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Posts posted by Gaz6404

  1. Hi please can one of you bike gurus tell me what bulbs I need to buy for my instrument lights  as at the moment I can not see my speedo at night  and I dont think local police would accept this as an excuse and my perception of what speed I am doing is not good  lol thanks  in advance 

  2. Hello I am gaz  and a  new member Just bought a fj1200 1993 slightly bigger than the xj600  diversion  1992 I am in the process of selling  I am based in lincolnshire in England  and hopefully using your combined knowledge for any  future problems as I am not mechanically minded although I do the very basics  I have owned a honda and suzuki's in the past but the divvy for longest 6 years without any problems  hope I can say the same about the fj  the write ups swayed me although the price did too 

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