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Yamaha Customs

Yamaha Virago and Star range etc.

  1. Started by LandSailor,

    Hello, I have just got a Dragstar 125 with a rather battered exhaust. Holes all over the downpipes, all rusted and corroded and pretty much beyond repair. I am really struggling to find downpipes on eBay/bike breakers/general internet search anywhere, and I would like to know if the exhaust of a similar 125 would fit?

  2. Started by dennis.kde,

    key lock on right side only allows seat to raise a little. Is the seat hinged or bolted on

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  3. Started by dennis.kde,

    key lock on right side only allows seat to raise a little. Is the seat hinged or bolted on

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  4. Started by Stephanie Walsh,

    hi i have a yamaha dragstar 125 do u no where i can get a new lock set from either second hand or new? was one on ebay a few weeks back but not anymore. Thx

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  5. Started by pinguu,

    Im not great with mechanical stuff, just after some advice on changing the twin exhausts on my xj. ive had it 2 weeks now but wanting to smarten it up but not spend silly money. I was wondering if anyone can tell me if these would fit and would i need to have any work done ie re jetting if they do fit? http://www.demon-tweeks.co.uk/motorcycle/universal-exhaust-silencers/bike-it-universal-silencer-slashcut. Cheers

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  6. Started by x-kid,

    I haven't posted here for a while, been busy with one thing and another. Just wondering if there are any more people on here with a bolt now? i've seen 2 in Reading, a black and a green, are you on this forum?

  7. Started by Venomauzz,

    Hi all. New to the forum and have myself an XVS 650 which has been bobbed. Recently noticed a coupla oil leaks from the engine, one being the filter housing which drips on the wrapped exhaust and smokes like hell when I stop (easy enough fix with a new seal) and the other appears to be collecting on the underside of the engine where the cases join. I'm a little more worried about the latter as it potentially means an engine strip/rebuild which I don't have the facilities to attempt, not to mention the loss of the bike for as long as it takes. So I'm contemplating how difficult it would be to replace the whole engine/box with an XVS 1100 setup? Anyone know if th…

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  8. Started by Motorhate,

    Got a problem at the moment with sluggish starting, i.e. when I start the bike, it turns over really really slowly like the battery is almost dead. Repeat this two or three times and the bike starts OK. I've got a new battery on order but was wondering if it could be anything else? Its an old bike, 2001 reg and just recently serviced. Any ideas?

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  9. Started by Motorhate,

    I finally got the rectifier fixed on the bike, long story for another thread. Anyway, i've noticed since I got it, it runs really hot, has trouble idling sometimes and also the chrome custom pipes are discoloured to a goldeb colour. This, and it also pops when deceleration takes place. I was told that the bike had been rejetted but either it hasn't or its been done wrong, so I'm going to get it done. Trouble is, I don't know what pipes mine are. They long shotgun types with no makers name. Any idea what kit I should get and what stage jets I should fit? I've got my eye on a Vance and Hines kit for around 70 quid.

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  10. Started by Motorhate,

    Does anyone know where I can get one in the UK ? All of the ones for sale seem to be in the USA, dented up really bad and very expensive. I'm looking for one that fits a custom if anyone has one or knows where I can get one.

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  11. Started by inbed79,

    hi all if i fit a set of jardine exhaust pipes to my xvs650 will i need to rejet the carbs thanks

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  12. Started by Banksy,

    Anybody tried fitting one of these before?? I can't work out how to get the top mount of the monoshock. Trying to lower the bike with the use of a kit rather than going all cowboy and j slamming it.

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  13. Started by Norm46,

    Hi all can anyone tell me if i can get a sissy bar with back rest for my ybr 125 custom.? It is a 2014 and I can not find one for it. Would a virago one fit? Thanks

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  14. Hi guys, My virago starts fine, rides fine but as you ride suddenly engine stops as if fuel cut off. When you open the petrol tank lid and closes again, it starts fine. At this point as it starts there is a loud putt sound like silencers blowing. Since lid opening resolves the issue right away, I think lid vent is blocked so that air doesnt go in. There were heavy rains lately and bike was ridden in rains about a month so I think lid is rusty inside? What makes the big blow in silencers? I think this is not sediment issue in engine's gas feeding system since the problem goes right away after opening lid. Thanks guys.. And I made a mod in the rear s…

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  15. Started by Dave-Dr,

    Hi all, i've been searching for a few days now but had no luck, i dont know a whole lot about caliper sizes/fittngs etc so im strugling to find what would fit. Does anybody know of an alternate caliper that would fit on the XVS950? Im aiming to upgrade the brake system, ive got braided brake lines ready to fit, but id like to swap the rear single piston caliper for something with more stoping power, the front caliper is 2 piston radial caliper, again if possible id like to change that for something better.

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  16. Started by STEVE MERVE H,

    Afternoon all, A little advice needed before I take it down to the garage. Was riding to work today all fine and hunky dory until I got to just outside of work and then chugg......No Neutral or 1st gear. All other gears ok. Drop down to 2nd and then nothing on the Gear Lever, No pressure. almost like it never had anything lower than 2nd. I've rode it around the car park a few times this afternoon to see if any change but none. I have to start with clutch pressed as no Neutral. A little history- Its about 2 weeks out of dry winter storage. Had a service just before Christmas with a Fuel pump( if you can call it that ) and HT coil change. I've rode it for a yea…

  17. Started by james.warrenfillbrook,

    Hi there, I've got a ybr custom 125cc, love the bike just don't like the speed. I'm looking to get a big bore kit fitted, now are they easy to fit?? Do they make much difference??? Thanks in advance

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  18. Started by combat41,

    Hi Everyone, Does any body know the dimensions of a fuel tank on an sr125/xv 125 or a xv250 fuel tank ?? I am trying to work out if one of these tanks would fit a 1978 Yamaha xs 250 frame as I am building a bobber and the tank I currently have I think is too long and I want a shorter one. The dimensions are length of tank, width of tank inside/underside, distance between rubber mounting points at front of tank ? the current tank I have is an xs 400 fits fine however I would like it to be shorter, Can anyone help

  19. Started by beemer328,

    Hi All, I am thinking of part exing my Diversion for a custom, although I love the Diversion I prefer the low seat hight of custom bikes. The thing is I need to have a top box on my bike for work but have never seen a custom with one on, has anyone on here got one on there bike? and secondly, I have seen a 250 virago for sale, is the 250 any good or should I hold out for a 535 or 650 dragstar? I think my diversion must be worth around £1500 due to low miles, condition etc and I have around £500 to add to that, would I get something decent for that? appreciate anyones thoughts on this.

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  20. Started by SebE14,

    Hi Dragstar owners, I was hoping someone can take a picture of their existing clutch cable in situ. I am in final stages of a complete rebuild of. Dragstar 125 from 2001. It took a few months and I had the service Manual handy. For the life of me, can't figure out how to attach the clutch cable on the crankcase. I have done the decent thing and introduced myself in the noobs section. Sorry for stupid question

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