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Posts posted by jet22

  1. ring around local bike shops and price them up thats your best option. I wouldn't of thought it'd cost that much to be honest plus it doesn't have to be an original cable either. You can get some good after market ones for a fraction of the cost of an original yammy one.

  2. I got a few like freckles sort of thing on the fairing at the front by the head-lamp, it looks like somethings been flicked up the front of the bike like paint or something but it isn't that. I was thinking about getting one of those touch up pens you can buy from halfords etc for cars. I was wondering if that is a wise thing to do or.........? Seeing as its fairing and not metal i.e car bodywork etc.

    any suggestions before I make a mess? lol

  3. I thought the disc lock was ok for a fiver. I still got it and use it everyday. Only downside is it doesn't come with one of those fancy handlebar bags to put it in so I put it in my saddle bags cos its awkward in the jacket pocket etc. I got the yellow one with the springy thing that loops on your bars from the lock to remind you its on lol. Didn't get the alarmed one cos it looked $h!t and tacky :P

  4. yeh I agree with what you mentioned about least its still on the road etc but if you'd seen the bike I mentioned you'd be like me.... wondering how is it still running? lol your divvy-rat looks pretty mad hehe nah its quite a good bike in all honesty apart from the problems I've had but my bike hadn't been looked after or kept in good check over the years. I'm the 13th owner and really that should of been like a BIGGGGGGGGGGGG warning not to buy it but hey ho you live you learn etc but you do get what you pay for! Its taken me up and down the country for ages so can't complain really. Just need to get that cam chain rattle sorted out, I've changed the tensioner but the rattle is still there. Mechanic is taking a look at it after the mot next week.

  5. is it me or aren't there any xj600's on the road anymore? I've only seen 2 in 18 months, 1 of those was a total wreck and I mean TOTAL WRECK!!!!! fairing was all smashed in, seat was riffy as anything, front screen had been ripped off etc I thought stuff that I ain't parking next to that thing! The other was a xj600n which was in good condition through-out! Seems everyone has sporty bikes now and mine is like a relic or something along those lines :unsure: I know mines no oil painting and could do with a new lick of paint but I'm thinking of upgrading this year hopefully, long as I can get some dosh together..... he says unconvincenly

    this pic was taken last year before I changed the exhaust to a 4-1. The down-pipes had been bodge jobbed on where they join the silencers :angry: but like I said before on other post, didn't really know what to look for and I was too eager to get on the road after passing my test! :rolleyes:


  6. yeh I'm the same i.e if they don't nod back its the usual "miserable so+so" etc. But mostly I get nods from all bikes including the police too. I've been flashed a few times down the A41 to warn me of speed traps/hidden camera etc when i've been tanking it a bit which I thought was very nice of them to do so :) but I've found that the ones who don't nod back etc are the super sports bikers. For what reason I don't know, I've come across some of them are just totally arrogant down some cafe's and parking bays in town. The tourer riders I seem to get along with mostly and the odd low rider style bikers are cool too. Scooters get no repsonse from me what-so-ever unless its the Lammy's or Vespa's etc. Reason for that is its cos the numpty's on the scooters who zip in and out of traffic, riding up pathways, alley's etc have no road sense what-so-ever and they give us sensible bike riders a bad name! i.e we all get tarred with the same brush. I know we all have to start somewhere but I've no time for those idiots on hair-dryers!

    But I'll always acknowledge with a nod (and a smile when I've got the front facia up) :)

  7. tbh for the money you've spent you could of bought another bike! I'm having the same feeling about mine atm, cost me £600 but spent nearly 400 getting it fixed up! I could of saved all that money and brought an even newer bike!!! But it is my first bike and was too eager to get out on the road after my test. Lesson learnt I think for myself <_<

  8. Bloke gets a £20 note tattooed on his cock because he likes to watch his money grow and also to see how quick his wife could blow it!

    What does a dwarf get when he runs through a womans legs? A flap across the face, a crack on the head and a clit around the ear!

    I parked in a disabled space today and a traffic warden shouted to me....

    'Oi, what's your disability?'

    I said 'Tourettes! Now f**k off!'

    What's the difference between Harold Shipman and Tony Blair?

    Shipman actually did something about NHS waiting lists.

    .......all i can remember off the top of my head :lol:

  9. hi and welcome, I'm kinda new too but only recently come on here using the YOC again after some time away from here and not been up to much as regards to biking cos my Xj has been giving me serious grief!

  10. i got myself a Continental rear tyre plus fitting for £80, should of been £100 but the newish guy told me wrong quote but he wrote it down on a card hehe so there was no getting out of it!!!!!

  11. My engine seems to have cam chain rattle according to a few ppl and some mechanics but I've been told in the same breath that its "very very" rare that they've had to change the cam chain! I've changed the tensioner and put a new one on but the noise still remains. The noise is quiet when the bike is cold and gets worse the hotter the engine gets. Amusingly enough I got told that my engine is well quiet when I had a new back tyre put on yesterday haha "I thought yeh, wait till it warms up then you won't be saying that lol".

    I've got it booked in for its m.o.t in 2 weeks and the mechanic is gonna open her up and have a gander inside to see whats what. Any suggestions folks would be appreciated?

    Xj600s '96 plate

  12. When I pull the front brake level the back light comes on, but when I depress the rear brake the light does not come on at all. I've pulled up the rubber cover where the 2 wires come down and connect on the plastic thingy, placed a key to make a bridge to so spk - then the light will come on and stay on. How could I rectify the problem please, anyone????

  13. well...... I saw the bloke in the garage yesterday and he tested the battery for lvls and then the main battery tester to see if it was dud or not. According to his meter thingy the battery lvl was coming up as "bad" and "weak". He suggested me leaving the battery there, charging it overnight then testing it with a full charge to so spk. I said sack it may as well buy a new battery, he said ok no probs. Anyhoo's I bought me a new battery, filled the acid stuff up in it, left it an hour like the bloke said then fire it on the bike and it should be ok. I did that, took the bike out for a spin for half hour then came home. Switched off then started again and it was ok. Bit early to say that the battery was the culprit so gonna wait and see over the next few days/this week to see if the problem persists then its def something else.........

  14. don't think its that somehow cos it wouldn't of turn over at all. It goes to turn over then just dies slowly like its not got any power going to the starter. From previous experiences with cars I think its battery too but I may be mistaken.....

  15. well I charged the battery over night and still wouldn't start this morning. But I managed to bump start it though and took it for a spin round my area to warm up the engine etc. Got back to my house then left it running for a little while, turned it off, waited a few seconds then started it up normally and it worked. Switched it back off and tried the same procedure and it failed to start - much to my annoyance grrr Took the starter off, opened it up and checked insides and it was fine. I greased up the necessary parts and put it back together. Still wouldn't start!!!!! So bumped it again and took it down the local garage and asked the mechanic what he thought it might be, he said it sounds like the battery is at fault but won't know until he does a few tests on it tomorrow. He also said it couldn't be the starter cos he doesn't get many probs with them. So all going well tomoz I can get it sorted out

  16. Hi, I've got a xj600s divvy and I've got probs with it starting. I went out yesterday about 1pm and it started first time. Went to petrol station, put some fuel in the mule then went to grans. Stayed there for about 20 mins then went to shops. Was there a few mins then went to another shop for a few mins to get some b/day cards then stopped off on the way home to get some stamps. When I come to start it up at the last shop it wouldn't go. It turned over a few times then died on me. Had to push the bugger home which quite fortunately I was only 1/4 mile away thank god!

    Anyway cut a long story short - I took out the plugs and checked them, I'm a new rider and I know more about cars than bikes but I'm sure the spark plugs where the blue spark generates is supposed to be bigger than a pin head? Is this true or are bike plugs different? I'm getting bright neutral light but when I go to start it goes dim and the bike struggles to turn over, stops - then the neutral light goes off. But when I release the starter switch the light comes back on. I'm charging the battery tonight and gonna fire it in tomoz and see if it starts but if it doesn't what can I check next, any suggestions or is it the spark plugs that are shagged?


  17. Hi, I've got a xj600s divvy and I wanted to try and get some of the blemishes and the odd white mark off the fairing. What would be a good thing to use to do this? I was thinking t-cut would do the trick but I'm unsure because its fairing and not metal so to spk. Any suggestions?

  18. Hi, I just recently bought a xj600s for my first big bike. Recently passed my test too which I was chuffed about. Pity the weather ain't too brilliant at the moment but waiting for the rain to go away for a few days then I'll get out!


  19. Hi, my names nik and I've recently bought myself a Yamaha xj600s divvy for my first bike. I know its probably not as fancy as some of the other riders on here but I'm happy with it so far so good *touch wood*. I'm not really into driving at break neck speeds, I just like a leisurely ride out and chill out. I used to have a car but thanks to her majesty I totted up some points within the probationary period and she took my car license off me grr lol but I've learned my lesson the hard way so I'm being a good boy from now on. I passed my bike test in dec '07 with only 2 minors which I was well chuffed about. Peed me off with the "U" turn excercise because I knew I could do it but when I was practising I kept putting my foot down and my clutch control let me down sometimes. But on the day I did it perfectly! I wanted to jump in the air I was so chuffed just on that bit, didn't care bout the rest lol The recent weather hasn't been too brilliant, I've popped out twice this week on my bike. Once to the garage to get my brakes done on the back and today just for a general ride about. Just wish the weather would pick up a bit sooner rather than later so I can go for a nice cruise somewhere. But summer will come soon enough I think then I'll be out and about all the time weather permitting! Heres a pic of my bike, sorry its not the best pic in the world but I ain't got a decent camera to take one better, the pic itself is from ebay where I bought the bike........


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