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Posts posted by Noise

  1. Yer i too am confused as to why we are still there considering that your out there to train the afgan police then you find that the pricks are now dressing up as police and shooting guys! personally i think we should fuck em and Nuke the pricks lol near on every country now has tried to help them out or in other cases invade and look at what happened........nothing! you aint gunna change a tigers stripes

    Nuke every mountain and any other taliban occupied area and have done with it............ job bobbed. but this is why im not a member of parliament lol

  2. Well last Friday i was nearly taken out by a Lithuanian driver, Left hand drive non British number plate and pulled out in front of me after making eye contact, i was that close when he pulled out i had no time to brake so had to make an evasive maneuver around him and lined my fist up with his mirror. I then pulled over and he pulled up to my right hand side and gave me a lesson in speaking his native tongue which i replied with the international sign of fuck off you total prick and had his other mirror. :)

    So in conclusion............treat every one on the road as a threat, no one drives perfect, we all have our bad habits just need to learn to look out for the signs these total full on fucking fuck whits give out and react accordingly

  3. Very nice! id love to say my parents had a double garage...........no wait my dad does but he's a cunt so that dont count lol

    The weather is truly shite it better start getting better soon or else! Shame that you have only done 330 miles mate, not good when you have a brand new bike that you cant ride!

  4. I strongly advise you taking your number off this post and just ask people to PM you, this site can be viewed by any one at any time all over the world and i garrentee your get some horrid phone calls and messages!

  5. Ive heard that, that Mantis stuff is pretty good, it must only be the top layer (lacquer) that you have scratched so the mantis pen will fill that in for you.

  6. +1 do you direct access as it is easier on the bigger bike as you have the torque to get round while doing your slow moving stuff. in stead of having to raise the revs to pull away n stuff you just........well........pull away lol.

    And again i will second the fact that the laws are changing in Jan and thus your be forking out 3 times as much as you will be now.

  7. Theory 5: Man who run in front of car gets tiered but man who run behind car gets exhausted!

    Theory 6: It take many a nail to make a crib but only one screw to fill it.

  8. Well more offerings to the Bobber god came through the door yesterday consisting of new For dust seals as the gaiters had perished some how and i highly doubt the seal have ever been changed but i guess i should have done them when she was off the road lol.

    Also the new clutch cable arrived so im one more step closer to the suicide clutch and jockey shifter just need to fab up a few bits to link up the cable to the gear leaver then i have to weld up the chain links to the shape of my shifter paint and bolt on.

    And lastly i got a new number plate which maybe a tad smaller than normal :D but not too small lol

    Pics to shortly follow.

  9. beating up small people because you're fucking closet-gay-Blue Oyster retarded try-hards who all want to be Sons Of Anarchy but don't have the fucking balls to move out of your mum's house......

    Something like that?

    YER!!!! Fucking biker bummers!


  10. Well i have finally found a set of Z bars for the bobber and at a fantastic price of £51 rather than the normal £98+ the only thing is that is was on the American Amazon site. Not a problem as i have ordered things from America before with no probs at all. BUT NO!!!!!!!!! not this it, i cant have these bars as i dont live in the US of A. (im not slagging you guys off before you say)

    I mean in today's society and all that bollocks surely we can all send money from one another and send a box across the pond? its not that hard. So i thought ok i will just go on the UK Amazon...........................HA! Dont do them plus the ones they do, do are in excess of £100 plus postage!

    So any of you lovely Yanks out there mine if i send them to your gaff n then pay you in sex to post them to me? :D im worth it

    O and this is the little buggers


  11. Rather than wD40, Try GT85 LINKY It smells of polish not oily and protects better. In my humble............

    Smells great burning off an engine.

    Yer i got some GT85 but i find WD40 is better at driving the water out from the nooks and crannies. I use the GT85 to clean my desk in the shed lol

  12. I too was shocked when i got mine and even asked the bloke if it was real or if his computer had gone tits up and he was just using a knocked up version he done on excel lol but nope its all legit.

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