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better still, wait until they are caught in traffic, filter down the middle and whack their mirror off, if you are feeling daring you may rip it off and hand it back to them through the window before making good your escape :P

  • Author

better still, wait until they are caught in traffic, filter down the middle and whack their mirror off, if you are feeling daring you may rip it off and hand it back to them through the window before making good your escape :P

i did that to day didnt knock it of just turnd it round passenger side he pulled in on me on the a406 that pissed him off

as he was on his own i said well u dont ues it do u.

  • 4 weeks later...

TV ads yeah...we are just not represented nearly enough out there are we and the more idiots that get on the roads who havent got a clue in life generally never mind be biker aware...manners and courtesy have loooong gone im afraid...

The cigarette down the neck of the jacket happend to a mate of mine, could have been a really nasty accident that, just trying to stop and get rid of it whilst its burning through your garments!



  • Moderator

The cigarette down the neck of the jacket happend to a mate of mine, could have been a really nasty accident that, just trying to stop and get rid of it whilst its burning through your garments!



I can relate......had some twat pass me on the Freeway once......cut in front of me into the fast lane <_<

....& then proceed to empty his fully-loaded ashtray out the window! :angry:

Been seriously contemplating carrying a BattleAxe in my tank bag........ :blink:

The ToeCutter from MadMax had the right idea me thinks. :headbang:

I've had virtually a whole McDonalds meal deal fly into my face before now. Stupid bint in a convertible let go of it and the wind took it away - in my direction.

She stopped at the petrol station 2 minutes later so I let her tyres down while she was paying. She got back in her cage and I threw the meal in her lap. One quick Nazi salute and I was outta there :lol:

Ladies and Gentlemen, I was in my car at the front of a line of cars at the red traffic signal. It was a hot day with dried flies stuck to my screen and I thought it a good idea to clean the window while stationary because I was now facing the lowering sun and would be for the journey home. Now then it was at this point a bike filtered through to front at the side of my wipers (which once you've set em going don't stop for a couple of wipes) he got a few drops of windscreen wash on him so he spat at me, my window was down. If I followed the revenge path I could have easliy knocked him off and reversed over his legs. I thought about it but drove the other way. Boiling. I should have got his number and reported him. I have also had a fag end tossed in my direction and yes it is dangerous and filthy but you can't really take the law into your own hands, as much as we'd like too. Education is the answer! Advertise in cinemas, on radio etc the errors of discarding rubbish while on the move, especially with a bike behind!!

I have accidently knocked a mirror off, after someone threw a lit fag end out of their window and it got caught in the neck of my jacket and burning me,..... but a friend of mine who is a female, got off her bike at line of traffic for roadworks and went up to the window of an aggresive cage driver and whilst they were arguing, she promptly had the keys out of the ignition, threw them in the woods and we rode of into the sunset. ;)

Of course, anyone should be heavily Armed if they're going to attempt to repramand my OldSkool mate. ;)

(Nam Vet & former HA)

Sounds like a challenge!!!!

Meaning no disrespect, but I also know people of similar ilk. All are real-life tough guys, with various combat experience from particular arms of the services, access to weaponry, knowledge of death-making etc etc.

The one thing they all agree on is that riding a bike makes all of this irrelevant.

On two wheels you are at your most vulnerable and as all these hard men know, no-one will mess with you until they are safely in their cars and guaranteed to kill you, without fear of a riposte.

If it can be done, you only attack from a position of strength. You stab in the back, you snipe from a mile out, you run them over from the comfort of a Range Rover. This is the issue we have - The total vulnerability when riding.

Education is the answer! Advertise in cinemas, on radio etc the errors of discarding rubbish while on the move, especially with a bike behind!!

Hate to disagree, but that is preaching mostly to the converted, half of whom still won't give a shit.

The other problems are those scrotes who laugh at the anti-drink-driving ads and will behave like twats on the road regardless. You're looking at a combination of the arrogant c**ts who know they won't get punished and the stupid c**ts who dial 999 because they didn't like the movie and want a refund from the cinema. Many of them shop at Tescos in Reading.

The answer is to give Police the power to properly enforce the law, the freedom to exercise common sense and then force the courts to follow through with proper sentencing.

  • Author

Sounds like a challenge!!!!

Meaning no disrespect, but I also know people of similar ilk. All are real-life tough guys, with various combat experience from particular arms of the services, access to weaponry, knowledge of death-making etc etc.

The one thing they all agree on is that riding a bike makes all of this irrelevant.

On two wheels you are at your most vulnerable and as all these hard men know, no-one will mess with you until they are safely in their cars and guaranteed to kill you, without fear of a riposte.

If it can be done, you only attack from a position of strength. You stab in the back, you snipe from a mile out, you run them over from the comfort of a Range Rover. This is the issue we have - The total vulnerability when riding.

Hate to disagree, but that is preaching mostly to the converted, half of whom still won't give a shit.

The other problems are those scrotes who laugh at the anti-drink-driving ads and will behave like twats on the road regardless. You're looking at a combination of the arrogant c**ts who know they won't get punished and the stupid c**ts who dial 999 because they didn't like the movie and want a refund from the cinema. Many of them shop at Tescos in Reading.

The answer is to give Police the power to properly enforce the law, the freedom to exercise common sense and then force the courts to follow through with proper sentencing.

well said but il still throw there key away if i ever get chance

well said but il still throw there key away if i ever get chance

Then be sure you also attack from a position of strength - Where you can escape at high speed and not be seen by witnesses/cameras/Police etc!!!

Preaching to the converted? Was thinking of educating young cage drivers (as they seem mainly responsable for McDee's waste + fag ends being ejected) not the good folk who read this forum. Most young un's would be very easy to get the better of, just think it's a job for the proper authorities. Spose it's just the way I was brought up. I was told two wrongs don't make a right. If someone is dickhead to you and you respond in kind that makes you a dickhead too etc.

I have found They usually think it is funny and do it deliberatly.

You can teach some of them, but others just can't take a lesson. you woould be lucky if there is a brain between half of them.

You can sit back and take no action, which is a good thing, but if everyone done that they would start to walk all over us. Just like simple minded bullies at school you can say please stop, you will probably be decked quicker than handy Andy's garden, or you can stand up to them and give then a good right hook.

but Hay, that's my personal experience, worked for me so far

As Beavis said - The only people who pay attention to cinema ads and radio announcements on 'the errors of littering' will be those who already pay attention and drive properly.

Instead, you need to slam these motherfuckers for the scum they are and hit them hard for daring to behave like arrogant cocks. Teach them the hard way that if they do wrong they WILL be dealt with in the harshest possible manner.

In Nature, you try and feck over your peers you risk death.

We've lost that natural edge of fear and because the law is a pussy, they get away scott-free.

There is no room for liberalism, morality or faint hearts in this.

They knowingly go out of their way to wreck the lives of innocents.

  • Author

As Beavis said - The only people who pay attention to cinema ads and radio announcements on 'the errors of littering' will be those who already pay attention and drive properly.

Instead, you need to slam these motherfuckers for the scum they are and hit them hard for daring to behave like arrogant cocks. Teach them the hard way that if they do wrong they WILL be dealt with in the harshest possible manner.

In Nature, you try and feck over your peers you risk death.

We've lost that natural edge of fear and because the law is a pussy, they get away scott-free.

There is no room for liberalism, morality or faint hearts in this.

They knowingly go out of their way to wreck the lives of innocents.

as i said befor ud think there would b an advert like think bike

think befor u thro and some do doit on purpose they even point there screen washer out wards b...

When someone burns your new £250 winter jacket it's serious. I'd want £250 out of the culprits wallet + them getting fined for criminal damage and or littering, not them hospitalising, how can they pay if they off work!!

you have more faith in the justice system than i do.

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