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Posts posted by Noise

  1. I recon a crazed pigeon on crack is going to swoop down and take out your head light.

    If not then im also jumping to the electrics gremlin band wagon

    But im hopeing that you get a good bit of luck from now on and just get the servicing grouch instead

  2. Im no techie geek and have no idea what Tapatalk is, when im at home i just google the YOC and up it comes in a nice little lay out thats easy to use and navigate.

    Whereas when i have been Googling things about how to fix my mini near on every forum i try to go on say "how about using Tapatalk" which i always click no.

  3. Looks like the rear lights on these are LED so wouldn't have to worry about a spare bulb for them. Cant really find much on the fronts tho. best thing to do is have a look and take some pics of them the best you can and we can have a look to see what they are.

    best not to stand in front of the light when you take the picture tho, little bit too distracting for me

  4. Yer a lot of money for very little gain, but i guess he gained a lighter wallet and more....................whats the word for it??? know that feeling when you open her right up and it makes your belly turn...............o yer a dirty gash fun factor

  5. Yer true, guess id have to had been in Cal's shoes :biglaugha: still it was a good start to the season, wonder if its going to be another Lorenzo win this year? but if Marquez carries on the way he did Sunday i recon he is going to give both Lori and Rossi a good run for their money

  6. i didn't catch the Moto2 Cupcake, i always seam to miss them.

    Yer granted Cal is a cracking rider in the fact that he is able to compete with the factory bikes etc but i don't know.........he just in my eyes gets pressured into making mistakes. I see your point in what Rossi did, (move or we crash) im just saying that Cal could have just run wide rather than go right off the track and then he could have had a smaller gap between him and 4th place.

  7. Yer i just been speaking to my mate at work and he said to recheck the fuses as even tho they look good they could be broken in a place you cant see. also the previous owner (the bright spark that he is) as put the fuse box underneath the T joint of the washer jet hose.

    More fiddling shall be done

  8. My bike wouldn't start a few weeks ago so i think im safe................................i hope......................................love you grouchy PLEASE don't spread your disease my way :biglaugha:

    Your not ginger are you? they always dish out bad luck

  9. Well what a first race to start the season. Mark Marqez had a blinding race considering its his first race on the big bikes. Lorenzo...................well what can i say he is a cracking rider and showed that last night, but if Rossi hadn't been a complete twit on the first few laps i recon the race would have been a corker between those two.

    Mr Crutchlo really needs to stop letting the pressure get to him, if he had kept his calm when Rossi went for him he wouldn't have gone off and could have stuck with Rossi for a few more laps.

    Just my 2p on the race. did any one else watch?

  10. Yer i agree Tasky, she is no match for a bike but sadly i have to get shot of my Mg as she drinks far too much fuel. (on a fun day bad day she will do 9 mpg)

    Well i have fixed the indicators and hazards new relays and a strips and clean of the hazard switch terminals. Horn now works as i have actually put an earth cable on, clutch works (WD40 and bled the system) brakes work after a bleeding.

    Now here is the new problem, i have no wipers. The motor works as i have bench tested it, but when i turn the ignition on and operate the stalk there is nothing? i have followed the wires from the stalk to see where they go (like a fuse box) but it just goes straight to the motor.

    another drama i think is causing the not working thing is that the plug that goes into the motor has been cocked about with. there are 5 wires on the plug, one of which is black (which i read on line is earth correct?) that has been cut and plugged into the red wire coming out of the motor itself?????

    Now Mr Foamy could you at some point take some pics of all the wires on the motor so that i can see where they are plugged into etc. i have wiring diagrams but i find actual pictures better help.

    Much love and thanks

  11. Yer i sort a few of them yesterday on my way to work at 0600hrs, all geared up in warm cloths, me i was in Jeans leather jacket summer gloves and my faceless skid lid. Yes i was a bit cold but was loving every minute of it. (well un till the blood warmed up in my fingers :))

  12. Ive read that the indicators get their power through the Hazard switch (which mine is broke) is this true and possible reason why i have no turn signals? ive finally found a wiring diagram for the whole mini but to the un trained eye (mine) its a bit of a cluster fuck. but im sure after a few cups of tea and a smoke i can crack it.

  13. Morning all, hope you had a good Easter break?

    Well i finally got the old girl, not that much wrong with her to be honest but what is wrong with her is long winded and annoying. I fixed the clutch which took the whole of 10 mins, slave cylinder piston stuck so a squirt of WD40 and re-bleed the system sorted that out.

    Ive re-bled the brakes as they where jammed on. Now its the hard part, the electrics, nothing on the stalks work (no indicators, wipers, horn etc) but they all work when i but + - wires straight from the battery. using a circuit tester (old indicator :D) i have found that there is no power going from the stalk itself so i need to figure this one out.

    After this its onto cleaning the carbs and giving it a good over due service

  14. O well grouch, just another one to add to the list of things to go wrong lol I think your bike is just trying to give you a NVQ in Mechanics :biglaugha:

    Easy fix tho, just need to drain petrol, remove tank and seat and you should be good to go.

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