December 23, 200816 yr Urgh I've read about that "derestriction" on that hell hole of a forum 125 sportsbikes. Until I see a significant power gain that isn't down to changing the gearing I'm staying skeptical wht is the derestriction then?
December 23, 200816 yr Urgh I've read about that "derestriction" on that hell hole of a forum 125 sportsbikes. Until I see a significant power gain that isn't down to changing the gearing I'm staying skeptical You've not read much then, except abuse from the 2 strokers. None of them actually know anything about it. It has nothing to do with the gearing either. The only two people that know about the deresriction properly, is myself and Liam from MCN. an article will be going up on when it officially launches on 1st Jan. Will have a fair bit of info about it and where it can be done. Imanupstart, having seen a bike de-restricted, i can tell you right now you'd be 110% impressed.
December 23, 200816 yr You've not read much then, except abuse from the 2 strokers. None of them actually know anything about it. It has nothing to do with the gearing either. The only two people that know about the deresriction properly, is myself and Liam from MCN. an article will be going up on when it officially launches on 1st Jan. Will have a fair bit of info about it and where it can be done. Imanupstart, having seen a bike de-restricted, i can tell you right now you'd be 110% impressed. i wanna have this done as it is frustrating because you know the bike can do it so please hurry lol.
December 24, 200816 yr You've not read much then, except abuse from the 2 strokers. None of them actually know anything about it. It has nothing to do with the gearing either. The only two people that know about the deresriction properly, is myself and Liam from MCN. I've read all there was to read on the 125 sportsbikes forum, granted its not alot as its being kept hush hush. I'm not trying to give you abuse like the rs owners do, just saying that until I see it, I'm staying skeptical. Have fav'd your forum so let us know when its up, really interested in the results!
December 24, 200816 yr So any idea what speed we can get out of our R125's when its been districted? Or do i need to wait till the 1st of Jan to find out? Cheers, Charlie
December 24, 200816 yr Hi, Well I can tell you that Liam from MCN had it set for a much better performance, power / acceleration wise rather than top end. Sadly, you can't seem to have both a better top end aswell as acceleration. Top end should see you for another 10mph or so, maybe a bit more. However, it takes ages to get there and in my opinion isn't worth it seeing as it's a 125, so you don't get many roads to get it that fast. However, if it's setup for better lower grunt, the bike WILL now pull in all gears (Ever faced a hill on an R125? Then you'll know how it hates them!!!!). With the modification, it will now pull even up steep hills. You can now comfortably overtake where as before you just didn't have the confidence in the bike delivering the power quick enough. Also, the bike will now wheelspin (if that's your cup of tea). Best of all, it won't void your warranty as it's using Yamaha parts! The results are impressive, especially if you have an aftermarket pipe, with the Leo vince showing the most impressive gains from those tested. Also, i'd strongly advise the double bubble screen. it's good for an extra 5mph extra at least, and makes busy dual carriageway rides less nerving (I found with the standard screen, unless I was fully tucked in that the air was so turbulent over 60mph that I lost confidence in the bike as it was terribly twitchy!) sign up over at OneTwoFives. It has a dedicated section for R125's and i'm hoping it will become a good community. It's far less hostile than 125ccsportsbikes. I'll give you more info very soon, as im due to get it carried out on my own bike in the first few days of January. Merry Christmas guys
January 16, 200916 yr Gents, Just wanted to let you know that there is now a full review of the Yamaha R-125 De-restriction on my website. If you're interested I can provide you with the link
January 16, 200916 yr Gents, Just wanted to let you know that there is now a full review of the Yamaha R-125 De-restriction on my website. If you're interested I can provide you with the link Can you post the link? Cheers
January 16, 200916 yr Can you post the link? Cheers I've been told I won't get in trouble, so I will now post a link R-125 De-restriction review - Starting to get a good R-125 community now. Some really nice bikes in the album. Take a look.
January 16, 200916 yr Little column by Liam in MCN about it. Sounds good but that £150 is going on getting my full licence
January 16, 200916 yr Little column by Liam in MCN about it. Sounds good but that £150 is going on getting my full licence Im guessing he didn't mention me, as i was the guy that blew the lid off of it all. Anyway, glad to see you on the site. Hope you put some photos up of your bike. would be good to get a community going for R-125s. Got 30 R-125 riders on there already
January 16, 200916 yr Nah no mention of you mate, hows that for gratitude .Yeah its a good site you've got going there mate, will get posting
June 5, 200915 yr I've been told I won't get in trouble, so I will now post a link R-125 De-restriction review - Starting to get a good R-125 community now. Some really nice bikes in the album. Take a look. Hey do you have another link somewhere as that site seems to be dead? Thanks
July 28, 200915 yr Hello I m new here and i come from Slovenia so sorry for my very bad english . I have yamaha yzf r 125 too and is great bike. But i have one question. My max speed on this yamaha is 115 km/h or 72 mph. Is this normal? Because the other yzf r 125 owners said that they reached 125 km/h or 78 mph easly and everytime. Is maybe my yamaha restricted? And how i derestricted my yamaha? Thank you FiRstLy HeLLo to eVeRyoNe nOw MiNe yZf R-125 ReaCheD 132 km/h aNd CouLd Go Some moRe BeCauSe iT Didn't ReaChed tHe eNd of tHe ReD ZoNe whiCh iS aBouT 10.500-10.700 RpM
July 28, 200915 yr I've been told I won't get in trouble, so I will now post a link R-125 De-restriction review - Starting to get a good R-125 community now. Some really nice bikes in the album. Take a look. hi aNimaL CouLd yOu poSt tHe LiNk wiTh www.eXampLe.Com BeCauSe i've BeeN SeLecTiNg tHe LiNk aNd TooK me tO a bLaNk webSite
September 30, 201014 yr Micron looks the best but they are no longer available,the leo vincy( 65% weight reduction over the 6.1 k stock system, LeoVince weighs in at a lowly 2.11k !) is good at £360 so is the MIVV GP ti at £320 are now the best full systems imho with the arrow 3rd
October 1, 201014 yr Micron looks the best but they are no longer available,the leo vincy( 65% weight reduction over the 6.1 k stock system, LeoVince weighs in at a lowly 2.11k !) is good at £360 so is the MIVV GP ti at £320 are now the best full systems imho with the arrow 3rd This thread is 2 years old
October 4, 201014 yr A lot has happened in 2 years eg ; MIVV GP ti at £320 (carbon can MIVV GP picture )
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