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Posts posted by divster

  1. My attittude to kids riding pillion is as near as possible to the attitude that I have with adults -----

    I won't ever encourage you to ride motorbikes either up - front - or on - the - back.

    That decision is YOURS !.

    Once you have made that decision I will help, advise, insist and all of those things BUT NOT BEFORE

    The big difference with kids is that YOU must apply the common sense that they lack.

    They only think that they know everything BUT you KNOW that they don't.

    Once they have idicated a desire to ride I apply the basics ----- can they get on and off ? ---- does their leg length actually allow their feet to reach both footrests (at the same time) -------- are they physically strong enough to hold - on.

    You (hopefully) have the common sense and you must let it prevail.

    It is much better for you to have erred on the side of safety than living with the knowledge that "you didn't"

    yes the decision is mine , i have thaught about it for a long time ,my kids have grown up around bikes theyre helping me with building the bandit they like to watch moto gp ,i have NOT encouraged my daughter in the slightest its my daughters desire to come on the back of the bike she came and spoke to me about it,and ive told her when the time comes that i feel she is big enough as for any of my kids then and only then will i take them out on the road i was mearly asking as how the law stood

    the eldest can get on and off yes she has got the strength in her legs ( trust me shes kicked me in the bollocks before so i know)

    dont think for one moment that im gonna be a complete fucktard and take them out now before i know that theyre ready i aint that stupid :angry:

  2. urr the bus and about 20 cars thats what stopped :blink:

    let me think i can spin a wheel a bit more, knacker another tyre and piss of my neighbours even more :lol::lol:

  3. ahh but were gonna get black gear so comes the joy of hand me downs, once the eldest is grown out of them my lad then the other daughter is only a midget so itll be a bit before shed get into them , so itd only be the helmets wed have to replace

  4. i have my roof boxer with iridium visor , i use that because i have glasses and dont have any sunglasses so that options out the window, i have been pulled by the coppers but i always carry my clear in my tankbag so switched it while he was writing a ticket for a stupidly small numberplate :angry:


  5. the divvy has still got its grab handles on and also got this rack given from a lad on one of the other forums i go on


    i will be getting some of those love handles cos theyre a dam good idea , gonna go have a nosey at hein gerike too

  6. my daughter is 7 and keeps badgering me to get the gear so she can go on the back with me is there actually any laws that say they must be ..?..old or ...?...height or what :huh: i know theres a lot of bikers that do take their kids on the back

    this is her at the rock and bike night at squires cafe (the owner asked me if shed like to sit on the bike) mind she can bugger off if she thinks im buying her a harley... yammy yes for sure :D


    and the twins more bikers in the making (my old gpz750r)


  7. Oop norf...............lovely place,my (much) better halfs from up there where they all wear flat caps............and have biiig heeds on their lager.............. :huh:

    I,for my multitudinous sins,am living just a stones throw from the M5.........a really,really GOOD throw..........y'know,like one of them skimming stone type things...............

    Forgive me if I witter,too much loud music/swarf/bangs on t'swede/loud streetfighters................all good fun!! :lol:

    ahem..bitter me o'pal bitter not lager youve much t'learn noot better than a nice pinta john smiths with a bacon egg an' black puddin buttie ;)

  8. Very nice divvy that,av just joined this forum and just got my divvy in middle o december.

    enjoy it bud, the piccys actually make mine look better than it is (just like the ugly stig pose of me :lol: )

    thats why its getting matted as soon as hide the rust <_< (its a all year ride)

  9. had a bloomin good day at work im working on the bins, normally just same shite different day but today well...

    rule of binmen ,

    if ya see summat ya want tie a bag round it

    well just so happens that i pulled a suitcase with the rubbish out of a garden so decided to nosey in see what was in it cos it was heavy

    anyhoo couldnt belive my luck :blink:

    full set of belstaff 1 piece suit and some belstaff boots



    checked them over all armours there no splits ,rip tears ee im chuffedtabits

    tried it all on and it fits great now i can be a power ranger wooo

    oo had to do a stig pose :lol:


  10. besides hooning round on the divvy im also in the middle of building this




    the specs

    bandit 12 frame

    zxr750 forks/wheels

    gsxr750k swingarm

    gpz500 front mudguard

    z650 seat unit

    gsxf600 (teapot) engine , hopefully to be replaced with a gsxr750 lump soon

    akrapovic oval can

    bandit 400 brakelight

    been working on it for the last 18 months mainly weekends(few midnights too) and its cost 500 quid so far B)

  11. aye ta very much fert welcomes,

    oo eck did i say abuse,i meant to say ridden fast but not exeeding speed limits cos im a nice law abiding citizen :lol:

    it get a good blast through to squires cafe at sherburn a fair bit and its been round olivers mounts a few times

    ive recently decided to get another bike i had my eyes on a fj11 for a while , but the more i look/ride the divvy i decided to keep it , its just gonna get a coating of matt black and a few other touches ;)

  12. eyup all , just signed up so thaught id show ya my bike

    the names divster im from yorkshire and im abusing a 96' xj6 divvy

    it started out it was a mates so we swapped my kwak gpz750r (non runner) for this xj

    was in pretty good nick apart from the fairing which was trashed


    so i decided to take it off


    basically run it like that since been used abused generally turning ratty



    the latest problem was the immobiliser :angry: that went tits up so i traced it all and tore the begger out :D

    and i managed to get a renegade race can off ebay couple of years back (i was gonna use it on my bandit fighter im building) but decided to put it on the divvy, its not finished yet so its been ridden with a insanly loud slash cut pipe

    but this is how it'll look


    it also has a renntec rack on and the next step will be a nice coat of matt black ;)

    look forward to chatting to you lot , now im gonna go have a snoop round the site

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