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For all help and support questions relating to the use of the forum

  1. Started by mickyjay71,

    Hello fellow Yamaha Biker's Just a quike intoduction as I have just bought a 1993 YZF750R . Had a few years off due to injury based in North Yorkshire, England. I'll stick some photos on later .............. :hyper:

    • 1 reply
  2. Started by shergar,

    how do you get in touch with a member here if hes not going on line as im trying to buy something from him but i have no contact number can anyone advise cheers

  3. Started by xmax12,

    Does anyone know how to adjust the headlight beam on X-max 250 (2011 / 2012) model? I found a workshop manual on the net but for 2005 which is not applicable. Can somebody help me?

    • 2 replies
  4. Started by bob,

    hi i have a Yamaha v50p and i am looking fore a throttle cable this bike is a barn find with only 3776 mls totally standard minus battery cover if i can start the motor i will finish the project

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  5. How do I decipher a DT125 serial number? What year is my bike S/N 3TT-087663.

  6. hi all,i've been looking all over for a user/service manual for the yamaha 125 xv ,with no joy,last night riding my bike it started losing power and suddenly powering up,making a spluttering sound,online searches suggest maybe carbs or spark plugs? but as i said im new to biking and i am not mechanically minded,im sure with the help of you guys and a service manual i can get the bike running sweet,cheers all.Dave.

  7. Started by steve 18,

    hi, I have a 99 thundercat, the temp never goes above 60 unless i'm in traffic on a hot day. I've replaced the thermostat but it has'nt made a difference. Does anyone know how to rest the 2 switches on the back of the of the thermostat housing. In this cold weather the temp gauge isn't moving, the radiator is warm which indicates to me that the thermostat has opened and i'm concerened that the bike is over cooling.

    • 3 replies
  8. Started by 135cc,


    • 8 replies
  9. Started by Trollslayer,

    Hello one and all. I have recently bought a RXS 100, 1989 model that is in need of a lot of care and attention. This is the first 2 stroke I've owned since my YDS7 when I was in my late teens. I hope to get this one restored to good working order, with some tips/pointers from you guys (fingers crossed). Thats it for now, I've got a 'needs' list to do! Cheers

  10. Started by sehmarh,

    My name is Harmesh and I am new to the bike scene. I am working my way to passing my test and last year I jumped in at the deep end and bought a tired Yamaha YBR 125 (a non runner). The bike needed alot of work to be road worthy but the main reason was I wanted to learn about bikes. Now I am riding I hope to complete my Mod 1&2 soon.

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  11. anyone know another way of getting the registration number for a blke im restoring, i bought it with no documents, i sent the form of to the dvla and just got a letter back back telling me i have to take it to a dvla office at an appointed time then they will check the bike out then they will contact swansea then they will sort out the number, this will take forever. there has to be another way to cut out all that drama

  12. Started by RolfieB,

    Always believe it's good manners to say a big hello to everyone when joining a new forum, been riding bikes for some 34 years now. 1st yamaha was a DT175 pre mx in1980 the last was an XJ900 a few years ago. Now the proud owner of a TDM 850 (4TX) Problem is it's had a frontal, so I dare say I'll be after advice on interchangeable parts. Also differences between the models. I

    • 2 replies
  13. Started by ferretboy,

    Hello, I am Steve I have just ought an XT600 import from Italy , and will am looking forward to researching parts and information from the forums. Cheers Steve

  14. Started by scfmarshall,

    just saying hi to you all HI.......

  15. Started by Jeff555,

    joined yesterday difficult with phone only may be slow

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  16. Started by DTCHRISK,

    Hello fellow strokers, does anyone know if a dodgy 6v horn is an mot failiure,as i can t get it to work properly! I ve restord the bike with a new battery and new horn,but it just does nt work!!! I know it could be converted to 12v but this surely isn t the answer? help

    • 8 replies
  17. Started by Gunnerypvs,

    Been in to bikes since age sixteen. Most fun bike I ever had was a RD350YPVS, but have had bigger and more powerful bikes since then. Am missing the sound, the smell, the light weight handling and the smiles. Mid-life crisis? maybe? But I'm not sad enough to buy a Harley! Dave (Bristol) PS if the nice person who nicked myne in 1988 could give it back then no hard feelings.

    • 1 reply
  18. Started by blippy,

    Hi folks this is my first time on here,a little about me. I have got a zxr750 zxr400 both matching black purple pink colours,only bought them because the price for such has come down to bargain basement level-both on L reg's Also got a Mint Triumph Daytona 1200k in yellow which i have had on off for 5 years and thats my baby. finally got a 160 Norton dominator in cafe form.# So why are you on here then i hear - well ive just bought the RD200dx in restored form from ebay and also showing on autotrader,i had one of these when i was 17 and the altenator was knacked so after a charge i only got about 30 miles before it packed up-a bit like todays battery cars? Well it w…

    • 4 replies
  19. Started by Irish Gene,

    Hi, wished to attach a photo along with a technical query posting but don't know how to do this.....I am a member of other sites such as www.russianiron.com, www.g503.com and it is very easy to add photos when posting on these. I'm new here so I must be missing something? Thanks everyone!

    • 6 replies
  20. Started by berniebee,

    Why does "warn status" appear under my name? (when I post a reply.)