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Posts posted by Reecey

  1. I'd be more worried about the wheel rims - 2 miles on a flat tyre is a long way...

    Wasn't a complete blowout, just deflation. I pushed it home those 2 miles reasonably easy since the tyre wasn't 100% flat so no damage to rims.

    Got it all sorted today, I feel like I asked a complete newbie question now that I've had both wheels off, re-set the chain tension and made adjustments to the brakes and clutch! At the time, I really knew nothing about bikes so thank you for your help everyone!

    Just had a great ride, really nice to be on the bike again.

  2. Excellent, thanks for the info chaps. I'm gonna have a go at removing the rear wheel tonight when I get home. The service manual I've got is a scanned one for an RS100, so similar to my RSX-100. The instructions are a bit vague and I'm not familiar with most of the terminology yet but I'll give it a go!

    If I can't get it off I'll hopefully get a mobile fitter to do it all for me. A chap at work mentioned that the chain & sprockets could have been damaged due to the flat tyre, is he right?

  3. Congratulations on the pass and the new bike. :thumb:

    Take the wheel off the bike and take it to get the tire fixed, or if you're not feeling to good about riding with a plugged tire then get a new one put on.

    Thanks for the advice, just been drowning my sorrows in a hot bath. Managed to get a 3 inch screw in one of my car tyres on Saturday too. Been really unlucky recently! I guess I need to disconnect the drum brake cable and chain before removing the rear wheel. I'm thinking as its an old bike it may have similar setup to push bike; as in inner tube and outer tyre. Might I be correct? If this is the case can I just order new tyre and inner tube then fit myself??

  4. Looking as if the gods don't want me to be a biker.

    I bought a Yamaha RSX-100 yesterday after passing my CBT on Saturday. Bikes been running pretty good and this morning I had a really good ride.

    Just been for a ride before it got very dark and the rear tyre suddenly went flat. Just pushed the bike 2 miles home in great anger! What's the normal process for getting a new tyre fitted? Both tyres are in good shape aesthetically, the bike passed its MOT in Feb with these, so I've either got a puncture or perhaps they're just old and shitty.

    I'm just not sure what to do, do I need to transport the bike to a garage some how? I have a car but I doubt the bike will fit in it!

  5. Hi, I had a similar problem today and thought the bike was shagged! However, it was purely inexperience of biking that caused the issue! As the RSX has no gear selection indicator, I had foolishly left the bike in a high gear (about 3rd or 4th I think). Anyway, tried starting it up assuming it was in 1st or 2nd but every time I pulled off it stalled.

    Eventually, I remembered my CBT trainer saying that you sometimes can't get down the gears if left in high at a stop easily. To remedy you have to click down the gears on the biting point of the clutch. I did this and got it down into 1st and everything was fine after that!!

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