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Share a laugh with motorcycle-related jokes, funny stories, or humorous anecdotes.

  1. Started by DaveBasher,

    Hi all newbie here, How do I find out my Yamaha owners club membership number? Regards

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  2. Started by drewpy,

  3. Started by drewpy,

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  4. Started by drewpy,

    Two wives decided on a girlie night out. On the way home they needed a pee and nipped into a graveyard. Then they realised that they didn't have any wipes to finish up, so the first one used her knickers, and the second one found a wreath and used that. The next day one husband rang the other and said 'No more girlie nights out, mine came home with no knickers on'. The other said, 'Well if you think that's bad mine came home with a card in her crack that said 'From all of us at the fire station - we'll never forget you.''

  5. Started by drewpy,

  6. Started by ScottLee,

    I hope this comes out as it so fooking funny. The Yorkshire accent makes this all the better 🤣 w4POSqOqO2.mp4

  7. Started by blackhat250,

    Whats with the blank page , wen switching between posts,, its annoying,, as fk ,

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  8. Started by drewpy,

    Jokes about white sugar are rare. Jokes about brown sugar? Demerara.

      • Haha
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  9. Well that's what it says in the Daily Mail today. LINKY I always knew the RD's were rapid!

      • Haha
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  10. Started by Noise,

    I was day dreaming on lunch today wondering if I had the money what 7 bikes I would have (one for every day of the week) So far my list is 30 bikes too long so was wondering what your top 7 are and why?

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  11. Started by drewpy,

    A retired guy sits around the house all day so one day his wife says, "Barry, you could do something useful, like vacuum the house once a week". The guy gives it a moment's thought and says, "Sure why not. Show me to the vacuum". Half an hour later, the guy comes into the kitchen to get some coffee. His wife says, "I didn't hear the vacuum working, I thought you were using it"? Exasperated, Barry answers, "The stupid thing is broken, it won't start. We need to buy a new one". "Really", she says, "show me - it worked fine the last time". So he did videos.files.wordpress.com/Xblfe4qf/retired-vacum-cleaner_dvd.mp4 nicked this from 2 strok…

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  12. Started by Noise,

    Working OK for me

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  13. Started by blackhat250,

    Well that dangerous little f*cker Marquez got his cum-upings , He played the dirty again after last weeks [ Philip Island] and got floored, that"l teach him to f*ck with the BEST , ,, 3 POINTS on Rossi"s licence & stat from back of grid at Valencia,

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    • 9 replies
  14. Started by blackhat250,

    Here JIM, Glen Lyon. Machless, Ajs - and twa Trumpets,

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  15. Started by mike1949,

    I cannot access the random section, any ideas?

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  16. Started by blackhat250,

    Well its official " the wettest July [ in Scotland] since records begun, , west cost= 42 days rain out of the last 60. [june/july] East coast 34 days rain. only 9 days this summer has past 20 degrees, fkn awfull, dark and dismall . fire on every night this summer,,,

    • 7 replies
  17. Started by blackhat250,

    This is how its solved,,, It is a slow day in a little GreekVillage. The rain is beating down and the streets are deserted. Times are tough, everybody is in debt, and everybody lives on credit. On this particular day a rich German tourist is driving through the village, stops at the local hotel and lays a €100 note on the desk, telling the hotel owner he wants to inspect the rooms upstairs in order to pick one to spend the night. The owner gives him some keys and, as soon as the visitor has walked upstairs, the hotelier grabs the €100 note and runs next door to pay his debt to the butcher. The butcher takes the €100 note and runs down the street to repay his debt…

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  18. Started by Chrism98,

    I have a XT 125 and I'm wondering what 'mods' can I do to it to give it that extra power. is a arrow exhaust worth the £200 ? big bore ? gearing ?

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  19. Started by DirtyDT,

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