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Posts posted by Bazz

  1. Engine vibes are common to just about all Divvie's and peak at about 4500rpm.

    Making sure your carbs are balanced will lessen it to some extent, but I found the best solution was to stay out of that rev range; when I had a divvy 600 I kept it at about 5 - 5.5k, fine in most situations, and good engine breaking too! Around town that was too high on the 900 though, so tended to hold 4k, increasing to 6 on the twisties.

  2. The Accumen isn't a bad alarm, and there is an optional pager system (about £30) which is easy to fit and has a range of about a mile. Check with your Insurance company first though as to whether they recognise them and offer discount, otherwise you might want to consider a thatcham approved system such as Datatool, Laserline, Selca etc.

    Scotoilers are worth every penny - I have a dual feed system on the 'Bird and the chain so far has been adjusted just twice and has covered 4,000 miles!!

  3. I'd rather a stealth missile than a Suksooki Strop Pete!

    N - I wish hun, 12 stone soakin wet me!

    I wanted a 'bird for ages, just took a while finding the right bike at the right money, they do so much, so well! It'll be a little weird at first using it for teaching but then I used to use a Divvy 900 which is way heavier.

    The best bits will be To & from, and between teaching - it's been a long time, but I feel like a kid waitin for a new toy again!

  4. I don't bloody well believe it! :blink:

    It seems I was right, it is catching...............yep, I got a large dose of the forum virus and went out and bought a H*%da!!

    I can have no excuse, it MUST be the virus :unsure:

    Ok, ok, time to own up. I actually bought it through choice, no, more than that, I've wanted one for ages!

    It's a cruise missile cunningly disguised as a Super Blackbird CBR1100XX, I'm picking it up on Friday and I can't wait! B)

  5. Thanks for the greetings folks but :blink: .....

    WTF has happened to everyone while I was away???? :o

    It seems LC "came out" and now owns-up to straddling a poofta's tool, Nutty's living up to her name and gone right over the edge, and as for Pete, well.....

    I'm bloody glad I wasn't around, seems to me like some sort of Forum Virus that I might have caught!

    Hehehe.....it's good to be back! ;)

  6. There are some lowering struts on E-bay at the moment, item no. 7976193884. If you use these you'll lose about an inch, but make sure you adjust the preload on the rear shock as well!

    You can get the front forks raised a little but I wouldn't recommend it as it plays havoc with the geometry - handling will be sh*t ! Best option is to get the forks re-sprung professionally, there's plenty of advice on FOC-UK.

  7. Hiya folks, been away way too long but it's good to be back! Looks like we had a fair few new members while I've been away - gonna take a while to catch up! ;)

  8. Hi Thx, i just checked out the website £60 should sort it out, i just thought someone would plug a computer into my existing speedo & reprog it, save having stickers etc.  Find it hard to believe that yam make a different unit in mph than kph!

    cheers anyway! :P

    Did you get all the info you need? I have a Fazer on V5 so let me know if ya need anything else.

    Grin factor 9 eh? You ride slow then? B)

  9. DAS prices can vary dependant on course/local competition.

    Some companies offer a set course 3/4/5 days regardless of ability or training needed.

    The company I work for refuse to operate like that as every student is different and needs training to suit, we therefore either assess at CBT as to further needs, or if the CBT was done elsewhere we do a 1/2 day assessment on a 125 which counts toward the total training, and allows us to judge the exact training needed to attain test standard.

    Our costs as a guideline are £60/£120 1/2 & full day 125, £75/£140 1/2 & full day 500cc.

    An average ability student would have probably one day on a 125, then 2 days 500 before test, but this does differ frequently dependant upon ability.

    Hope this helps.

  10. Bad news Clare, nobody available to cover me on Saturday so I won't make it :(

    Let me know as and when there are others arranged and i will come along. Travelling never worries me when there's a good road at the end to play on :wink:


  11. Yeah, i got a '98 S reg 600. It's not mint but quite good for a 6yr old machine.

    I don't get much time for rides out as I work all week and use it for instructing at the weekends. We have the odd ride out from the training school, but mainly as advanced training sessions!

    I signed up to FOC-U recently and am keeping an eye out on the events, Hartside's quite a treck from down here in Birmingham, but I'm trying to get the day off and will get up there if I can.

    If all else fails there will be plenty of future opportunities :wink:

    I use Bazz FZS600 on FOC-U, what's your user-name there?

  12. PMSL - I noticed the the date on FOC-U :wink:

    Yeah the bike looks cool, better than my old ragger!

    I'll not know about work until the middle of next week - i've asked a couple of our other guys if one of them will work the Saturday for me, fingers crossed eh!

  13. Hey Fazer6 where've ya been, good to see ya back. :wink:

    Cool lookin Fazer you have there, i'm gonna try and get up for the Saturday if i can get the day off :roll: , hope to see you there :wink:

  14. :hi to the Forum razvan.

    There's no question - go for the Fazer without a doubt!

    It will out-perform the hornet in every department, is much more fun to ride and will cost a lot less to run.

    I use mine for commuting during the week, Instruction at the weekends, and rides out when the opportunity arises. It's light and easy in traffic, but keeps up with mates on larger machines without too much problem at all. 8)

  15. Can you not trace the twat that sent them from their address N?

    If not notify your ISP and and they should be able to.

    I'm with BT Yahoo and their anti-spam filter is excellent. If your ISP doesn't provide spam filter as standard it's well worth either downloading a free blocker ( search for anti spam on google ), or even buying one.

    There are some real sad bastards out there that seem to get a kick out of causing misery to others, all we can do is to keep our own systems as free and clean of crap as we can!

    I have had problems lately from spam and pop-ups which I cured by downloading Adaware SE from Lavasoft. This detects and deletes any spam, spyware, dataminers and trojans which you unknowingly catch from simply accessing the internet, let alone from e-mails.

    If you search google for adaware, go to the Lavasoft link and there is a free download for personal users.

    Hope this helps.

  16. Pretty much the symptoms you started with mate, also any excessive top end rattle/ticking. Get it checked out before it does any real damage - if you drop a valve you're looking at a complete top-end rebuild. Better to spend a few quid now rather than loads more later!

  17. Hmmm, somthing really weird's happening over there!

    I tried again and there was an IPB test site...wouldn't log in so re-registered, now it's showing a sql error message.

    Hope the guy's can get to the bottom of it - i've e-mailed LC to let him know whats happened.

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