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Status Updates posted by lizzybuff

  1. has been throwing kack handed all day at the cadet 150 tri service fun day and had a lovely time

  2. has been cut to ribbons trying to tame the jungle outside the cadet hut.i found two japanese soldiers hiding in one bit!

  3. all geared up for a rabbit cull and not a bunny in sight!

  4. is cross cos the yamaha clutch lever she has just got is further away from the grip than the last bloody one and so has'nt solved the problem at all.

  5. Abstinance makes the church grow fondlers.

  6. i was asked to take part in a survey today, i was asked which celebrity alive or dead i would most like to meet? my reply was Jeremy Kyle....Dead

  7. not catching fish makes lizzy grumpy grrrrrrrr

  8. how many ADHD kids does it take to change a lightbulb? .........lets play football!!

  9. i love to read whilst having a poo... thats why im banned from WH smiths, Waterstones and the library!!!

  10. top tip number one. when going to the other side of the island to fish remember to take BAIT!!!!! arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrggggggghhhhhhhh!

  11. wonders if the first person to pop a can of pringles has stopped yet?

  12. i went to the pet shop, stole a rabbit and made a run for it!!!

  13. ration pack tomato soup is awesome! and contains about 4 billios calories yipppeee!!

  14. my dog is so asleep!! he is now making the same noise as an inkjet printer!

  15. Two planes landed in England today...One brought back a group of over paid,under achieving footballers.The other brought back seven coffins,eachwith the Union Jack draped over them. Footballers play for our country,soldiers FIGHT for our country. Footballers give ninety minutes,...soldiers give their lives...I know who I respect more.... R.I.P. OurBoys. Copy &Paste this to your status, show your support ♥

  16. one month tomorrow smoke free wooo wooo!!

  17. Has a cunning plan!!!!

  18. the hardest thing about dog grooming is trying to get them to access the chat room!!!!

  19. playing football in the house is great, there's loads of stuff to bounce the ball off of!!!

  20. bikes sex foodbeer bikes sex food beer bikes sex food beer

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