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Posts posted by Noise

  1. When i left the Army i did a Christmas temp job in Currys and i know what you mean Foamy some of the customers and mainly the work force are complete c**ts! I'm just glad it was a temp job and i wasn't asked to stay on lol

  2. Yer im phoning up the kennel club later today to ask them whats the best/right questions to ask the rescue center about the dog but Ive already told the missus we are only going there on Friday to "LOOK" will take her out for a walk and that to see what she is like she is a 2 year old golden Labrador Husky X (gold lab but with bright blue eyes!)

  3. +1 nice hot hair dryer followed by a soft plastic scraper like credit card type thing followed by meth spirit to remove sticky stuff. no harm will come to the paint work unless you are rough with the plastic scraper.

    But def start off by heating the little bugger up with the missus's hair dryer, fantastic bit of kit! i used her's in doors one to help dry my wrinkle finish black paint lol

  4. Lol na dont worry dude i exactly the same when i write things........makes sense to me when i write it but every one else don't pmsl.

    The missus isn't petrified with every dog out there its just German sheps as her next door neighbor had one that bit her but she's seen some about and meet one of them that a right old soppy git n fallen in love with him but as we all know all dogs have there own traits so can never trust a dog 100%. would you trust every human being 100%? um.....no lol

  5. my feet do vibrate side ways when at high speeds......(normally start to go at 85 then at 90-95 im squeezing the tank with my thighs) but i also have short stumpy pegs that i got off my mates race bike.

    Again as tasky said you can adjust the leavers as per the manwell so shouldn't be too hard to solve.

  6. Very nice! i do like the XS engine id love to do an XS 650 bob but just aint got the money.

    Where did you get the fake oil tank from? im after doing one on my bob but just not with the box style that you have. im thinking an old fire extinguisher??

  7. Yer i know its shocking! the missus gets a similar result too, she's only got a KA but if she fills up at ASDA she gets less miles than if she fills up down at Co-Op im not sure if its the supplier of the fuel or what not but i do think that there is different qualities of the stuff, bit like say a British prostitute and a Amsterdam prostitute lol

    like this old saying

    "Alcohol free beer is just like licking your sisters fanny..........................tastes the same but its just not right!!!!"

  8. Sorry to hear this man, but as long as your still breathing and aren't a vegetable then that's all that matters!

    Will you get another draggy or you gunna have a think of some other toy?

  9. I would advise against getting any big dog that you can't bring up from a puppy.

    Whys that then? its just that the last dog we had when i was living with the folks was a blue merl colly called Trip and he was a stray which we got from a rescue center and he was a fab dog, very affectionate and loyal, still had a bit of stray in him as when we walked him he just totally ignored us and done his own thing till we showed him his bone n he come running back.

    I see what you are saying in a way but if every one followed this advice then no big dog will ever be rescued and will all be off to Davey Jones locker.

  10. Ive not really tasted the old stuff so i cant really comment on the taste but i know if i fill up the car (MG ZT 2.5 V6) at ASDA with say £30 of normal petrol it will last me bout 150 ish miles may be more but if i fill up down at Co-Op (used to be Texaco) the same amount of fuel i would get 250+ miles driving exactly the same! so i bet they do chuck some sort of health and safety crap into the mixture which drops the mileage and performance out of it!

  11. Well its all booked, next Saturday at 1400hrs we are going up to Taunton to meet Tammy, she is a 2yr old Labrador X with Husky (gold coat with bright blue eyes) very friendly, great with kids and other dogs but can be dominant to other dogs at home, she hates cats and will chase them all day.

    She was re-homed but her new owners had chickens (i say HAD) lol Tammy thought it was Christmas come early.

    We are just going up to meet her and see how she is, and how the missus is with her etc then we will most likely go up another 2-3 times to bond etc and then if all goes well hopefully have her in a few more weeks.

  12. She's lovely, but i think she will be far too big for my missus lol she is petrified with proper big dogs sadly. but i think a German Shep is the "ideal" size for both of us, she likes small rat like dogs where as i like a "mans" dog...... so a happy medium i think we shall go for.

  13. Let me guess Kev.......its called spike? pmsl! :biglaugha:

    I like all dogs but Staffies are not the dog for me to be truthful think they mainly attract chav attention etc also the missus HATE's staff's so i think that is one breed thats a no go but its still sad to see that the majority of dogs in rescue homes are staffies.

    I think we are set on a German shepherd just need to get this fucking mother in law to see sense :madflame:

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