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Posts posted by Noise

  1. Yer i always put super unleaded in the XVS, because i have short ram filters and straight through pipes with bigger main jets she runs like poo on standard unleaded, I have heard that Tesco's super unleaded is some thing like 99RON but ive not tried that yet. What RON in the V-power stuff?

  2. Thats what i done with my TV at Bovvington Garrison, when ever i heard they where doing a room inspection id either throw it out the window (i was on ground floor) or get it in the car as we where supposed to show proof we had a TV license lol

    you could always give me the bike and i will hide it for you lol

  3. God i wish i could bring the draggy in the house! Think the wife would go mental if i did lol you could always strip her right down and hide all the parts away like some sort of demented mass murderer and deny all knowledge that it was there if you get a surprise inspection ;)

  4. I try to do as much as i can my self, normal just read the Haynes manwell the night before, then when the day comes to do the work i have my tool box, trusty Haynes book, bottle of JD and my tobacco and just get cracking. At least then you learn some stuff and it gets you away from the wife for a few hours

  5. I can tell you never worked at the Olympics, having to greet the unwashed masses with a fake smile and resist the temptation to feed the horrible little shits some people call 'children' into the xray machine, every second person asking you "but why cant i bring in this 2 litre bottle full of water?" to which i eventually gave up and supplied the answer "because coca cola want to screw you for every penny you have by selling you their water instead"

    ah, off topic, rant over, i feel better

    Na never got the pleasure to baby sit the nation on it proudest day. But i can see why you lot got fecked off with it, and personally i would have gotten a mob together to linch G4S (other security company's available)

  6. I think i should back step a bit and apologies to Dowdy for the abrupt first response to his time of need. Its just i personally approached this forum and many others with a polite and informative introduction (like many others have done) just so that Jo Blogs etc knows who / what i am and where im from. There for feel that if any new member that joins can learn from example and not just jump on here rushing for an answer or demanding a helping hand with out even saying hello.

    Ive just been brought up with some manners and still to this day live to the Military core values and it bugs the hell out of me when people (not just forum based) show utter lack of respect & manners.

    :sorry: to all

  7. Yes i do agree, but its come up on more than one occasion that new folk just jump in on a convo or start a new thread asking for help with out saying Hi. yes being a biker is massive grounds to help out, i have done so on more than one occasion when i have seen said biker on the side of the road and ive always puled over to see if they are ok and if they need help or a smoke (if they do smoke that is)

  8. So your saying that if your sat in the pub talking to your mates and some stranger sits down next to you and joins in your convo with out saying hello and introducing them selves is good manners to you?

    I'm more than happy to help folks out but a little hello and some thing about your self goes a long way and takes less than 2 minutes. Yes its a free site to some folk and i personally don't like to give out free info to some one that can't be bothered to just say hello first but as a paying member (like a lot of guys and gals here) we do provide a service (as such) and help A LOT of guys out that are polite and introduce them selves the correct way. Correct me if im wrong

  9. I do filter quite a bit but the only down side to me filtering is that i have 43" wide handle bars so i need to be very careful when doing so. one tip i could give you to gain a bit of confidence in doing so is to find a quite car park or similar and ride on a line at less that walking pace to gain slow moving control. Just remember to keep your head up, look at where your going and not whats in front of your front wheel (use peripheral vision for that) and use your clutch to move the bike with minimal throttle.

    Before filtering be shore to do a life saver, take in to consideration road conditions etc (as stated above) also if the gap is getting really tight then your just have to bite the bullet and stop till the cage drivers start to move again so you can get by. Remember your on a bike so you have less weight to get moving so you can pull away a lot quicker.

    All in all stay safe and ride with your head and not with your ego ;)

  10. Welcome to the club Alex. Yer bikes are a lot more fun than Cages. I drive an MG ZT 2.5l V6 and i tend to find my self trying to drive in the middle of my lane and i don't think the wife like's that when shes passenger lol

    get out on the bike as much as you can get your confidence up and get your self in for the big boys test soon. Bigger bikes are far more easier to ride

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