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Posts posted by add76

  1. I did a DAS cousre in march this year (passed first time yeah :) ) honestly never been on a bike before that. The instruction i got was excellent, CBT was just as good, as a car driver, i do remember thinking holy f*** there is no one else to give it clutch or brake if i am being stupid, when we went out on the 2 hour road part. The training was adequate for actuall controls on the bike. looking back perhaps it should be split in to a two day course. but thats all retrospective as i had road experience. I think that worked in my own favour.. but I did get excellent teacher.

  2. Crash bungs cost a few squid.

    Fairing costs hundreds.

    If ever you drop the bike, the ground will hit the bungs, not the expensive plastic, mirrors, bars etc.

    Short answer: YES!!!!!!!!!


    Good point, I will look into it. Never anyones intention to drop there pride and joy, and I am also very aware I have very little real world experiance riding. Funny, if my car gets pranged I just think oh well insurance job, If my bike got pranged bad (say if I ended up dropping it )I would just be mortified lol... thanks for the reply.

  3. Hi, I am a new rider just got a Thundercat only had it two days and not been off it (bless the weather) it is so much fun.

    My brother has been riding a few years and suggested I look ito getting crash bungs fitted.

    Do many Thundercat owners out there have them? what do you think? good idea?

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