June 6, 200420 yr i dont know what your problems are with cars. We're Bikers through and through Moz...by our very nature we don't like cars and have no interest in them. My bikes get wiped down if a fly lands on them...while my car goes through a cheap car wash once a year...if it's lucky.
June 6, 200420 yr see im only a pleasure biker and i need my car for the family vehicle well atculley carrons is the family motor mines for work but that is besides the point if ther wasnt cars and lorrys etc etc the world would come to a stop because who delivers bikes to dealers who delivers your food to the supermarket do you catch my drift
June 6, 200420 yr Yes we understand that Moz....if you have a family, a car is a necessity. I've had cars nearly as long as I've had bikes, but never had any interest in them. They're just a tool to do a job AFAIC.
June 6, 200420 yr see i like a nice looking car and a even nicer looking car your car car tells prople exactly who you are and what attitude you have either that or i have a sixth sense
June 6, 200420 yr yeah it's nothing personal mozzy, we are just bikers and this is a bike forum mate 8) :wink: now i'm not doubting your mate beat this cbr in his pulsar, he prob did, BUT if the cbr was being piloted by someone who REALLY wanted to beat the car it could be done. he may well have been on the back wheel but that's not launching it as quick as poss, that's pissing about, having a laugh and playing with some guy in his tin box. cars always think bikes are racing them :roll: some twat yesterday was almost killing himself to keep with me, i was only out for a casual ride on my bike, sitting at a smooth 70/80 on quiet roads and there he was in his car, screeching round cutting corners like buggery. in the end i pulled in and let him get on with it :roll: bloody dangerous git!!! he slowed down once i let him past, was obviously just trying to keep with a bike :roll:
June 6, 200420 yr there are just as many wankers on bikes as there is on bikes so true mozzy...but wankers in cars can do more damage. :?
June 6, 200420 yr Admin Just have to say my friends sister and her mates died in her car when a bike hit her a few years ago. She pulled out of a junction in the path of oncoming bikes as she didnt see them. The bikes were thought to be travelling at around 150mph according to the police report. The first bike which hit, cut the car in half and exploded. His sister was not found so to speak, the police explained the speed of the bike and the such small surface area basically made it a missile which exploded on collision. The second rider missed the car but come off, they found the other rided seriously injured in a hedge the next day as they didnt realise there were two bikes involved. Its riders like this who make us bike riders get the abuse and bad names :evil:
June 6, 200420 yr Sorry to hear about that Alex, thats bad!, yea I know when I first got the yzf last week I had a few scary moments. But when out today yea I did "open it up" so tp speak, not idiot style just a few blasts.
June 6, 200420 yr Admin Yeah i know what your saying, ive obviously been going at crazy speeds i shouldnt, but there are places where you can be stupid without killing anyone else. I wouldnt dream of doing excess of 100mph in a 40. Like i say there is a time and a place for speeding. We all speed as that is part of having a bike
June 6, 200420 yr yeah guys it's all about time and place, also knowing what's right and what's just stupid. we'd be talking sh*te if we said we didnt ride fast but it's possible to ride smooth and fast(80mph) without hurting anyone. i get loads more enjoyment from riding like this, holding a steady 70, picking best lines and holding good corner speed. far more rewarding than hitting 150mph in my opinion
June 6, 200420 yr Yep thats exactly it, there's time n place for going fast, and it's not doing it past schools, town's ect. I mean I not saying I sit behind the all the car's dayglo derek style (hey, remember him!!), I do overtake people cause again thats what having the power and nimbleness is all about. you just dont have to do it like a bloody idiot thats all, but yep!, we've all did crazy stuff "out there".
June 6, 200420 yr A couple of pages back someone said that cars have more right to the road 'cos they pay more tax. Most respectfully.. rubbish. Damage is caused to the road by a standing wave traveling ahead of a weight bearing axle. the damage caused to the road is a function of the fourth power of the axle weight. ((wt)(wt)(wt)(wt)). Thet means that an average lorry causes around 4 million times as much damage to a road than an average car. A smaller but similarly massive ratio exists between cars and bikes. If we pretend for a moment that road tax is not just another cynical goverment revenue raising measure (stop sniggering at the back), but is meant for the repair and improvement of roads then it should be obvious that despite actual lower tax, relatively bikers are massively subsidising car drivers and we're all paying through the nose for haulage fuckers to rip up our roads and distribute diesel death traps for our amusement. So the tin cans are driving on the roads we pay more for. If they compain that we act as if we own the road...thats 'cos we do.
June 6, 200420 yr I'm not charged less than cars fir anything, i pay the same toll cars do in all my tollbooths around herre, that aint right :!:
June 7, 200420 yr so true mozzy...but wankers in cars can do more damage. :? very much true but 98% of the bike crashes ive seen bikers have is is out in the country as pete said plenty of mopeds in the city but always mopeds and i know alot of the young 17+ 125 riders treying to prove there bike will do 65 then if you through a snell at a wall at 2 mile an hour it will smash through your bike at a wall at 60 and no doubt your helmet will crack in to and you are fucked which proves and dont take this the wrong way at speed not all but most bikers do is see cars as a slow moving obstacle and ive had a few overtake me on b;ind bends at the brow of hills and make it in by a hair length so why would you wanna put yourself in a situation like that thats all im saying is thats bloody stupidlly dangerous obviously as you said real dedicated bikers drive safely and respect there wheels and others around because at the end of the day you chose what route you take and its a chance you take just be more vigilant as i know not all cars do but i do if a bike wants to overtake me i pull to the left to give him a chance to get passed safely that dosent always work but believe its probably scarier for a car driver thaan it is for a biker when a bikes up your arse trying to get past all you can do is watch your mirrors
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