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Posts posted by Tug

  1. Hi Tug! Do you mean FZS600?

    No, i ment FZ600 lol, but i was so tired my mind was numb :P

    I bought it in ipswich, rode to cambridge, then back home to portsmouth, not a bad

    first days riding. And do i ache now lol

  2. Porstmouth, just came back from sunny Gibraltar, where i spent 2 and a half

    years working, hated every minute, the sun, the diving, the golf, the ale. I dont

    know how i survived.

    Just got back in to bikes after a long long break, did my test out in gibraltar £125

    course test and licence. A nice place to learn, they drive crazy out there lol.

    More a case of survival of the fitest/fastest then anything else.

    Looking forward to getting out on the bike (FZ600 newly bought).

  3. Greetings all, im a 38year old kid that has just purchased a FS600 1988.

    My first ever bike was a yamaha RD50 and i loved it.

    I havent got a lot of experience in bikes, this is only my 3rd bike (*whispers* 2nd bike was a honda CB250).

    Looking forward to learning more from you guys an girls.

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