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1984 i went from the n/east to the tt, rode round the island for a week, and back to durham, as i came off the a1m at spennymoor it started missing a bit, but got me home, had two lots of points if i remember but still ran!! jawa 350 single twin port,one set of points had packed up,my mate was on a mint sunbeam s7 or8, we must have looked a right pair, wild foamy, it will give you experience if nothing else..nothing ventured, nothing gained, as they say..ted

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good luck with your project foamy :D

the best advice i can give, from my experience, is get her running, get the electrics sorted and anything else that needs looked at BEFORE you strip her, that way when you are putting her back together you know that everything is/was working before the strip-down, it can save a lot of time AND money

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the bloke i bought it off is going to call me tomorrow and let me know if the ice has melted and he can get it down from his dads garage.

it does kick over and the kickstart is present (doubles as the gearchanger) so i may be getting somewere here :)

ive got 8 months to play with it as i only really bought it as a long-term project for when i turn 17 and want something with a bit more poke than my little DT.

i will be joining the Jawa owners club as they have a wealth of spares and knowledge for these old bikes...

hopefully i will be able to get it running by the end of the week, then just make sure its structurally and mechanically sound, then new tyres, brakes and a chain/sprocket set

already got the V62 form to apply for a new V5C, and the V89 Form to declare it SORN until i am ready to ride it, will print them out tomorrow before i go so then i can get cracking as soon as i get back

keep us updated with pics and info mate

i no nothing about these bikes, but it would be good to see your progress.

i will be joining the Jawa owners club -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

AWE ,See wot u guys mockery has done :lol: Stevy mate your posts are the first ones i read on here ,[your hillarious ]

A :o jawa , they were the commuter in the 1970s. eastern block [cheap and drab] the droll sound . 350 AHEM "SPORT " sport " sport " They made good grass trackers ;) . you have to go to staffs show[april] am dying to meet u.

and DREW-P [Lusted over a CZ [sEEZED UP ZED] we called em] it was Joan collins i lusted after . :lol:

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lol, inbetween breaking things, flirting with Goff and scratching my head a lot, i do like to contribute a bit of humour to the forum :)

ive been watching a lot of videos on youtube and these little Jawas dont look that bad, could always put some trail tyres on it and thrash it around the fields, tkaes the same 18" wheel that is on the back of my DT :P

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lol, inbetween breaking things, flirting with Goff and scratching my head a lot, i do like to contribute a bit of humour to the forum :)

ive been watching a lot of videos on youtube and they dont look that bad, could always put some trail tyres on it and thrash it around the fields, tkaes the same 18" wheel that is on the back of my DT :P

you do realise that if you sell your DT, you will be only buying it back in 10 years saying how great that little bike was!!!

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you do realise that if you sell your DT, you will be only buying it back in 10 years saying how great that little bike was!!!

eh, good point... it may not be the fastest of the geared mopeds, or the quietest, or the most reliable, or the prettiest, or the most fragrent, or the easiest to start in cold weather... but cor'blimey does it put a big grin on my face when i ride it :D, ive had a few "mates" from school offering to buy it for considerably less, but i want it to go to someone who would look after it and not trash it, it gave me my indipendance so the least i can do is let it go to a good home :).

Blackhat: where abouts is the staff show? if my DT will make it that far then sounds fun :D

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the bloke i bought it off is going to call me tomorrow and let me know if the ice has melted and he can get it down from his dads garage.

it does kick over and the kickstart is present (doubles as the gearchanger) so i may be getting somewere here :)

ive got 8 months to play with it as i only really bought it as a long-term project for when i turn 17 and want something with a bit more poke than my little DT.

i will be joining the Jawa owners club as they have a wealth of spares and knowledge for these old bikes...

hopefully i will be able to get it running by the end of the week, then just make sure its structurally and mechanically sound, then new tyres, brakes and a chain/sprocket set

already got the V62 form to apply for a new V5C, and the V89 Form to declare it SORN until i am ready to ride it, will print them out tomorrow before i go so then i can get cracking as soon as i get back

1 you will not be able to SORN it until it is registered in your name, i think i sent both forms in together on one bike just to get the SORN returned saying that as i did not own the bike i could not sorn it

2 once you get the log book/V5 you can SORN it here, dvla taxdisc site

3 do not FFS forget to do it the fine hurts


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wasn't aware you could do the SORN declaration on the web. :P

im making little notes of what ive got to check/do to the bike when i first get it and sending away for the logbook is the first priority, then delcaring SORN once the logbook is recieved...

not quite sure where starting it should come into the equation... :huh:

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I assume/am pretty sure this is a stroker autolube??, it will have been left lying a few years so the first step is too clean carbs as the fuel and oil if premix will have set up in them, oh if you wanna good cleaning i just bought a good ultrasonic bath so post em too me if ya want. DIY i suggest get every bit possible out of the carbs and soak in gunk or jizer, then bol in washing powder for a while suggest doing this when o women around for a couple of hours as they do not appreciate the smell of heated stale petroleum products in the kitchen or buy one of these to use in shed camp stove

if autolube then i would drain oil tank and wash it out before adding fresh oil, then bleeding system run oil too pump by gravity,remove pipes from carb ends and turn over engine with kickstart or wheel on pump if fitted (plug caps off when the Bike has fuel in it eh) holding cable on pump in fully open position until oil come out of the pipes, have a good look in the tank if it is rusty clean it out with a tank cleaner/or some nuts bolts etc and a drop of parrafin and turn it over anf over too remove loose rust, or if it leaks i promise you this could be the best £26 ever spend it contains sealer cleaner and rust remover does a good job, do not be tempted by petseal it comes off use this POR15

I personally would strip engine and fit new crank seals, but it maybe they are ok and you just wanna get on with it and se if it goes. you may find that the piston rings are stuck in their grooves, remove pistons and soak in parrafin then carefully persuade them out gently does it though you do not wanna break em, then clean grooves and rings so they move freely

check you have a spark it may need a good battery to get a spark, make sure its out of gear put some fresh fuel (I usually run a couple of liters of premix first on autolubes to ensure engine is getting oil) fuel in tank fingers crossed kick over you should have smoking exhausts after a few kicks


They are a good club, thay have an active menbership, they even have stands at classic bike shows and have their own rally weekend and stuff, I got a mate whos a member.

there used to be a Riders club around, they were a bit more of a laugh than the owners club :D

We had one of these a few years back. "We" as in we bought a CZ 350 twin between 6 of us and registered it in the club name as no-one actually wanted their name on the log book! :o

6 of us paid a fiver each and that was less than the value of the tax that was on it. It had a wooden box with a side-car, and a truly massive rear sprocket for carrying heavy weights. Which it could, with ease. Damn thing killed a lot of trees as we all learnt the excitement of controlling an outfit LOL (I never killed a tree, but I scared a bit of traffic at first :lol: )

Wasn't even nearly autolube, they were premix :lol::o measuring cup built into the petrol cap. You must, must, MUST add two smoke oil every time you fill up. Get a top box (it won't hurt the handling, or the looks :rolleyes: ) to carry round a couple of bottles.

In all fairness, it was quite reliable. Rear sprocket bearing went and we changed it using CZ special tool no. 6 (a paving brick) cos we couldn't find a hammer and the brick was nearer. Eventually the electrics went and it was run from a car battery in the top box and charged once a week :-(

Good luck with it, anyway!

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This is a 94/94 (M reg) bike, and if my 1990 DT is autolube i would expect the later Jawa to be aswell, only time will tell, lol

couldn't pick it up today though ice was too bad and we wouldn't have been able to get up the drive, so im in the process of arranging to collect it from swindon mid-week

Good luck mate .Never owned a cz but once upon a time I owned a mz125 lol and even passed my test on it .I think it was 4 gears ,oil in with petrol and the kickstart was on the bloody left .Only thing it hated was the wet as the spark plug would short on the housing and stall at junctions .

This is similar to the one I owned and though (back then ) it was great ,hell it went and anythings better than walking or the bus .


All the best .

Yamaha rider for a few years now

This is a 94/94 (M reg) bike, and if my 1990 DT is autolube i would expect the later Jawa to be aswell, only time will tell, lol

couldn't pick it up today though ice was too bad and we wouldn't have been able to get up the drive, so im in the process of arranging to collect it from swindon mid-week

Dude, seriously, set your expectations back 25 years! The year it was made has nothing to do with the design and technology it was made with. Your DT is a modern Japanese bike designed on computer by modern Japanese designers and assembled with care and dedication by robots and Japanese workers. A Jawa is an early 70's design made in Eastern Europe where tractors are ministers and people sit down to a dinner of boiled radiators. Seriously low-tech stuff, I'm not kidding.

the CZ Riders Club used to do a badge "CZ - from the people who brought you Semtex" :D

What you learn from this bike will not help you except in a career of serious bodging! :lol:

Hiya Steve, Next time your looking for a bike (You`ve got the bug now),

Take time out, a deep breath, and then look, There ARE bargains out there,

I picked up a GSX400 today, £150, with Tax and MOT, a bit tatty,

But HAY-HO, i`m a dab hand with a paint can, But it ride`s superbly,

60 mile`s home, I was impressed, (mined you it`ll be in bit`s tomorrow),

So take a good look around before you buy, Or Evan wait awhile, That "bargain" may not

be a bargain after all, Good luck with the JAWA, ( I can hear it from here, Still make`s me shudder to think back).

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Dude, seriously, set your expectations back 25 years! The year it was made has nothing to do with the design and technology it was made with. Your DT is a modern Japanese bike designed on computer by modern Japanese designers and assembled with care and dedication by robots and Japanese workers. A Jawa is an early 70's design made in Eastern Europe where tractors are ministers and people sit down to a dinner of boiled radiators. Seriously low-tech stuff, I'm not kidding.

the CZ Riders Club used to do a badge "CZ - from the people who brought you Semtex" :D

What you learn from this bike will not help you except in a career of serious bodging! :lol:

ah so you think they have been updated then redorzed cos the ones i saw in the seventies were right out of the fifties,

if you got any doubts about the autolube disconnect it and run premix when i say disconnect run a pipe so it just circulates oil around the pump


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