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Posts posted by Noise

  1. Not a problem mate any time! i know what its like its a pain in the chocolate star fish till you get it spot on! ride it for say three four days, (long rides) then say at the week end take the plugs out and check what colour they are, if black then your too rich, if its going white then its weak but seeing now you have bigger jets you may find that they will bee a bit black as you have more fuel going in ;)

    Now go out and enjoy the bladdey thing!! :D

  2. Them duke noise " are a handfull, tons of torque, masses of engine braking, sit high too, makes em hard to ride smoothly, i never enjoyed my ride on one,

    A harley :eek2: read my sig"

    Lol i like the sig!! well i know the Duke looks a hand full and at least now i know some one thats actually owned one so i will take all your advise on board but i guess its like a great white shark or a tiger...............there so dangerous and scary which is always why you want to go see it or pet it lol

    I dunno...........its just that i think i maybe getting the board factor in the draggy which is worrying as ive not had it that long really, i think if it had a bit more torque id be happy with it for at least another year.

    But yes i think i may have to go have a test ride of them to see if i like or even fit on them as im only 5 foot and a fag end! lol

  3. Hi Tom Welcome to the Forum!!

    I too am from Yeovil so if you ever want a chat and cuppa your more than welcome! i done my CBT 1st as i wasn't too sure on bikes as well but after a year i done my DAS test and ive never regretted it! Word of warning tho......the laws are changing soon and i think they are going the way of you doing your CBT then followed by another three or four test after that to get your full bike license which mean you parting with more of your dosh.

    Question tho........being ex forces my self wont the forces your in not pay you to do your test ect? i know when i was in Bovvy they where paying for the lads to take their car test and that and paid for my Tank driving license so y not ask about n see if they will pay for your CBT? always worth a question aint it?

    Any who give me a shout if you wanna meet up.


    Noise AKA Keith

  4. Well i been thinking of a change maybe on the cards but im not too sure......?

    Ive kinda fallen in love with the KTM Super Duke 990 but im also for ever tormented by an old Harley Dyna! both are stupid money second hand as well as out the crate!

    So what do i do? should i keep the draggy and carry on doing what Ive been doing and making her to my tastes or do i start saving and get my all time dream Harley or the pocket rocket Duke? :eusa_think:

  5. Hey guys,

    Just bee on my RBL riders forum and they are planning this ride out if you wanna join? If your up for it i will need to know your name and that ASAP as the dead line is coming up fast.

    Here is the link


    Its all for charity and what i will do is if you give me your name i will put it on my form (as im a member) and then if you print out the sponsor form and get all your mate family members dogs cats and all other people you know to donate some money for this then that will be fantastic!!!!

    As you can see its gunna be one hell of a day and it will also help promote both the RBL riders club and the YOC!!!!

    All the best and i hope some of you can make it! ;)

  6. Na he was 1st in the ejection seat shop for the Harriers, then went into the battery shop for all the aircraft's and that. He used to be an Armour in the RAF back in the day.

    Dirty fly boys!!! lol

  7. My Step dad was RAF then went on to work with Serco down in Yeovilton,

    I think you may find it a complete culture shock when you come out mate! Civvy street is complete and utter wank! i would join back up tomorrow if i could but i was discharged as a P7 meaning i can join any forces at all............EVER :(

    Any way keep ya head down out there n enjoy your time in the forces! its the best job going (in my eyes)

  8. Hi and welcome,

    1st take off the control from the handle bars (should be just two screws) and check for corrosion and loose bits if nothing there then see if your folks have a volt meter and check to see if the power is going through from button to the starter motor etc.

    If no joy there then id say replace the controls. if still no joy then start checking out the starter motor its self.

    Hope this helps.

  9. Hey Man long time no speak!!! hows things?

    Have you checked the woltage of the battery before starting then after starting? just to see how much she drops then switch on the blinkers to see if it drops some more?

    Not sure about what battery is in mine but go onto wemoto.com and buy one from there you should get it through the post with in 2 days. them fit an optimate charger to it to keep it in top condition. ;)

  10. Im With Mr Dickwad, its down to the police mans descresion most of the time and the other day i was at the start of a duel caridge way waiting for the lights to go green and sat next to me in the left hand lane was a cop and our eyes met and all i got was the thumps up lol

    when i first had my straight troughs on i was pulled into to road census by a cop and he looked round the bike and the only thing he pulled me up on was i had no reflector on the number plate but he was a biker and said that he hates the ones MOTers put on the bike so couldn't blame me much and sent me on my way.

    Just be nice to them and im sure they will be nice back,

  11. I've already totalled the side mount once, when I did a lowside round a 90 degree left. Bent it back into shape, replaced the tail light bulb, put a new number plate on, and off I went again. No biggie. I don't believe in "show bike" vs "road bike", I think they're all meant to be ridden, abused, and then later patched up and pampered. That's why to me the average billet barge prostreet bling is "dead", because in my opinion it's only "alive" if the machine is being used.

    My inspiration comes from the Japanese bobber scene. I think they've got the right idea about style and looks, for the most part.

    As for too much black, my personal view is that pure black bikes are an interesting statement that you rarely see on the roads. Mine however isn't going to be entirely black. I'm gonna put some brown leather grips on there, the seat is being recovered in brown leather, and I'm also gonna be adding a small leather pouch just below the seat. The tank and the air filter are gonna have some artwork and lettering on them related to the name of the bike among other things, but it will be kept pretty simple. I might also go with whitewall paint, but I'm not entirely decided yet. The exhaust will be wrapped. There's going to be a few other colour keys here and there to break it up a bit, but the overall impression is going to be of a simple, mainly black bobber with a vintage flavour.

    Black Betty eh?

    Your 125 wouldn't happen to have been this Black Betty would it?

    I'm taking a lot of my inspiration from this particular bike.

    Nope my 125 wasn't called any thing as i didn't have her long. Black Betty is my 650 which you can see the project if you click on the link in my Signature.

    but i did like that 125 in the vid! very cool

  12. Sadly it sounds like you need bigger jets again, i know how you feel man i had my Carbs out 4 times till i got her running good and now i need to take them out again as i just checked my plugs and she is running a bit rich.

    Sadly changing pipes have a knock on effect to the carbs and its all trial and error with setting them back up again.

    Keep your chin up......its all worth it in the end. ;)

  13. Hi Scott better late than never on the intro lol.

    Nice looking bob you have! i too started out on a XVS 125 which i bobbed then moved up to the 650 which is now bobbed lol. one word of warning tho.........i too had a side number plate holder but a little too ken on a left hander and it was soon dragging behind me like a rat on a lead. Don't get me wrong they look good but i think only as a show bike kind of good tho not a practical thing at all.

    Also why not get those shocks powder coated white? brake up the black a bit as there is such a thing as too much black! my bike (Betty) has 4 types of black on her to give contrast and a spattering of chrome with gold headers just to brake up the black.

    any who keep up the good work!

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