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Posts posted by Jenny1000

  1. You're braver then me. I wouldn't be comfortable getting a brand new bike as my first bike! I spilled my bike and scratched it up and was sad to mess up the paint on my 1995. I can't imagine how bad I'd have felt about messing up the paint on a brand spanking new bike!

    My bike's a Virago 535. I can't imagine that I'll ever out grow it, but a lot of folks disagree with me on that statement.

  2. Some of the flowers are just like the forget-me-nots on my shoulder :-) That's really beautiful. I'd be curious to see the piece once it's finished.

    I am trying to figure out how to do my Yamaha tattoo (it's a flower called a Stelladora, my bike's the same color as the flower, and the flower is the perfect tat except the color, and changing color changes flower).

    Yay for new ink!

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