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Posts posted by Noise

  1. If only i had a £1 for every time i heard that PMSL :biglaugha:

    Don't worry its now been placed in a "legal" place now, it was behind the rear wheel on a nice bracket (see my link in my sig) but the missus reversed the car into the bike and broke it! £75 down the shitter lol :madflame:

  2. Who wants a set of these just for shits and giggles? im gonna play around with it a bit more to come up with some more designs but this is the first


    The plan is to get some made and park it up at the riders of Bridgewaters branch and see what they think lol

  3. I know my bike was an import and only had the speedo in KPH so they converted it to MPH all it has is a Gold thing on the bottom of the speedo cable (must be some cogs to convert it) and then a sticker on the speedo its self that covers up the KPH with MPH written on it. So if they can do it for KPH to MPH im sure they can do it the other way round?

  4. Check the rear wheel is aliened correctly, i had the same problem with my 125, after it got a new rear Tyre the bloke that put the wheel back on didn't line it up right, and was 5mm too far left!

    Its only 2 nuts that you adjust just make sure that they are exactly the same, either wind them right back then count the number of turns on each one or use a vernier caliper the measure them. ;)

  5. Quick tip that i do in the mornings.................when at a red light knock her in neutral and stick your hands on the cylinder! warms them back up in a jiffy and keeps them warm for about half a mile ish depending how long your hold on for.

    i hold no responsibility if you burn your self, if your dumb enough to hold onto a running motorcycle engine for long enough to not feel it burning then there is some thing wrong with you and you should see a doctor!

  6. ********* EVERYONE BEWARE OF THIS LATEST SCAM***********

    In ASDA whilst packing your shopping into your car you may be approached by two fit looking Eastern european girls wearing only tee shirts and shorts.They approach with a bucket of warm soapy water and just start washing the windscreen of your car whilst you sit inside.They intentionally

    rub their wet torsos against the windscreen as they work,which can be quite distracting,but thats the ploy.

    When they finish instead of monetary payment they ask for a lift to the next nearest ASDA.if you agree they will both jump into the back seat of your car and during the journey will perform sexual acts ,firstly the performance is kept quietly between themselves and you only catch the occasional glimpse of naked flesh in the rear view mirror,but later one of the girls will jump into the front alongside you and perform on you whilst the other goes through your pockets and steals your wallet.........

    This is just a warning to others because I had mine stolen on Wednesday..Thursday ..Friday...twice yesterday and then again this morning!!!!!!

    P.S You can buy cheap wallets in ASDA for 99p

  7. look up there address and ask to view the parts as you don't know if they will fit or not if they are your parts stay cool and call the cops on your way out. O and also the Paramedics............walk back in and beat the fucks up,

    Good luck man hope you get this sorted! O by the way have you reported this stolen?

  8. If you feel like a Knob then do your test and get shot of them for good, but if you cant do your test then get them back on as if your only on a CBT and you aint got your "proper" number of L plates on i.e 2.......then i think your find if you have a spill your insurance is void. thus fucking you up and the other persons involved.

    O and how dose 3 points and a £60 fine for each L plate not displayed sound?.................................is it really worth it?

    Bike looking cool....crash......insurance void......pay out for damages.....3 points for no L plate.......3points for accident........£60 fine for no L plate= one stupid thing to do.

    I'm not saying you are going to crash but its just one scenario i thought of using.


  9. Pull the actual wing mirror clock wise till its tight then push it anti clock wise this should loosen the whole thing and is easier than using a spanner on the bottom half of it, you may find tho that the mirror will come off and leave the bottom half still on the bike but at least then you can get a closed end spanner on there which will help you not to round off the nut.

    One more thing tho mate.................i WOULD strongly recommend you introduce your self in the new member section as you will get a very un happy welcome if you dont.

  10. Hey Mate the hyper charger its self will fit the 650, you will just need to get a new bracket that will fit it onto the 650. Could always try e-bay to get one of get some one to Fab you up one for you?

    O and remember you will have to re-jet the carbs for it to work right. That's the Mains jets, Diaphragm Needles and the pilot jets.

  11. Hey Guys

    Basically i have been wanting to do some thing for the Poppy appeal for some time so thought that i would walk from Yeovil to Templecombe in combat boots, trousers and carry 15kgs in a patrol sack + high viz vest. I would carry more but after injuring my back whilst in phase 1 i think id crumble within the first mile but the way i see it as our lads and lasses are serving in horrid conditions and are most likely in both physical and mental pain each passing day i think this is little in comparison.

    This will be happening just before remembrance day and will be on a Sunday due to traffic as parts of this route is with out path ways so this is what im asking if poss? would any of you guys either like to join me in the walk or provide a motorcycle escort? seeing that we are a motorcycle club and that these fantastic vehicles don't take up that much of the road at least if the Cage drivers feel that its safe to over take they can take that opportunity.

    I have posted this on the RBL riders forum so i will keep both you and them posted so that there isn't just me walking/running and 100 bikes escorting me or 30 people running / walking and one bike escorting lol.

    The route which is "13.1 miles" (car says 12 but hey) and should take roughly 4 hours ish to complete.


    All comments welcome.

  12. we we're all there once! (apart from the more vintage amongst you...)

    Nope not me mate, i only had my 125 / L plates for 7months, got fucked off so passed my DAS and now i can go up hills at 35mph now! Woop Woop!

  13. New part is now bought and off to pick it up on Saturday, which is a pair of Harley Davidson Fat bob split fuel tanks. :D There will be a little bit of work needed to get them to fit but where there is a will there is a way and with the weather acting like a complete twat then i have some time on my hands to get it done as there has been no riding at all for the past 2 weeks!

    O and i will soon be saving up to give some pennies to this bloke to build be a complete One off frame! but first gotta finish paying off this wedding of mine.


  14. O ARTHER!!!!!!

    I see this moped rider every bladdey day and i always nod at him yet he never nods back, so the other day i seen him and gave him the finger and guess what he gave me two in return.......so they are capable of communication lol

  15. Have you ever played "FRECKLES" ? now thats fucking sick!

    This is to determine who's getting the next round.

    You all sit a round a table with your drinks, put your chin on the table, one lad takes a shit on the table then slaps it making it go every where. who ever moves out the way buys the drinks lol.

    now i dont know whats worse........laying the shit, slapping the shit or even participating in this game lol

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