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Posts posted by cobluecrewfan

  1. sounds like the starter motor clutch bearing is worn

    its a one way bearing when you engage the starter it turns the bearing which spins out and turns the motor over when the engine fires it disengages havin the same trouble with my ride trouble is its a 300 euro fix for mine

    73 tx should be fairly cheap enough to sort seems to a common prob on the tx

    Thank you for your help! I just want to make sure I am understading you correctly, are you talking about the bearing that is on the starter motor itself, or the starter clutch that sits behind the flywheel?

  2. I tried to find a previous post about this issue, but didnt find anything completely similar. I getting my '73 TX500 back to riding condition and tried to start it with the electric start. When I push the button, it sounds like it is engaging, then after a second or so, I hear horrible clanking coming from th left side of the bike. It sounds like a loose chain clanking around inside th cover. I took off the left cover thinking it may be the starter chain (the chain that engages the flywheel and starter motor) and I noticed when I looked at it, it looked to be a little droopy between the chain guide and the starter motor. But when I look at pictures of other guys similar bikes, they also have some droop. I dont want to purchase a new one if it is not that, but I cant think of what else it may be.

  3. I am Ian and have been advised that I have not used proper forum etiqette, so to meet proper qualifications :rolleyes: heres a little about me:

    Name: Ian

    Location: Denver, CO

    Bike: 1973 Yamaha TX500

    Dont really know what else, so there it is!

  4. I couldn't find a thread about this issue, but on my Tx500, I have removed the old seals, which didnt come off completely, and I am trying to install new ones. Here's my dilemma.

    If youre looking down into the lower fork tube, you have a "flange" that the fork seals sits below(thats how they were when I took them out). and with all my might, I am having trouble getting the seal past this "flange." Since the diameter of the seal and its rigidity is bigger than the diameter of this flange I am flabbergasted on how I am going to get this thing in? I have already ruined one seal trying to force it in with a socket and mallet. Am I missing something? I feel like I am missing something altogether, which is why I am seeking the knowledge of you masters out there to help this newbie dork out!


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