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Posts posted by Noise

  1. Damn it, i missed this one! lol. Lucky i didn't start with my old "Virago's are gay" post again :biglaugha: Only joking.

    Welcome Cobby, we are nice folk here and will lend a hand at every thing. Take most things with a bite of the lip as there are some on here with a strange sense of humor. Great to have you on board

  2. If you want a dragstar to look like that then buy a stock one, slap on a solo seat add straight bars, fit different fender n remove the front fender. Job done n will set you back about £2300 if you get a cheap bike. Just like my bike not much effort in making a bobber. Thats why im getting a one off frame built...........just to be different.

  3. Got a snow warning down here in Yeovil for Friday and Saturday, and i spotted on one weather forecast website that Sunday at 0600hrs its going to be -13! how true that is i cant say but will let you know.

  4. Just a quick observation, the bag you have on the rack could you not get that between to fender and the under side of the rack? Then you can put the tent on the rack thus freeing up the pillion seat. Just get a rubber mat to put on the fender to protect the paint.

    Just a thought? Or could you not place the tent on the front fender with a loose but slightly tight strap round the forks? ive done this with a roll mat but the theory is the same.?

    With them brackets, id say cut the sticky out bit off the bracket mount so that it will sit flush with where the bolt goes in then pop a longer bolt in. But again just an idea.

  5. My Patrol sack is 85L but if you use them snap bags and push all the air out you get loads more in it and all your gear stays dry.

    Agreed colour coded power rangers are a wee bit on the puffy side, saying that so are those bank and accountants that trick out there brand new Harley's with matching boots, chaps etc etc.

    I do agree that if i where to only have the bike as a daily get about to do the shopping etc that these "saddle bags" are a great thing, i just personally hate the bladdey things and rather burn me nuts than put them on my beloved lol.

    EAZYDUZ, take what i say with a pinch of salt, (which you may already do) im just giving my view all be it a very crappy one if you like the practicality of these bags go for them and they are easy to fit to the draggy if your still thinking about one and so are the brackets (just need longer bolts and poss re-location of the blinkers) just a void all tassels and studs :)

  6. Im Voting Foamy next year!

    I too agree with the drugs testing for benefits (think its been brought up a few times?) i think the human rights act needs to be re-written, say if you murder some one with intention to do so and you are found 100% truthfully guilty then you too loose your life. if you are caught steeling then you have your dominant hand lopped off.

    But if i catch the guy who steels my bike or any thing of mine then i will tie then up, sand bag over the head, drive to an location and brake the scum bag down day by day. Its just the "not getting caught bit" you have to think about when doing such act lol

  7. Rucksacks look gay, like you cant afford saddlebags, and restrict your movement to the point where you cant even enjoy the ride.

    As said it was my personal thought on Saddle bags so i was just giving my 2p on how i get around with carrying my stuff about when on the bike. i use my old Army patrol sack as i can easily get two weeks gear in it plus a bottle of water.

    If you want to go a about what looks "gay" again personally Virago's are beyond gay. Look crap, even with saddle bags on or off. But thats just me.

    I can afford saddle bags but why the hell would i waste good money on tat when i can buy proper stuff for my bike to actually enjoy riding rather than lugging crap around with me? Ok if i only had a bike to live with with out the use of a cage i can see that you need a type of carrying device, but again i will always use a ruck sack.

    But i use my bike for going to work with and for fun. No crap bolted to it, no tat, only the necessary stuff to get it through an MOT

  8. Here is a little snippet from wiki http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carburetor_icing

    My mate at work has a Buell Cyclone and gets this a lot and back in late 2011 he was banked round a corner coming to work and this happened and cut the engine out and high sided him off he was ok but has taken him all last year to fix the problem and is getting it back on the road this spring. But saying that it is highly modified and is pumping out 140bhp at the wheel lol

  9. Agreed with Tasky could be a bit of carb freeze, the other thing could be that if she has gone too low she may have sucked up a bit of gunge from the petrol at the bottom of the tank and clogged a jet.

    Quick question tho, have you fitted aftermarket pipes? if so have you re-jetted the carbs? check the spark plugs too to see if she is running properly.

  10. This one will touch your heart.... As a bagpiper, I play many gigs. Recently I was asked by a funeral director to play at a grave side service for a homeless man. He had no family or friends, so the service was to be at a pauper's cemetery in the North Carolina back country.

    As I was not familiar with the backwoods, I got lost and, being a typical male, I didn't stop for directions. I finally arrived an hour late and saw the funeral guy had evidently gone and the hearse was nowhere in sight. There were only the diggers left and they were eating lunch.

    I felt badly and apologized to the men for being late. I went to the side of the grave and looked down and the vault lid was already in place. I didn't know what else to do, so I started to play.

    The workers put down their lunches and began to gather around. I played out my heart and soul for this man with no family and friends. I played like I've never played before for this homeless man. And as I played 'Amazing Grace,' the workers began to weep. They wept, I wept, we all wept together.

    When I finished I packed up my bagpipes and started for my car. Though my head hung low, my heart was full.

    As I opened the door to my car, I heard one of the workers say, "I never seen nothin' like that before and I've been putting in septic tanks for twenty years."

    Apparently I'm still lost.

  11. If the chain and that was on it don't worry about your finances too much as if you declared on your insurance that you use it and your covered for TPFT then they will pay out for you, if how ever you didn't use the chain or your only covered for TP only then fraid you be fucked.

  12. Another prob, why do you use "only think" instead of "only thing"? I have seen some natives using "then" instead of "than" in the media even.. why do even the native English users doing such mistakes? I dont know am not a native English user... :)

    This is nothing, you ever seen the program TOWIE (the only way is Essex) HOLY FUCK now if thats the England we live in now and is what is next for our once great country im shipping off to a fair away land.

    Back on topic tho, id choose the Dragstar any day of the week. yes its a heavy bike but you only feel it when your stopped. As said test ride one and i guarantee your love it

  13. Was that chain on it when it was stolen? if i was you id keep a look out on ebay for cheap YBR parts etc also get you mates to keep and eye out in local fields and public foot paths, its either been chav'd for joy riding or parts

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