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Posts posted by Bazz

  1. I was using a 600 divvie for two years, and a colleague had the 900. I took his for a run and was instantly impressed. Wouldn't part with my 900 now for anything. Very low maintenance, cleaner and one hell of a lot smoother!! 8)

  2. We all spend ages cleaning our pride and joy so it looks great when we go for a raz on the twisties :D . Only trouble is that when we get back it's covered in dust, dead flies, mud and all sorts of crap! :(

    When all the hard work is done, and she's gleaming like a good un, spray WD40 on almost everything, then polish it up with an old cloth!!

    Might sound backward but it acheives several things;

    1 - you'll be surprised just how much more crap comes off!

    2 - it lubricates all those bits you couldn't reach or forgot!

    3 - it repels water so keeps the electics happy and rust at bay.

    4 - it leaves a thin protective film, so when you get back and have to clean your bike again, all you need is hot soapy water and the crap just washes away. Brilliant whether on a dusty summer day :D or the salted roads of winter!!!!

    Of course we need to take care not to get it anywhere near the brakes, but if it does then ride with em on and it'll burn off in no time!

    WD is the best i've found, but gunk is cheaper and nearly as good!

  3. Strokers are a lot of fun for the weekend run with your m8s, :twisted: :hbang , but you can't beat four stroke reliability in the long run! 8)

  4. Under 21 years old you are restricted to 33bhp for two years FROM THE DATE OF TEST. In other words, if you are 17 and passed your test today for example, you could then automatically step up to unlimited bhp on the 28th April 2006. As you've taken the test nice n early you'll be ridin' a big-un well before most of your m8s! Just remember though its 2yrs from date of test, not on your 19th birthday!!!!!

    Enjoy and stay Safe!

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