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Posts posted by Bazz

  1. Hi Yammie, Wecome back - we all missed ya!

    What happened to IOM?

    Don't worry about Pete, i think it's SAD.

    (Seasonal Affective Disorder that is!)

    I think you'll find he'll make a full recovery in the spring! :lol::lol::lol:

  2. Hmmm, could be both!

    If your valve clearances aren't right or worse still a bent or sticking stem you will get similar running problems.

    I'd get the valves checked for sure, if only for piece of mind. Also check that the choke is releasing fully, and not sticking when closed.

  3. Rich,

    changing the sprocket ratios will fix it, but will obviously affect accelaration/top end, an easier solution is to take the corners/junctions in 2nd gear with a little power on and slip the clutch all the way through the turn, it'll be much smoother :wink:

  4. :lol::lol::lol: Be careful it dont throw you off Darren!!!

    Some good tips there Alan, I use WD a hell of lot in the autumn and winter, as per previous thread WD is king

    Just be carefull of fumes on a warm bike and avoid anything rubber - WD increases the rate that it perishes :shock:

  5. So long as your chain is tensioned correctly dont worry, you'll FEEL it and HEAR it.

    When it need a relubing it feels and sounds dry, kinda hard to explain. :?

    I do mine every 2-300 miles regardless and more often in the wet, keep on top of it and you'll be surprised how much longer you get out of the chain and sprockets :D

  6. ....... i hope so!

    Yeah, it's the big 4-0 for me today :?

    I've never really bothered with my own birthdays, well, not since the rave on my 21st :twisted:

    (and Yes i can remember that far back - Just! )

    I don't know what to expect later, my girlfriend's been schemeing for weeks now.....all she will let on is that i must be ready to go out at 7 tonight and made sure i'm not Instructing this weekend!

    .....ffs I hate surprises :shock:

    and no bike the weekend :?: :shock: now thats just tooooo much :wink:

  7. They look really cool but only on the right machine - some look out of place such as the Triumph my neighbour has - but as N said, it takes longer to keep clean than most of his journey's take him!

  8. If your other-half hadn't helped himself to your bike you wouldn't have had to use the Shitzuki in the first place!

    Tell him to fix it his bloody self!! :wink:

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