February 13, 200916 yr my eight year old goes with me on my gsxr and because the footrests are quite high he can get both feet on them no problem, you can buy bolt on footrests anyway, just get love handles there the best thing and drive safe taking off gently etc, no probs.i got pulled and informed that although its not illegal i was erring on being a bad dad, 'just think of the injuries etc.' this from a bike cop too, i told him to fuck off and mind his own business, they dont really like that though.
February 13, 200916 yr divster said: yes the decision is mine , i have thaught about it for a long time ,my kids have grown up around bikes theyre helping me with building the bandit they like to watch moto gp ,i have NOT encouraged my daughter in the slightest its my daughters desire to come on the back of the bike she came and spoke to me about it,and ive told her when the time comes that i feel she is big enough as for any of my kids then and only then will i take them out on the road i was mearly asking as how the law stood the eldest can get on and off yes she has got the strength in her legs ( trust me shes kicked me in the bollocks before so i know) dont think for one moment that im gonna be a complete fucktard and take them out now before i know that theyre ready i aint that stupid I never thought you were stupid. You asked a question and I simply gave you my simple honest opinion. I'm only right for some of the time especialy when it's only personal opinion -- but I do my best. Sorry !
February 18, 200916 yr divster said: my apologies wildone if it came across badly Who was (am) I to offer advice about such things --- I came across this image (see below) when looking for something else. My Son seen on the "front" (which is even worse than on pillion of course) has survived all such stupid malpractice and is now a 6 ft. 4 ins. child Looking at the image NOW makes my blood run cold to think what could have happened. The bike is actually moving and has just carried the little extra load from the street-end where he waited with his Mother for me to return. It is framed coming up a ramp at the bottom of the drive ------ have a close look at His little hands grasping my wrists. If his grip had failed he could well have been decapitated by the blade of the screen. Lets not go into the riding gear at all because mine is worse than his and I'd just ridden about 15 miles All that I can say, again, is SORRY all around divster and assure you that I've learned since then and I can be more than a little boring because I recognise how much luck factor had applied throughout. Referring to my advice about ensuring that the kids decide for themselves --- My Son Michael Geoffrey was named after Hailwood and Duke. He had an ACU competition licence on his 6th. birthday. He rode in about 80 events a year (every Sunday and most Saturdays) for eleven years. My theory was that by the time he was old enough to ride on the road he would either be mega competant in his riding skills by then OR he would,t bother at all. He is now an out and out, dyed in the wool, bike fanatic and he makes MY riding look pathetic. Good luck to him divster and good luck to you and yours What certainly applys to me is "The older I get the better I was ! "
February 18, 200916 yr Do yourself a favour and try this website for gear for the little one , you will save a few quid and there gear is as good as hien robbing gerike. I did have a falling out with Hien G bought a rain suit and the zip went within a week ,no quibble warrenty my ar-e. www.click2buy.co.uk I am sure that is the right web address. I have no connection with the outfit but I have had leathers from them and they do kids stuff as well. Stay safe. Lew
February 18, 200916 yr Well let me throw a spanner in the works, has any body on this topic told the child they are about to take out on a ride it could be their last ride! Leather, crash helmet, gloves, boots and a pillion pal but you can’t protect them from Sorry Mate Did Not See You! Well did you tell them it could be their last ride? And don’t tell me it will not happen to you
February 18, 200916 yr Moderator Geoffxt said: Well let me throw a spanner in the works, has any body on this topic told the child they are about to take out on a ride it could be their last ride! Leather, crash helmet, gloves, boots and a pillion pal but you can’t protect them from Sorry Mate Did Not See You! Well did you tell them it could be their last ride? And don’t tell me it will not happen to you Are you insane?? Why the hell would i tell my 9 and 10 year old that this might be their last ride? WTF?? Its like telling them they cant go on a school trip because the coach might crash, or they cant go swimming because they might drown. No one is saying it wont happen to them but to suggest we should tell out children they might die on a ride out with us is idiotic at the least. Think about what you just typed and how bloody ridiculous it sounds.
February 18, 200916 yr must agree with goff,s last, you can,t wrap kids too closely in cotton wool, even though this nanny state wants us too, wildone i want your bike!! by the way, i thought love handles were on a woman??? i,ll get my coat..ted
February 18, 200916 yr Iv just booked to go to the farm yrad im tacking my oldest son 14 for his birth day iv told him his got to where all the bike gera and the boots ( he dont like them lol) or his not coming .. becaues i saide it will hurt you as much as me if we hit the road.. I think thats enogh. it his first ried out off town and our first rally
February 18, 200916 yr Geoffxt said: Well let me throw a spanner in the works, has any body on this topic told the child they are about to take out on a ride it could be their last ride! Leather, crash helmet, gloves, boots and a pillion pal but you can’t protect them from Sorry Mate Did Not See You! Well did you tell them it could be their last ride? And don’t tell me it will not happen to you Thanks for your comment Geoffxt but it reminded me of an NHS Doctor who said years ago that he had treated 2 kids who were hurt riding motorbikes and he deployed his higher education to multipy those two by the number of A.C.U events that were running that day and thereby decreed that the whole thing must stop forthwith. His Union (or is it "association" ) the BMA then jumped straight on that bandwagon and there was a massive hue and cry to stop all junior motorsports I was forced to produce my own personal STATISTICS which were based strictly on the truth that -------- My Son was competing (I MEAN COMPETING) in about 80 events every year. He had neither been injured , nor ill enough to be absent from school since he had started ! He had been to ONE BIRTHDAY PARTY in a modern church hall and had run through a glass window which looked like a push - open door. He was admitted to hospital, missed about 3 weeks school and even more weeks of competition. Therefore STATISTICALLY --- in His case Church Halls were 100% dangerous --- glass should be banned forever --- birthday party's should not be allowed ever again. I published those rediculous statistics to redicule those who were deploying similar rubbish against our motorsport and the BMA went back to doing that which they are well paid to do for us. In short Geoffxt no one can argue with you BUT if you wrap your children up in cotton wool and protect them from every possible threat they certainly won't be alowed out of the house and they may then fall down the stairs or inhale the cotton wool (God Forbid Please) "Live and let live" may be appropriate
February 18, 200916 yr Thank you all for your replies but who said wrap your child in cotton wool. you are all jumping to conclusions . simple question but not one simple reply I am not talking about, school trips, swimming, crossing the road, smoking, walking through glass doors, windows, sky diving, playing with fire, I did not ask your opinion on whether you should tell your child the truth or avoid it so...... Well let me throw a spanner in the works, has any body on this topic told the child they are about to take out on a ride it could be their last ride! Leather, crash helmet, gloves, boots and a pillion pal but you can’t protect them from Sorry Mate Did Not See You! Well did you tell them it could be their last ride? And don’t tell me it will not happen to you But this time please answers YES or NO
February 18, 200916 yr Moderator I suppose the majority of answers would be no, same as when you take your kids out in the car... kids will love a ride on a bike, why spoil it for them, and..I imagine that right minded people would take extra care about where they ride and how they ride with kids on board.
February 19, 200916 yr Sorry Geoffxt but it is not a simple question - What you are suggesting by inference is that a child riding pillion is somehow more dangerous than any other of a score of activities that they might be involved in: Riding a pushbike, walking to school, going to parties! I am sure (though I have not 'checked' the facts), that 'statistically' a child is at greater danger when they are out on a bicycle, are you suggesting that you have the same conversation with them then and suggest that this might be their last ride? Of course not - we all, ( and I am a parent) want to protect our children that is natural, but what others were objecting to in your post was that it appeared to claim the moral high ground because there is a perception from many parts of society that bikes are evil deathtraps and should be banned. In a sense there is nothing wrong with what you are saying. I am all for educating children about the potential dangers of the environment that they live in, in-fact I think this is the most important thing that we do as parents, and is better than the 'cotton wool suit' approach, however your 'discussion' was overtly negative, and only focussed on the potentially negative aspects of biking, which is fine IF you have the same conversation with your children about everything else they do! My daughter will be 16 in the summer and can't wait to get her own scooter/moped - as a bike rider I am not going to discourage her, that would be hypocritical, as a parent of course I am worried, but I would rather start from a positive position: Yes being on the road is dangerous, but having a healthy attitude to approaching that potential danger to me is a better way forward. So in short and in answer to your question NO - but then neither have I had the same conversation with them about going to the shops, or to school, but I have had a conversation with them about ALL of these things pointing out that there is potential danger in everything and that they should be sensible and careful in everything they do.
February 19, 200916 yr Moderator Geoffxt said: Thank you all for your replies but who said wrap your child in cotton wool. you are all jumping to conclusions . simple question but not one simple reply I am not talking about, school trips, swimming, crossing the road, smoking, walking through glass doors, windows, sky diving, playing with fire, I did not ask your opinion on whether you should tell your child the truth or avoid it so...... Well let me throw a spanner in the works, has any body on this topic told the child they are about to take out on a ride it could be their last ride! Leather, crash helmet, gloves, boots and a pillion pal but you can’t protect them from Sorry Mate Did Not See You! Well did you tell them it could be their last ride? And don’t tell me it will not happen to you But this time please answers YES or NO You answer my question then.... Do you think it is appropriate to tell a child that it might be their last ride? And if so why? As for jumping to conclusions - when you ask whether anyone has told their child they might die - which is what you are really saying - i dont think there are any conclusions to jump to - seems pretty clear cut to me This is an absolutely RIDICULOUS thing to say to a child and i would think that you know that all of us would say no to this.
February 19, 200916 yr Thank you for your reply, but as I have said you are jumping to conclusions on my opinion on taking your child on the back of your bike, I have not change the topic “kids going pillion” all the replies have been changed to other activities that you feel that put your child at risk, and you obviously feel that I am judging you and you all feel the need to defend yourselves. All I have asked for is a simple Yes or No.
February 19, 200916 yr Moderator Geoffxt said: Thank you for your reply, but as I have said you are jumping to conclusions on my opinion on taking your child on the back of your bike, I have not change the topic “kids going pillion” all the replies have been changed to other activities that you feel that put your child at risk, and you obviously feel that I am judging you and you all feel the need to defend yourselves. All I have asked for is a simple Yes or No. And as i said - there are no conclusions to jump to. You havent answered my question either. And i would also like to know what purpose youthink it will serve to tell a child this???
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