Posted January 31, 200916 yr Moderator There are only ten times in history where the "F" word has been considered acceptable for use: 10. What the fuck do you mean we're sinking? -- Capt. E.J Smith of RMS Titanic, 1912 9. What the fuck was that? -- Mayor of Hiroshima, 1945 8. Where did all these fucking Indians come from? -- Custer, 1877 7. Any fucking idiot could understand that. -- Einstein, 1938 6. It does so fucking look like her! -- Picasso, 1926 5. How the fuck did you work that out? -- Pythagoras, 126 BC 4. You want WHAT on the fucking ceiling? -- Michelangelo, 1566 3. Scattered fucking showers, my arse! -- Noah, 4314 BC 2 Aw c'mon. Who the fuck is going to find out? -- Bill Clinton, 1999 1. Geez, I didn't think they'd get this fucking mad. -- Saddam Hussein, 2003
January 31, 200916 yr Moderator haha, fucking hilarious Hey...Watch your language I,m sure I've heard more though...isnt there one about streetfighters?...
January 31, 200916 yr Moderator what about put that f***ing gun down John Lennon What F***ing iceberg captain of the titanic pass my F***ing fiddle nero F***ing Geese Chelsey B. Sullenberger III.
February 9, 200916 yr Author Moderator F***ing snow mervin near axminster thurs night 11.00 pm well it is near axminster, so its a carpet of snow merv!!!
February 25, 200916 yr Divorce lawyer: Mickey you can't divorce Minny for just having big teeth.... Mickey Mouse : I never said she had big teeth!! I said she was Fucking GOOFY!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!
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