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Posts posted by Noise

  1. Spence..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................









    Sorry to keep you in SUSPENSE but im still waiting for you to introduce your self in the new folks section of the forum, THEN you might get some helpful info.

  2. If your after hints / tips/ ideas for a bobber check out my bobber project.......................just click the link in my sig, there is also Auzz's 650 bobber in the gallery, Paul Whites Bobber (125cc) in the projects section and Berties purchase in the gallery section which has now been bobbered.

  3. See the first time i quit i stopped for 3 or 4 months and really didnt miss it but then that day i had one its was as if id never stopped. im finding it hardest at work because when it got quite or there was little going on id have a quick smoke then off i went again or if i just needed 5 mins away from the desk / warehouse id nip out for one, but now...............................im finding my self just sat at the desk making circles with me thumbs or just walking round the warehouse looking at 20 year old stock lol.

  4. Yer guess thats one thing i need to do and find some thing to distract me. I also love the smell of fresh baccy! (Blue Drum is what i smoked or golden Virgina) lol

  5. Right, i am now quitting smoking for the second time now last time i quit by cutting right down and deliberately leaving my baccy at home so i couldn't smoke at work and when i did have a smoke after work it would make me feel so ill i just stopped! (Yay me) But then after finding out another one of my mates i went through phase 1 training with got killing in Afgan i started again.

    Well i haven't had a smoke now since 1200hrs yesterday but im now craving them, i cant use patches as i have lady skin and they bring me out in blisters, the gum is shit and so are them little tablet things in the blue packet.

    So my question is........how can i curb these cravings!? i was a habbit smoker and like the social side of it, so ive broken the habbit but still go to the smoke hut for a chat and that.

    Cheers for the advise/ tips in advance

  6. Just a quick tip for the ladies.

    When your man asks for a blow job don't moan about it!

    Just remember ...............its easier to swallow a table spoon of salt than it is to lick a dead fish!

  7. A cordless battery drill doesn't have that problem.

    Um yes it dose lol, Turn off all the lights in your living room and pull the trigger on your cordless drill, your see some nice blue sparks coming out of the little vents above your hand lol

  8. You cant spell crap with out RAP!

    This shit does my head in, clever non the less but i guess with all the free time these chavs get whilst on benefits spose they need some thing to pass the hours of their useless presence on this earth lol

  9. Well i guess this is an introduction (just now in the new people section) so i will chip in.

    The dragstar are not the "best" bike in the corners, im for ever either touching down the foot pegs or my ankle on most twisty roads. 0-100 times................well your still be timing it next decade as they don't really get to 100mph.

    As for Bobber parts, there are tons of aftermarket parts for the 650 you just have to look in the right places but remember what a bobber is.............a stripped down motorcycle that has every piece of useless shit taken off, just have enough stuff on it to pass the MOT and thats all you need. Also you may find your self making your own stuff from sheet metal or what not if you want that one off look and not the look of a bike that ridden through the high way hawk catalog.

  10. Um. Im not sure really, lots of very nice bikes out there and I think I would just have to have one bike for each day of the month!

    But just for shits and giggles think id get a Y2k bike lol. Jet engine with two wheels.......... .yer id go red neck for that! Lol

  11. Sorry sacha im afraid I got dibs on your dads flat head! Im gunna marry him just so I get it lol. I will try n get you a pick of billys bobber but im at home sick at the mo, got chest infection but as I have bad back the coughing is doing me in.

  12. @Paul. Yer I think it would be best to have this how to section only avalible to paid members etc. But also to stop us over loading the server make sure people dont post the same thing twice but instead if some one has a better way or different way they can simply just add a reply to it like a normal post.?

    And no I never got into school boy slang lol

  13. Well i got bored after 5 mins and i spotted two things that would have buggered your day off if you wasn't switched on.

    1:57 a car driver (silver pug) doing the normal thing of not indicating and most likely not using his/her mirror and pulled across the next land thus meaning if you where a little faster or watching someones mirror in case you hit it then you'd be brown bread

    3.44 Woman crossing road where you would have only just spotted her and the last min (if you was going faster) as your vision is blocked by other car drivers.

    Not bollocking your riding mate and i see that to make any progress in London this Skill needs to be put into use.........Just stay alert and don't switch off! don't Matter how many years you been riding or what not, If a car driver wants you off then thats it.

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