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Posts posted by Lestat

  1. Hi and welcome.

    It may be nothing or it could have been painted to hide some damage. Did you get a vehicle check to see if the bike was registered as damaged? A lot of bikes have minor damage due to being knocked over or dropped at low speed and it costs a fortune to repair this type of damage back to original so people tend to er....................... make a feature of it. Not saying this is the case, but there is a possibility.

    Hi DirtyDT

    Well I asked the salesman and he told me that it is a regular customer of theirs and the bike has had no problems nor has it been dropped. The thing was I only got a bit suspect as it seemed to be cheaper than any others I had seen. Plus its my first bike so I don't know much about them.

    I will get it checked.

    Thanks mate

  2. Hello All

    Yes I'm a bike virgin but just about to leave that taboo behind. I've just booked my full test for mid April (sh@&ing it abit). Anyway after I left the test school parting with my hard earn money I drove past a bike shop, and popped inside. As I was wondering around looking at the untamed gleaming beasts I came across a R6. It was on a 57 plate with 2600 miles on it, it was the white and red version however the previous owner had all the red stickers removed and had the side panels sprayed like a Perlesant white. The dealer had it up for £5499 which I being a novice to the world of biking thought, it was a good price. Any how I pushed my luck and got the sales man to reduce it a further £200 so I gave him a deposit.

    The thing is that as I was leaving I saw 2 other R6's of the same age but more mileage on the clock, and they where both atleast £300 more. Why might this be?

    I asked the dealer and he told me that there is nothing wrong with the bike it's just because the owner has sprayed it and it's not the original colour. The thing is that the bike still look really great!

    Am I just getting to paranoid??? :blink:

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