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Posts posted by Noise

  1. Yer im with Tasky, the dragstar is a much better bike, its not actually much longer or taller than the 535 just a more beefier looking bike. My mum had a 535 and she is about 4ft and a fag end so it fitted her very well but she said it handled like and bag of shit of caster wheels and she was grounding the pegs on most roundy belts.

    But in my personal opinion (as said in another thread on 535's) i think they look shocking bollocks and are best suited with studs, leather chaps and a certain pride flag. But again thats just my opinion. Test ride one, see the light and get a proper cruiser. ;)

  2. Its easy to get there numbers mate, On their shoulder lapels is their numbers so just have a quick glance next time and make a mental note of it. Touch wood i have only been caught by a mobile piggy bank camera but never pulled by a plod whilst riding my bike.

    Bit of a shitter for you bud, but if it happens again id just stay polite and that, because if you know your right and staying true to the law they will have to prove that your guilty before things happen and you more than in your rights to ask to see any convicting evidence to the allegations they are putting on you.

  3. Cant be doing religion, the way i see it, Jesus was just a Hippy Carpenter on Opium that spoke some words that other opium chompers though was a good idea.

    and the Bible, well the way i see that is that it was the first ever "Law enforcement" book. Things back in the day where getting out of hand and the folks wrote a whole Lotta rules that the citizens had to abide by or the rapture would come and destroy every thing they loved. (i maybe wrong but fuck it whats the worst God can do lol)

  4. That's why there indicators don't work, all the electricity is going to the headlights.

    No apparently the reason why modern day cars indicators don't work is because it effects their fuel economy as they draw too much power when switched on. lol

  5. Well i have been pretending to ride the bike as if i had a hand sifter, well as far as putting my right foot down and holding the bike on the front brake as this is how i would have to pull away with a foot clutch. So far its going OK but hill starts are a bit of a cluster fuck lol

    The thing is the look sexy as feck but so do the inverted leavers. O and i have been chatting to Baz who will be making my frame and we are in talks of making my rear fender into the exhaust! :spin2: nice warm ass on those frosty mornings!

  6. Right the new frame will be built next year, i finally found a chap down in Kent that will make me a complete one off frame to my liking and spec for £800, He also sells Springer forks too!!!! but he is fully booked up till next year so i have to wait, which aint a bad thing really as if gives me time to save up a few more pennies.

    The Chaps name is Baz and is brilliant his web site is:


    I'm still not sure whether to run the suicide clutch and hand shifter or if i should get a set of old school inverted leavers? i seen a set on e-bay in gold and they look horny as feck! What say you guys?

  7. Wow its AUZZ! hows it going bud?

    Not sure if its gunna be an easy task to fit an 1100 rear end to the 650. but then again if the swing arm on the 1100 is a direct fit to the 650 frame then it could make life a bit easier. Things you will have to find out first (before buying) is the width of the 1100 swing arm and the width of the 650 frame and also the diameter of the 1100 prop and also make sure it has the correct number of teeth on the prop. Ive had a Google and ive not come across anyone trying this but its always worth a try and i will always lend a hand.

  8. I would ride in the cold and dry but i don't mind riding in the wet as long as i have good water proff trousers as i HATE having wet legs. I dont know what it is about having wet legs? its just a horrible feeling having your trousers stuck to your gentleman lumps and up ye' arse!

  9. I like to watch Chelsea in the Premier League because I like their style of football.

    I didn't know there where different styles of football? i just thought they where all running around the pitch after a ball and kicking it a few times.........................well as they say, every day is a school day lol

  10. Too right he should, I mean I dont follow politics but from what I have heard n seen of him he seams to be quite a down to earth guy and at least tries to up hold what he says he is going to do.

  11. This is to all our members that are across the pond.

    Hope you are all ok from this horrid event and i hope you all manage to recover and re-build quickly. i think i say this on behalf of all the YOC in that i wish you all the best for the coming months and that your Government actually help's out in this tough time in stead of worrying about who is elected and all that other political bollocks.

    Best wishes and keep your chins up.

    But saying that your all Yanks so are always up beat and chirpy! not like us grumpy mumbling Brits :D lol

  12. I have to agree, check for spar from the plugs, if your get no spark, then change the plugs and try again. If still no spark check the wires going to your coils then if the wires are ok and your still getting no spark then check/change coils,

    If your getting a spark but its not starting then take your plugs out n have a sniff, if they are wet and smell of fuel, check the conditions of the plugs and change if needed. If they are dry then you are not getting fuel into the barrels so you will need to check the carbs out to see if you have a block jet or pipe. or you just need to put fuel in the bladdy tank lol :D

  13. But in 1966 the team was composed of players who weren't THE best themselves, yet played very well as a team. How is it no-one does this any more?

    Its all down to money......................Wooney wont play well with Deckem because he earns more per step he takes that wooney! Now ive had a great plan under my hat for ages, its just i can't seam to get FIFA's backing to the idea.

    Now if we plant say two Anti Tanks mines randomly in the pitch and a Claymore by each goal, give the ref a luger and the lines men AK47's it will be a much more entertaining sport! also if there is any racist comments the ref can pop a cap the the ass!

    O by the way i have a patten pending on this idea and im soon going on draggons den so no fucker steal it! :D

  14. Hi Dave and welcome! First and cheap bit of security is to buy a bike cover! keeps the bike hidden and folks cant tell if its a push bike or a motor circle. (out of sight out of mind type of thing) then get a good chain and lock. as for clothing, im a young lad but am in the old school rut and all i own is a leather jacket, draggin jeans and a pair of gortex trousers that i wear if it gets really chilly on the old willy. o and a pair of terminator boots from Lidl for £25 :D

    All in all, good luck with the CBT not that you need it as you really need to be blind deaf, dumb and a complete ball bag to fail it Ha Ha

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