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7 topics in this forum
don't post here about bikes, birds and anything etc except for forum issues eg photo posting etc. which can be posted in Forum help we will be having a cull very soon, so repost in the correct forum (hint scroll down the page headers) say Hi in the welcome area by all means
- 0 replies
How do I do it now as Photobucket doesn't work anymore for me ?? ?
- 0 replies
hi why can i not post in the random section ? Is it closed cheers nige
- 1 reply
To add a picture to your post, firstly you need have a photo hosting account, for example PHOTOBUCKET Once you have done that follow these easy steps: 1 - Upload the picture you would like to put in your post to your photobucket account 2 - Copy the IMG line of the picture you would like to appear in your post 3 - Paste it into your post Once you submit your post the picture will appear within it.
- 30 replies
Registration Costs & Benefits: http://yamahaclub.com/forums/store/
- 21 replies
You can associate your Facebook account with the Yamaha Owners Club, which will allow your status updates to be seen here, and your profile picture etc. To do this go to My settings from the drop down underneath your name on the top right of the screen: My Settings > Profile > Manage Facebook Connect Select Synchronization Options Enter username and password Done.
- 2 replies
To cancel your subscription to the forum/post which you have subscriped to, which will stop the automatic emails, please do the following: Go to My Controls->View Topics.. Click the checkbox beside the topic you want to unsubscribe to Then select "Unsubscribe" from the dropdown and press "Go"
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