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Posts posted by Noise

  1. I tried patches, but where im a weirdo i have sensitive skin and they brought me out in a rash so had a fag instead lol.

    Tried the spray which made my throat burn, so i had a fag instead.

    bought a cheap E cig from Tesco and it did work brill till it rang out...........so i had a fag.

  2. I have two slipped discs and sciatica and the frame i getting built for my bobber is going to be a hard tail, just take some pain killers and your be fine :biglaugha: You could always go for a set up like the dragstars have got and hide the shock under the seat or what not so it looks like a hard tail?

    either way keep the pics coming and if you do wanna sell it i could be tempted if the price was right. :eusa_think:

  3. You lucky sod, my sensie was a 5'10" wide animal who enjoyed making you suffer. Our chief instructor is a guy called dave hazzard, he was the England kata coach for a spell. Have you heard of him? O I remember the days when you'd get a noob in who thought he was the business........ they usually didn't come back after 1 class. :hah:

    Na never heard of him, i will have to see if i can google him. Yer i have a Sensei that dose our grading who keeps us in sumo stance for about 5 mins just for a warm up followed by kicks and bunki. I managed to clop a tramp in the head with a well placed hook kick as he ran towards me with a rucksack one night, he had already taken out two white belts then he was running towards me and i terminated his ego.

    I was thinking about getting into Aikido but i would have had to travel stupid miles just to do it so found a local karate dojo instead

  4. I have a 1st dan black belt in Shotokan karate although I have not been to a class in about 5 years.. Used to teach classes but had to get out because the kids came along. I'm planning on going back soon enough... What style do you practice noise ??

    The style i do is Doryoku Ryu Karate Jutsu, which i a slight mish mash of Godu and shotokan. Its all old Okinawa mumbo jumbo but its funny when you get the pissed up polish run into the class picking fights with our sensei, she is only 5ft 4 but has a hell of a kick and punch and um she is rather tasty to watch too :P

  5. My first Hobby is obviously the bike, but then its my 19 months old daughter and the other thing i do is Karate, do it 4 hours a week and im a 5yh Kyu Blue belt Sempi. So im two belts from Black and i help teach classes as well.

  6. I'm in the same boat as you Benny, im in the process of cutting down and getting my self an electric one to help the process, its now going to be the third time i try and kick it in and im more determined this time then ever.

    Just remember the cravings only last about 10 mins so if you can take your mind off it for that first 10 then your be fine, also its the hard bit of braking the habit and routine

  7. Happy new year guys! a liter and a half of whiskey went down a treat over the festive season and a lot of crap food was eaten, now its time to get back into the work mind again :(

  8. Its shit down in yeovil I can tell you that for free lol I have a tide line half way up my car as I had no choice to go though what I thought wad a river yesterday after work. Think the road block was there for a reason lol.

  9. Well Guys and Gals, Seems like the world hasn't ended (yet again) so i think its safe for me to say Merry Christmas and happy new year. Hope you all have a good one and Santa brings you all the best bike related stuff that you wished for.

    For me im off home now to return to work on the 2nd Jan after demolishing 5 or so bottles of whiskey and fix a few bits on Betty and build a new work shop in my new back garden.

    Much love to you all from Keith and the Family

  10. Good O! Like i say its a piece of piss changing the loom they are just tie wrapped to the frame and each plug has its own counter part plug. Best way to attack it is to start at the front, un plug one plug and plug in the new one as you go, at least then you will not loose track of where you are (remembering to cut the cable ties as you go.

  11. Right a quick to do list for this winter. she is still on the road and i got caught out in a Hail storm yesterday when riding to my Karate grading which flipping hurt with my open faced lid.

    I need to re-do my rear fender and its struts as they have sheared off and now the fender flaps about which aint doing it much good, and also need re-painting.

    Need to re-do up the little nut on the throttle return cable as it keeps vibrating loose, so going to whack some stainless locking nuts on there.

    May even go all hog and strip and re-build the motor with new gaskets and re-seat the valves and what not as i doubt this has ever been done and she has done just over 17K miles so it will be nice to give it an over haul.

    Then hopefully i can get saving up to get this frame sorted for this time next year.

  12. What i can see is that first off the pillion foot peg brackets have been chopped off. And yes the rear section has been cut as well to fit the after market street fighter seat pan so if you wanted it back to normal then you will be best off getting it jigged, i know a chap called Baz who is going to do my one off frame for my bike and most likely will charge you about £100 ish to do this work for you if you want his e-mail address?

    As for the wiring, i think its best to just get a second hand complete loom and put that on. Its not hard as the brilliant Jap have made each plug unique to fit its male/female counter part so its just simple plug and play ;)



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