr Yarrrrgh, fuckin' ranty-bollocks and shit!!!!!!! Listen to me because I can swear and that makes me tough and better than all you edumacated like people like........... "Buddy, I'm a boy, make a big noise playin' in the street, gonna take on the world someday, I got mud on me face. A big disgrace. Kickin' my can all over the place, singin' YOUUUUU WIIIIIIIIL, YOUUUUU WIIIIIIIIL, BAN ME!!" He's right though - Goff is a nasty, nasty, dirty, evil person..... Which is why we all call her Mistress Goff and have the hots for her!!!!
February 19, 200916 yr I got mud on me face. A big disgrace.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WE WILL ROCK U [ very fitting tskmaster] Doe anybody mind of PEABODY ????? he was a far more intelligent grade of asshole " AND GOFF WHIPPED HIS ASS.
February 19, 200916 yr Moderator I got mud on me face. A big disgrace.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WE WILL ROCK U [ very fitting tskmaster] Doe anybody mind of PEABODY ????? he was a far more intelligent grade of asshole " AND GOFF WHIPPED HIS ASS. Im just in the mood today to whip more ass too
February 19, 200916 yr he was a far more intelligent grade of asshole " AND GOFF WHIPPED HIS ASS. Hey Goff.... I'm intelligent and I'm an asshole too......... (Disturbingly realistic Quasimodo mode on) "Beat me, mithtreth.... beat me!!!!!!!! But Mithtreth.... you thaid she would be mine???!!!!!!" (Quasi mode off)
February 25, 200916 yr I'm gutted. Took a week off, and everything goes south, and I missed it. Can we have this site made available on WAP please, then I'll not miss it again......
February 25, 200916 yr Moderator I'm gutted. Took a week off, and everything goes south, and I missed it. Can we have this site made available on WAP please, then I'll not miss it again...... :lol:
March 4, 200916 yr dont worry Gas Up, its like Eastenders, a similar event will happen next week Hopefully it will, I just realized I've been away from this place too long.
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