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Posts posted by Mckay

  1. Hi and welcome to the sanitorium, I cant think of a better way to start biking-a bonnie wee custom she is :)

    a quick hello to another new member like myself have fun :D

    Welcome to the asylum, thats a nice little bike you got there, doesnt look like there's a lot to do to it is there?

    thanks for the welcome!

    there is a few things i need to do, need a battery, new ignition lock, switches on the handlebars are knackered, a new clutch cable as its seized. thats for starters, i have been advised to take the head off and get new valve stem seals as they were leaking slightly before the bike went into storage.

    i'll gradually get there over the next few months as i do my bike license :)

  2. Evening folks! Just thought i'd pop up a post and introduce myself. I'm new to the bike scene and have recently acquired an XS250 US Custom through a colleague at work. It has been sitting in his garage for over 10 years and he decided it was time to have a clear out. I have been wanting to get myself a bike license for years and this little project is just the thing to motivate me to get it done :D

    Its a great looking site you have here, and i'm sure you will be seeing a lot more of me.


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