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billy sugar

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Posts posted by billy sugar

  1. I have a TW125 and what a pin it has been to get a manual so far best I have beeen told is get a A Yamaha SR125 manual as it is close. Mt mate and me stripped and rebuilt it now the gearbox has jammed Back wheel will only turn so far forward so far back, gear selector will not move the ? to change the gear.

    And my tip is a Dogs testicles one

    The special tool to hold the clutch we did not have one so all I did was use a Tie down strap (thin and long) go round so far and the hook was secured eventually it tightend up and gripped the inner basket to enable me to undo the nut, as it applied equal pressure and no metal on metal it was safe and cheaper than the specail tool required.

  2. I was stripping My TW125 and gound I need a Clutch holder tool too hold the Inner ring to remove the nut.

    What I did was use the strapping from a local pound shop the sort that you strap Luggage or bits onto a car or trailer. It cost £1.00. you wrap the strap round and use a Ratchet eventually it grips the Inner wheel so you can undo the nut and it does so applying even pressure around the whole of the inner wheel. Off cours you wrap it around the opposiste way you want to turn the nut.

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