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I dont know about anyone else but i find this deeply disturbing on so many levels.


What the fuck were the parents doing while their CHILD was having sex and i cannot believe that both sets of parents allowed this at all

  • Moderator

I dont know about anyone else but i find this deeply disturbing on so many levels.


What the fuck were the parents doing while their CHILD was having sex and i cannot believe that both sets of parents allowed this at all

most likely the same in the room next door,

merv :banghead::stroller::thumbdown:

Kids are growing up way too fast, at the age of 13 having a child never mind being sexually active is out of the question. methinks this is one of many problems young people face growing up. The media is to blame for much of it I think, although parents need to take the reigns and have more authority and discipline their young ones. I read somewhere a while ago some clothes outlet was doing push up bra's and thongs for 8 year old girls. Ofcourse young girls want to be in the latest fasion but at 8 years old its a bit sick. Kids are growing up living in a bubble full of playstations, drugs, drink, sex, crime etc etc etc, no kid is safe from any of these and its a big problem!!!

Social deprativity of the highest scale...

Sickening...more kids breeding kids...

In an interview a journalist asked the boy "how will you cope financially?" the boy replied "whats financially??"

What hope have we got as a nation? :tearhair:

good grief did his dad not tell him about condoms,

no seriously, thats shocking and both their parents should be ashamed of themselves.

good grief did his dad not tell him about condoms,

no seriously, thats shocking and both their parents should be ashamed of themselves.

Surely there's some sort of 'Neglect' Case there?? the parents could not have been doing their job right?? but hey ho, wot the f**k would I know :unsure:


It's just wrong, both are under the age of consent.

Wrong wrong wrong wrong.

good ol' feckless britain! the parents should be done for neglect, but its not gonna happen the pinkos who run social services dont care.

reminds me of the film idiocracy!

Shit like this needs to be dealt with VERY harshly.

I am talking extreme prejudice, but I doubt even that will stop this world from going even further up the creek than it already has.

Give it about 10 years and we'll be living in a combined state of extreme dictatorship and outright anarchy.

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problem is kids are empowered with no moral guidence or repercussions. they know their rights and being a minor can drum up all sorts of trouble for adults.

My wife runs an after school club and there are really really weird and disturbed kids out there. My wife tells the parents there's a problem (eg shitting themselves aged 8 and spreading it all over the walls etc) and say its not their child!!! WTF? no parenting skills at and only interested in their own selfish world without a child. then that parent "treats" them to a McDonalds!! I could go on but I'm getting too wound up now!!!

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Quote: Dennis, who has fathered nine kids, told how he was “gobsmacked” when he discovered Alfie was to be a dad, too.

If his own father cant control it what hope has the kid got???


“I told her it was lovely to have the baby but I wish it was in different circumstances. We have five children already so it’s a big financial responsibility.

Fuckwit mother who should know better and also appears to have the morals of a fuckin alley cat.

It IS a responsibility, but not for you, but for everyone else who will be punished because of your shitty parenting. :angry2:

i'm off to get my 8 yr old laid. its about time he knew about this 'sex' that everyones on about. :lol:

  • Moderator

problem is kids are empowered with no moral guidence or repercussions. they know their rights and being a minor can drum up all sorts of trouble for adults.

My wife runs an after school club and there are really really weird and disturbed kids out there. My wife tells the parents there's a problem (eg shitting themselves aged 8 and spreading it all over the walls etc) and say its not their child!!! WTF? no parenting skills at and only interested in their own selfish world without a child. then that parent "treats" them to a McDonalds!! I could go on but I'm getting too wound up now!!!

my wife got out of pre school teaching last year, for very similar reasons and she was spending more time writing reports than teaching kids, surely to god they should be allowed to play together and develop and the adults be there just to stop em from killing each other like they did in my day,(no we did not kill each other the adults stopped us ) the only macdonalds we knew was singing about his farm, before he murdered all the animals minced em up and served em up with recycled spud skins in the shape of chips,


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I showed my kids this and they were horrified, thank god!!

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It takes all kinds these days! :rolleyes:

Some SERIOUSLY WARPED people out there! :unsure:

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I think it could be a good thing that a 13-year-old has fathered a child.

If it all goes wrong and he ends up joining 'Fathers 4 Justice', he'll save a fortune on finding a fitting Spiderman costume. :D

i am amazed by this topic, ask any midwife in the country and they will tell you its not uncommon for them to have at least one or more a week of 14 and 15 year old mums,the disturbing part for me was that had the positions been reversed a 15yr old lad getting a 12yr old girl pregnant and not the other way round it would have been a witch hunt what the f..k was a 15yr old girl doing having sex with a 12yr old boy she must take some responsibility, what were the parents doing ? do any of you that are parents know what your 15yr olds are doing all the time i doubt it mine never knew what i got up to thank god, but when i saw what paper it was THE SUN well what can you expect from them its on the par with watching springer , tricia and kyle and the rest of the rubbish.

the abuse of children by adults in this and other countrys is a far more disturbing issue

I dont know about anyone else but i find this deeply disturbing on so many levels.


What the fuck were the parents doing while their CHILD was having sex and i cannot believe that both sets of parents allowed this at all

its a shame u can tell the kids u can advise em u cant make em the a lot of power haas gone thanx to the guv: the ploice cant even give em a clip no more respect is no more thanx to the gov: its not all there fult i now but someone

has to say thats it give the police the power back that will givve us perences the power back coz the kids will just say wot u gona do yo

It shocks me how all the foucos is on the young boy. Not the older girl arnt girls supossed to matuer ealery then therefore know better.. Thank god iv talked to my boys and i hope they have taken it all in. I also do not let my roam around the streets and do as they pleas it dont make me popual i get the old i hate you my repiy is good im dooing my job rigth then .. They will appreciat it when they get to there chosen jobs and a good life ..

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well i see up too 8 other lads have claimed they could be the father now, seems like the local bike system is alive and well still


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