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Posts posted by Louk

  1. Hi,

    Im about to get a new yam r6 2010. The guy in the dealership is saying 500 miles no more than 6000 revs then oil change to break it in. A friend at work reckons hammer it else it wont brake in properly.

    I found this website, http://www.mototuneusa.com/break_in_secrets.htm I am confused between manufactuers instructions and experianced mechanics. My brain says follow motomans advice, I would like to see what you guys think and if any one has had any experainces that might help me out.

    Any advice greatly appreciated.



  2. Hi there,

    I want to buy an r6 within the next 2 months. in the winter i saw a 0% finance deal on 09 r6 costing 7099 brand new. This is the best deal ive seen for a new R6. Does any one know of a better deal? or an existing deal that is as good. Any other tips on buying an R6 would be much appreciated, or any add-ons that i should seriously consider. i.e security ( datatool? )

    Thanks for any advice

    Keep Cruisin


  3. Hiya my names Luke and im new : )

    My dads been a biker all his life and my mum joined him, i used to ride bikes when i was young. I have dreamed of an r6 for many years, now its finally becoming a reality. I've passed my test and look at getting an r6 when spring arrives about 2 months. Im thinking an 09 plate on finance in white. Any one got any tips on the best deals and the things to look out for? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    p.s the whole ready for death thing was a joke, im sensible :D

    keep cruisin


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