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Posts posted by dillbarn

  1. I've done nearly 3 years without a single cigarette now. It's bloody hard to start with but I found that once I could smell the stale smoke on other people I was over the worst. I still spend the money so it hasn't made me any richer unfortunately!!! Keep it up though it's definately worth it.

  2. Hi all,

    Having been a bit stuck in my ways with Hondas I sold my CBR600FL and bought an FZR600R on the advice of a neighbour. I have to say I wish I'd have done it sooner!! The only other Yamaha I've owned was a 1981 XT250 back in 1993 which was only used off road. As well as bikes I love the Villa and get to as many games as possible. Unfortunately not todays though!! I live in Oxfordshire, love travelling and that's about it really!!

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